View Full Version : Another inset door question

Mark Rios
06-27-2006, 7:38 PM
I went back and read Bruce's thread again but my application is a little different. I am building 4 new cabinets to match the existing cabs in a house for sale and I'm ready to put the doors together.

The doors are full inset doors, and they are inset panel doors (as opposed to raised panel). These doors will be painted.

What gap do I leave to allow for primer and paint. I will also be ripping the old paint off of the edges of the existing doors. There is no less than 1/8" build-up.

I am replacing all the hinges in the kitchen (old hinges were flat and mounted on the outside of the cabs) and installing Blum "120 Clip Top" hinges. (Thanks to Cecil, Jamie and James for their help in getting the correct hinges).

So, how much gap do I allow for a painted, full inset door? Is there a standard paint thickness allowance?

Thanks very much for your advice.

Nissim Avrahami
06-28-2006, 2:06 AM
Hi mark

Please have a look in those posts

All the doors and drawers are inset.
I made the doors 1/8" smaller (both vertical and horizontal) which gives me clearance of 1/16" on each side for adjustment and seasonal changes.
I painted 5 layers of varnish but 1/8" of paint looks to me like a 50 years accumulation.
