View Full Version : Weekend Accomplishments.......

Dennis Peacock
09-15-2003, 1:29 PM
Well, another weekend has come and gone. Extremely nice weather and temps to work in the shop.!!!!! Spent some time working on this CD Cabinet and working on the inlay templates some. The rest of the time was spent working in the yard.

So what did you work on this weekend?

Best of Weeks........

Lee Schierer
09-15-2003, 1:33 PM
You must have had a busy weekend, usually you have this posted before now,

I did a little wood working. I made new front steps with a 28" rise and 9-1/2" run on all steps. Took extra time working with a 37 degree angle. They are level and seem pretty solid, so I guess it all worked out okay.

Jack Diemer
09-15-2003, 1:44 PM
I actually got into my shop and did something for a change. Wife wanted me to build an 18 in tall 20"x30" play table for my daughter (4 yr old) to color and do crafts on in her room.

Built the top with Melamine, wrapped in Oak. Used 8 foot long 2x2 for the legs, and 2 1x4s for supports.

Used pieces of scrap for the Melamine and Oak, and made the rest of the table for less than $10 worth of pine.

Dennis Peacock
09-15-2003, 1:48 PM
You must have had a busy weekend, usually you have this posted before now,

I did a little wood working. I made new front steps with a 28" rise and 9-1/2" run on all steps. Took extra time working with a 37 degree angle. They are level and seem pretty solid, so I guess it all worked out okay.

Well.....I can honestly say that this past weekend was very busy and since I came back oncall for "work"......needless to say that shop time this week will be extremely limited. I just dread come Friday morning. The toughest part of being oncall is the lack of sleep from 6AM Friday monring until 23:00 hours Sunday night. Usually, the first sign of sleep will come around 14:00 hours Saturday afternoon and then the pager starts going off again around 18:00 Saturday evening...then sleep "may" come by sometime Sunday afternoon...maybe.....<b>I hate being oncall!!!!!</b>

Mike Evertsen
09-15-2003, 1:51 PM
I sat in the shop wondering about this guy Murpy and his law,,,

nothing went right this weekend,,,,,,,,,,had four screw guns now I have one that runs in reverse only and three with bad chargers,,,I lost my menards card had to get it reissued couldn't finish the wall,,,re ran my air line water filter won't seal,,,backed my truck into the garage door rail that was on the picnick table scratch down the side,,,,any one have a beer I can cry in....

Jim Becker
09-15-2003, 2:44 PM
Well, the weekend started a little early on Friday with my great visit from Bob Marino and his traveling Festool Fiesta... :D

I didn't get as much done as I had hoped over the weekend proper...Saturday made for a late start as I just couldn't get my engine running. A little shoe shopping with SWMBO got me awake :D and then it was off to the shop sometime in the afternoon. I cut out and built the final remaining bookcase/cabinet for the kitchen on Saturday and milled the lumber for the face-frame on Sunday. I had to make a little "design change" in that I forgot to leave room for facing the shelves that will be behind glass front doors. The solution was to make the face frames thicker and leave the doors at 3/4"...that came to me in a dream sometime between Saturday and Sunday. Sheesh. :rolleyes:

I also got the final two large drawers installed and faced with their false fronts...had just enough double stick tape to complete the job. Finally, I remade the amazing shrinking cabinet door to the correct size and got the color coats on it. I should be able to get the clear coats on it late this afternoon before I head off for sushi and the Bucks Woodturners meeting and install it tomorrow morning before I head off to the airport.

Since I'm being the good corporate citizen this and doing the Saturday night sleepover thing to save a grand on airfare, I'm going to help a coworker in Denver with his kitchen remodel on Saturday...seems I started a trend...and safety glasses travel well.

Richard McComas
09-15-2003, 3:07 PM
Had pretty good weather here also, Saturday morning started a 20 degrees and was sunny all weekend. Got lot of shop time this weekend and finally got the end tables glued up that I making for a friend to match the coffee table I made for him a few month ago. You may recognize the coffee table as it is a version of the one that was featured in Wood Magazine a while back. The end tables are of course a knock off of those plans.

Eric Sanford
09-15-2003, 5:22 PM
We had beautiful weather up here in MN, too. My son had soccer, got in some shop time to work on a blanket rack, and poured a 5x8 concrete slab that LOML has been pushing me to get done. Glad I don't do that for a living! :)

Scott Coffelt
09-15-2003, 6:00 PM
I got the clients built-in stereo cabinet completed. Of course it took three trips to the glass store. The first piece fit beautiful, I used some clips to keep the glass in and accidentially squeeze one too tight. That sound of glass cracking when your doing something else is never a good sign. So off to pick up a new sheet. Get home and the bone head cut it too wide, another trip. This time cut right and at a 70% discount for the dude being a bone head. So it was only a $4 mistake. Called the client and they weren't home, so it will have to sit in the shop taking space until I can get the installation scheduled.

I'll take digitals of it installed and post once completed.

Other than that just ran honey do's and a total football veg on Sunday. Go Chiefs. Hey Terry, thanks for putting a A' Woopin' on them long horns. They are the continually the Big 12 over rated poster child. They say my team can't win a big one..... Anyway, now I get to begin designing a new headboard to match a dresser I made earlier this year.

Jim Baker
09-15-2003, 8:21 PM
We spent our shop time making dovetailed drawers. We really like our new Woodhaven Dovetail jig.

Don Henthorn Smithville, TX
09-15-2003, 8:36 PM
Had a great time doing the caning demonstration at the kaloche festival in Caldwell, Texas. The weather was perfect and the crowd was huge. Had lots of requests to play the saw, and brought home some work to do and promises of more. Also got lined up with a new festival for November which ,ay be a good one too. Met lots of great Texans.

Bruce Page
09-15-2003, 10:48 PM
Had pretty good weather here also, Saturday morning started a 20 degrees and was sunny all weekend.

Richard, it looks like I’m headed up to Cape Narrow on Kodiak Island the first or second week of November, for a 2 to 6 week stint. What kind of weather can I look forward to?

Oh yeah, nice looking tables too!

Bob Lasley
09-15-2003, 10:56 PM
Spent most of Friday afternoon and evening getting ready for the two day cabinet making seminar at the local toy store. Saturday and Sunday was spent demonstrating cabinet making techniques and visiting with alot of great woodworkers of all skill levels. I got to try out the new Dewalt saw blades, which look to be an excellent value, and the new Dewalt planer..........I want one! I was worn smooth out by the time I unloaded everything Sunday night, but it was a wonderful weekend.

Have a great week everyone,