View Full Version : The Biggest GLOAT of my Life!!

Keith Starosta
09-15-2003, 7:22 AM
Hey guys!! I wanted to share my good news with you all. On Friday, September 12, at 12:27PM, my wife gave birth to our son and daughter! Andrew came out at 5lbs. 6oz, and his sister Kaylin weighed in at 4lbs. 5oz. They were five weeks early, and need a little extra help with their lung development, so they'll be in the NICU for a few weeks before they come home. That'll be pretty tough, but it's for the best. My wife is doing just fine. If all goes well, she'll come home from the hospital later today.

As soon as I can figure out how to re-size my pictures, I'll post them.


Jason Roehl
09-15-2003, 7:42 AM
Congrats on bringing a couple more potential woodworkers into the world, Keith! I hope all goes well in the NICU, as we went through that with all 3 of our kids (one at a time, though). Feel free to e-mail or PM me if you have any questions or need some encouragement. I won't lie to you--it's tough physically, mentally and emotionally to have kids in the NICU. BTDT.

Dr. Zack Jennings
09-15-2003, 8:09 AM
Wow.... That's great news
They will be very close for a lifetime. I know because I have a twin sister. I let her out first and..... she outweighed me at birth. We were both 7lbs somethin'.

Enjoy your new family. Congratulations..

Noah Alkinburgh
09-15-2003, 8:21 AM
That is one sweet gloat....can't wait to see the pictures. Glad to here mom is well and kids are being well cared for.


Todd Burch
09-15-2003, 8:38 AM
Congratulations Keith! Congratulations!


Don Farr
09-15-2003, 8:38 AM
Congratulations Kieth, A boy and girl all in one shot, that's great. We will pray a all goes well with them.

Bob Lasley
09-15-2003, 8:44 AM
Congratulations Keith,

You don't mess around when starting a family do you? You are beginning a wonderful chapter in your life. There is nothing more fulfilling than raising your children, unless it's spoiling your grandchildren! Glad all are doing well.


Jim Becker
09-15-2003, 8:50 AM
Good deal, Keith! That's wonderful news. Do post some pics at the earliest opportunity...and start practicing your "cat naps" as that's all you're gonna get for awhile... :D

David Blangger
09-15-2003, 9:18 AM

You will get real proficient quick. Not only will you be making two of everything. Each piece will have to be constructed where one doesn't look better than the other one! :)

David Klug
09-15-2003, 10:02 AM
Congratulations Keith!!!!!!! Children are always such a wonderful gift form the Lord. We'll be praying that the little one's lungs develope ok.

Dave :p

Tom Sweeney
09-15-2003, 10:11 AM
That's great Keith I'm sure all will be well & you will have your whole instant family home soon. I'll keep the little ones in my prayers.
If you can't figure out the pic resize just email them to me & I'll take care of it for you. toms@realtymarketing.com

Aaron Koehl
09-15-2003, 10:11 AM
Congrats from all of us!


Daniel Rabinovitz
09-15-2003, 3:08 PM
A big congratulations to both of you.
May they have a looooong prosperous and happy life.
Daniel & Katy

Ron McNeil
09-15-2003, 3:22 PM
Congratulations Keith,

What a wonderful gloat. I'm glad to hear the wife and both kids are doing well. My preyers will be with the little ones that their lungs develop strong and they will join Mom and Dad soon.

Perry Schmidt
09-15-2003, 4:20 PM
Absolutely wonderful - big Congrats! I hope they come home soon, all healthy. Then the real fun begins!



Eric Sanford
09-15-2003, 5:19 PM
Congrats! Glad to hear everyone is doing well. They will make your life so much more wonderful!


Kevin Gerstenecker
09-15-2003, 7:37 PM
Congratulations Keith and Mom! You have truly been blessed. You can rest assured that the little ones are getting the best of care.........my wife once worked at St. Louis Childrens Hospital in the NICU Unit, and I can tell you first hand, these Nurses take care of these Babies as if they were their own. We hope that they will be home in no time...........enjoy them while they are little ones, they get big WAY too fast! That is the best Gloat to date! :D

Jim Baker
09-15-2003, 8:03 PM
Congratulations, Keith and family. I hope you can get those little ones home soon.

Lloyd Robins
09-15-2003, 8:08 PM
What a wonderful gloat. Woodworking is great, but pales in comparison to family. All the best!

Ron Jones near Indy
09-15-2003, 8:11 PM
Here's hoping and praying that things go well for all of your family.

Tony Falotico
09-15-2003, 8:37 PM
Congratulations Keith, what a wonderful gift. Now you will have to build everything in two's!

Don Henthorn Smithville, TX
09-15-2003, 8:43 PM
Wonderful News!!!

Congratulations to both of you!!!

John Miliunas
09-15-2003, 9:01 PM
That's just AWESOME, Keith! Hmph, and you thought you had a hobby with woodworking! Just wait..... :D Congrats to both, you and your bride! :cool:

Gord Graff
09-15-2003, 9:11 PM
Hello Keith,

Congratulations to you and your wife on the arrival of your children. You’ve been given a wonderful gift and may Heaven open up and pour all of it’s blessings upon you and your family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

All the best

Bob Marino
09-15-2003, 10:07 PM
Hey guys!! I wanted to share my good news with you all. On Friday, September 12, at 12:27PM, my wife gave birth to our son and daughter! Andrew came out at 5lbs. 6oz, and his sister Kaylin weighed in at 4lbs. 5oz. They were five weeks early, and need a little extra help with their lung development, so they'll be in the NICU for a few weeks before they come home. That'll be pretty tough, but it's for the best. My wife is doing just fine. If all goes well, she'll come home from the hospital later today.

As soon as I can figure out how to re-size my pictures, I'll post them.




David Rose
09-15-2003, 10:38 PM
Keith congrats! But... they really sound like two small gloats to me. :D A big gloat takes help to carry... well... maybe you are right! OK, let's see. That's FOUR cradle ends... and that doesn't count spares, etc. I thought one made for interesting (and mostly fun) nights. Enjoy them.
