View Full Version : I Goofed..........

Kevin Gerstenecker
09-14-2003, 10:33 PM
.........and posted my weekend Turning follies in the support section? Thanks to Doug for bringing this to my attention. Anyway, I thought I would post the photos in the proper forum. I didn't want to miss out on any razzin' about my latest obsession. :D Here are 3 peices I managed to turn between Friday and today. I have descriptions of the wood and finish used on these in the support forum. No, I have NO idea how I ended up posting them there..........must be Brain Fade from watching wood spinning 'round and 'round! :p Thanks for taking a look! Have a great week everybody! (By the way Tom, I DID make something with square corners this weekend, I just don't have it finished to take photo's yet!) :D

Tom Sweeney
09-14-2003, 10:39 PM
I saw your post on the support forum & figured you had gone brain dead from too much turning :D

As usuall really nice stuff - but If I remember correctly you said the last bowl is cherry walnut & purpleheart :confused:
Did you mean yellowheart?

At the rate you're going you'll be an internationally known turner in no time ;)
I was on the injured reserve list this weekend so I didn't get much done - hobbled out to the shop to clean up the face & glue up the cherry of a "cheater" segmented turning - sort of like your 3 wood one here. but that's it so no square & very little round work for me.

Kevin Gerstenecker
09-15-2003, 6:17 AM
Take care of that Ankle Tom..............you really shouldn't be hobbling around on it.............although I know how tough it is to stay away from the shop! ;) Tom, the 3 layered Bowl is, from top to bottom, Cherry, Purpleheart, and Walnut. I have some Yellowheart also, but I think I will be using it for a Segmented Bowl, ala Ken Salisbury, sometime down the road. The Picture washes out the purple color of the wood somewhat, for whatever reason, but it is nice to turn. Tools have to be sharp, or it will tear out some on ya. I don't know about internationally known, but I sure have the attention of those living under my roof! :D When I came up from the shop Saturday Evening, my Daughter remarked....."So YOU are my Dad?" :p Having Fun as always! :D

Terry Quiram
09-15-2003, 7:21 AM

Isn't it great? I have about a 10 inch deep pile of Walnut from roughing bowls this weekend. A suggestion for your boxes. Make a/couple small bead(s) where the lid and box meet. Then no one will be able to tell where the joint is. Have you talked Angie into trying yet?


Richard Allen
09-15-2003, 7:48 AM
So tell us Kevin, why did you wait so long to start woodturning? Why haven't you been turning wood for the past 20 years? Why did you waste so much of your life when it is now so obvious that you were born to be a woodturner?

Kevin Gerstenecker
09-15-2003, 12:44 PM
Terry, thanks for the tip, I never thought of using that as a way to hide that. Richard, I have been woodworking all my life, and I have always enjoyed "flat" work, so I really never gave turning much consideration. I also do not consider any portion of my life as being wasted. I have had a very fufilling life and I if had to do things over again, I would not change a thing. I am 43 years old, and I have accomplished things that some people never achieve in a lifetime. That being said, NONE of my life has been wasted. I live every day like it will be my last. Don't know any other way to do it?

Kevin Gerstenecker
09-15-2003, 7:45 PM
Terry, thanks again for the tip on cutting a bead where the lid joins the box, that is a really good idea, and the thought never occurred to me. Angie is getting geared up for turning..........we just received a message from GIS that the Mini is in stock and they are ready to ship it. Angie will call tommorrow with payment info. for "Her" Lathe............I can see now there is gonna be trouble! :D (We are going to see if we can upgrade our order to the VS Mini.........we have decided that the VS feature may be very helpful.) When she gets some practice and turns her first peice, I will post photo's of it.......providing it is not better than my stuff.................then the world will never know! :p