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View Full Version : BAD in Houston

Tom Hamilton
06-17-2006, 3:29 PM
Yes, today was Bandsaw Assembly Day (BAD) in Houston.

Corvin Alstot offered assistance so we gathered up this AM and began figuring out the Grizzly 513X Specs here:G0513X 17" 2 HP Extreme Series Bandsaw (http://www.grizzly.com/products/g0513x)

The freight company had some trouble making delivery: they sent it out on a non-liftgate truck the first day. But on Thursday they got it right and the driver willingly 416lbs on a two wheeler up the drive, under the 7 foot garage door and up the final two inches on to the wooden shop floor. He got a cold Coke for his effort!

The slatted crate was slightly damaged in shipment, one skid had splintered causing the pallet to not sit squarely. The resulting torque loosened one of the lower slats from the pallet.

Nothing damaged inside so the pallet and crate when out with yesterday's trash pickup

The table and bits and pieces were well packed 41074 and complete. In fact I ended up with two manuals. Far better than not getting any.

The unpainted surfaces are coated with a protectorant which came off easily with Goos Gone. Mineral spirits will work also. Brushed Goos Gone on the table and after a couple of minutes it was bright and clean.

The manual reads well and provides instructions in the correct order. The only suggestion I have is to tie the parts lists in the instructions to the numbered drawings in the exploded views.

The table went on without a hitch, a two person lifting job and then we began alignment. Installing the zero stop under the table was really the only alignment operation necessary; everything else checked out to be square like it was supposed to be.

I installed a plug on the cord to connect to my 220v source, adjusted tension and guide bearings and we fired it up. Good news: it started, no breakers clicked and we were off and sawing.

This is Corvin peeling off a slice of pecan with the stock 1/2 blade. 41075. Better blades are the next step, I think I remember folks liking Timberwolf so I may go that way.

All in all, the fit and finish is excellent. The adjustments are smooth and things seem to line up like they are supposed to. I like the large "on/off" switch, the quick release tension lever, the size of the table and the windows to check tracking.

For a first time Grizzly customer I'm impressed and pleased. :D If you are considering a bandsaw purchase this model is a worthy candidate.

Best regards, Tom, in Houston, excited about his new 513X!

Ken Fitzgerald
06-17-2006, 4:13 PM
Congrats Tom! That's the bandsaw I've got my eye on when I finish my shop!

Jim O'Dell
06-17-2006, 4:15 PM
Congrats! Use it well, and with care. Jim.

Cecil Arnold
06-17-2006, 4:19 PM
:)Really glad everything is working. It looked like a good saw when we unpacked it. I know you will be happy with your new toy, er-tool.:D :)

Corvin Alstot
06-17-2006, 4:37 PM
Tom /
The 513X is a great saw. Grizzly must have made big strides in the last
couple years as the saw looks great, the manual was legible and it has
some nice features that were not free or available on my saw. It runs very
quiet and smooth and would easily pass the nickel test.

By the way, my car got a nice wash on the way home as it poured 4" of rain. Next time lets make a boat.

The first picture is Tom's layout table and the parts to be assembled and cleaned.
Picture Two - the saw without table surface (it was very clean and only needed a little extra grease removed).
Picture Three - Shows Tom about to fire it up for the first time,
Picture Four - Shows the piece of wood to pass thru the Grizzly jaws.

Looks like its my turn to buy a new piece of equipment (Hmmm, maybe a 15" -20" planer). We shall see.

Tom it was terrific, thank your lovely wife for the great sandwich too.

Vaughn McMillan
06-17-2006, 5:40 PM
Congrats on what looks like a great saw. I can forsee moving up to something like that myself someday.

- Vaughn

Mark Rios
06-17-2006, 5:47 PM
Way to go, Tom. Congrats.

Jerry White
06-17-2006, 6:09 PM
Tom, its a great looking saw. I think the Grizzly extreme series is their highest quality and the pictures reflect that. I hope you get a lot of good use out of the saw. Looks like you have already tried ripping veneer.

Good luck,


Jim Becker
06-17-2006, 6:50 PM
Congrats on the new saw and a most excellent Creeker visit!

Corey Hallagan
06-17-2006, 7:44 PM
Congrats on the new equipment! Enjoy it and be safe!


Tom Hamilton
06-17-2006, 8:50 PM
Thanks again Corvin for your assistance. Machine assembly is not in my regular routine so have a steady hand and keen mind to read and cross check the directions was a huge help.

I cut everything in the shop this PM except the hammer handles and can report that the 513X is very quiet when running, does not vibrate or want to walk or creep, and seems to be the real deal.

(I'm not a paid poster nor do I own stock or have any financial or emotional interest in Grizzly)

So, I'm off on the chase, new blades, patterns for cabriolet legs and finally tackling that demi-lune table.

In the meantime, if anyone wants to visit about this piece of equipment please feel free to PM me.

Best regards, Tom, in Houston, really happy about his new 513X