View Full Version : Met Ken F. Today...he's definitely hooked to the round side...

Forrest Price
06-20-2006, 8:40 PM
For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of meeting Ken, he's really a great guy. I've been meaning to get some turning blanks to him for a while now, and finally remembered to get over there today (he's like 2 blocks away from me..sheesh go figure!).

Folks....he's hooked! I mean, he's got this beautiful shop, and in the center of it all is this Jet mini mounted on a 2x8 strung between ladders! Now, if this isn't a guy that's been sidetracked, I don't know what is! When he's ready for bigger stuff, he can come over and use my 3520 anytime he likes.

His latest NE bowl is a real beauty, and I was given the honor of seeing some boxes and other turnings he's done as well. Ken really has a good eye for things of the round nature!

I met his lovely wife as well, and I believe his MIL too. Extremely nice family and I really enjoyed the visit.

I've got some more wood to throw his way as soon as I can get it dug out, so look forward to even more roundy things coming from his shop soon!!


Jim Becker
06-20-2006, 8:56 PM
Didn't happen. No pictures... ;)

('Glad you had a nice visit...supposedly... :) :D )

John Miliunas
06-20-2006, 9:17 PM
Creeker visits are most definitely the best. :D Now, the story you spin sounds like it was a nice visit. :rolleyes: Of course, the jury is still out on whether it really happened or not, due to lack of photographic evidence! :D :cool:

Dennis Peacock
06-20-2006, 9:31 PM
Yea, Ken is a great guy. I've talked with him on the phone before, sorry guys, no pictures of the phone converstation. :p Had a great time talking with Ken. Now he just needs to get him a 3520 to compliment the mini in the middle of his shop now. :D

David Fried
06-20-2006, 10:09 PM
Non-existent meetings. :rolleyes:
Non-existent phone calls. ;)

Boy, I'm beginning to wonder if Ken exists! :D

Jim Becker
06-20-2006, 10:21 PM
Now he just needs to get him a 3520 to compliment the mini in the middle of his shop now.

He'll need some stronger boards and sawhorses to hold up the golden-dragon! :D :D :D

Forrest Price
06-20-2006, 10:21 PM
Yeah, OK, so I screwed up and forgot the camera. However, since Ken just lives a couple blocks away, I'm sure there will be more opportunities! I've got a bunch more turning blanks to get to him.

We'll keep him from running out of project wood for a while! As soon as the quail get off their nest in my back yard, I'll be able to get to my stash which is now in weeds so high it looks like something from Jurrassic Park!

Scared the bejeebers outta me the other day I'm tromping thru there and this quail busts out from under my foot! Good thing my bird dogs are penned up on the other side of the yard!!

We'll get some pics soon!

Raymond Overman
06-20-2006, 10:41 PM
MMMMMmmmm, quail. Pan fried and put back in the gravy with rice and maybe some fresh green beans or collards. It's been years. Tasty.

I'll believe the phone call since I've had a conversation with Ken myself. He seems to be a real nice guy but he just ain't from around here so it would be a haul for me to go see him. I'm glad someone local is able to visit with him too. Maybe one day we can all cross paths.

Corey Hallagan
06-20-2006, 11:11 PM
Thanks great Ken and Forrest! Awesome that you just live a couple blocks away. Ken now you got somebody to help yah out on your turning and give yah a hand on finishing that shop! That is if you would leave the lathe alone for a few days :)


Ken Fitzgerald
06-20-2006, 11:43 PM
It was truly my pleasure to meet Forrest! I didn't think to use the camera and probably beat him off the block as I had to be at a local medical center to do some work! Truly a pleasure! 2nd time I've met a fellow Creeker and I've yet to be disappointed!

Ken Fitzgerald
06-20-2006, 11:44 PM
And...BTW Forrest.....The Bomb is mounted on a 2"x12" between two ladders. Don't weaken my bench any ...please:rolleyes: :D !

Karl Laustrup
06-21-2006, 7:27 AM
And...BTW Forrest.....The Bomb is mounted on a 2"x12" between two ladders. Don't weaken my bench any ...please:rolleyes: :D !

This is Karl.......in the Dells.........looking down.........shaking his head.


Keith Burns
06-21-2006, 9:38 AM
Pics or not, I am jealous.............