View Full Version : What is a button bowl?

Dave Smith
06-26-2006, 2:17 PM
I have had several visits to my web site with the search string "Button Bowl". What is a button bowl other than a bowl for putting buttons in?

Dave Smith

Too much sunshine in Longview, WA.

Ernie Nyvall
06-26-2006, 4:52 PM
Dave, it is a bowl that clips trough your shirt button hole to catch ice cream dribbles. Usually made as a matching set with the one you are eating ice cream from... and that's the truth. Andy would have more info on this.:p

I think your idea is what most would say though.


Mark Pruitt
06-26-2006, 4:59 PM
Oh, now I gotta see a picture of that!:p And I'm sure I need one too!

Dave Smith
06-26-2006, 5:51 PM
Ernie you sure have me pegged when it comes to ice cream. I my case I would need to make the button bowl larger than the ice cream bowl. Great response. I am in awe of your creativity.

Most of the hits are from European servers which lead me to believe there was some special purpose for a button bowl. Or, perhaps there is a some thing lost in the translation. No wonder I don't sell very many turnings. It could be don't know what people are looking for or maybe it is because I don't post most of the things I have turned.

Dave Smith

No stainless steel in my David Smith originals in Longview, WA.

Tom Sherman
06-26-2006, 11:17 PM
Dave, it is a bowl that clips trough your shirt button hole to catch ice cream dribbles. Usually made as a matching set with the one you are eating ice cream from... and that's the truth. Andy would have more info on this.:p

I think your idea is what most would say though.


Earnie in my case it would have to be called a chin bowl, it always seems to hit my chin first.:D

Ken Fitzgerald
06-26-2006, 11:56 PM
Dave, it is a bowl that clips trough your shirt button hole to catch ice cream dribbles. Usually made as a matching set with the one you are eating ice cream from... and that's the truth. Andy would have more info on this.:p

I think your idea is what most would say though.


Andy would have more information on Ice Cream Troughs...As in Hog Troughs.....not ice cream button bowls............

Bernie Weishapl
06-27-2006, 12:18 AM
Isn't that the same thing as Andy's ice cream bib???:confused: :p

Rich Stewart
06-27-2006, 9:38 AM
Hey Mark. How did you get a picture of my dog?

Mark Pruitt
06-27-2006, 10:27 AM
Hey Mark. How did you get a picture of my dog?
That's our spoiled-rotten Mini schnauzer--I take it you have one too. LOML wants a second one. :eek: One is enough.

Oops...we're OT....sorry.:o

Andy Hoyt
06-27-2006, 7:52 PM
It is my learned opinion that a button bowl does indeed refer to ice cream.

Point of fact - a button bowl refers to a vessel shaped such that the last dribbly morsel of mostly melted ice cream is drawn by gravity into the very depths of the bowl forming a nice button sized shape that is then easily scooped up.

For you turners out there - this means no flat bottoms!