View Full Version : It's Press Time!!

Jeff Myers
06-16-2006, 9:33 AM
Hello All-
I'm a fairly new turner that had a Jet Mini laying around for years(that i'd only used to turn a couple pens and then covered up) until last December when my company had it's first Christmas Craft Show.
One of my co-workers talked me into sharing a table with her at the show so she'd have someone to talk to while she showed her jewelry. Well not
knowing what to make for the show, someone suggested turning some bottle stoppers. I got busy and turned a bunch and they were a hit. Well
I had so much fun, I haven't stopped turning all year. A friend turned me onto the Creek which has inspired me even more so. You guys/gals are great! I truly enjoy reading all your posts and advice and watching how much you support one another,,,,it's good to see and really brightens my day each morning when I catch up on all the new posts. Thanks!!
I quickly got into layered items and needed a way to make the glue-ups easier...searching around for some type of "press" on the web, i came
across plans for a binder's press for book binding i suppose but it sure works like a champ for glue layups.
It's made out of hard maple, three seperate 3/4" thick frames that were glued/screwed and then bolted together support the screw presses and the baseis maple as well, this thing really works great! Thought i'd share a picture of the press and also a picture of a few oil lamps it helped produce.
Thanks again for such a great forum!!
-Jeff Myers



Dennis Peacock
06-16-2006, 9:38 AM
Welcome to the Creek Jeff.....Nice looking turnings there. Keep that lathe out and post us some more pics of you work. Looking GOOD!!!!:D

Ken Fitzgerald
06-16-2006, 9:55 AM
Welcome to the Creek Jeff! Neat place to exchange information! Keep turning and posting!

Bernie Weishapl
06-16-2006, 10:04 AM
Welcome to Creek Jeff. Lots of good people and lots of knowledge. Keep that lathe humming and post lots of pictures.

Mike Ramsey
06-16-2006, 10:15 AM
Welcome to the dark side of the Creek Jeff. I really like the press you
made, looks like it would help with segmented ring glue-ups. The lamps
are really nice also, oh nice kitchen to!

Mark Cothren
06-16-2006, 10:18 AM
Welcome Jeff! Nice turnings!

Pete Simmons
06-16-2006, 10:20 AM
In the lamp press ups - what wood do you use for the thin black/dark bands?

Paul Douglass
06-16-2006, 10:27 AM
Welcome Jeff. I like your lamps and want to make that one of my next projects, as soon as I get brave enough to try a pen. I really like the press idea.

Keith Burns
06-16-2006, 10:29 AM
Welcome to the Creek, Jeff. It,s a great place to spin time and learn. Great layered pieces you have done. Keep them coming!:) :)

Jeff Myers
06-16-2006, 12:17 PM
Lamp on left: Bubinga/Maple/Padauk
Middle Lamp: Cocobola/PurpleHeart
Lamp on right: Purpleheart/Padauk/Yellowheart

The thin lines are actually veneers, black dyed veneer and maple veneers so that lamp on the left is actually made up of 21 "layers" , that's where that press comes in handy,,,you can crank down the pressure with one hand while using the other to keep all those layers from slipping around!:eek: :)

Don Baer
06-16-2006, 12:32 PM
Wow Jeff, Very impressive lamps. I may borrow you press plans also. Greta Idea.

Oh did I say welcome to the creek.

Tom Sherman
06-16-2006, 1:48 PM
Welcome to the Creek Jeff, Those lamps are fun My wife and I made a couple last year as gifts and really enjoyed them. I like your press idea as well.

Mark Pruitt
06-16-2006, 1:49 PM
Beautiful work Jeff! And that's the very best use for a kitchen island IMHO!;) :p :D

Rob Bourgeois
06-16-2006, 2:50 PM
Did you have any issue with the padauk dust causing some color bleed into the maple when you were sanding?

Cool lamps.

Jeff Myers
06-16-2006, 3:09 PM
No problems at all Don, i sanded all the way up to 6K MM and didn't notice any bleeding along the way.

Jeff Myers
06-16-2006, 3:10 PM
oops,,,sorry Rob!:o

Rob Bourgeois
06-16-2006, 3:17 PM
I have been called worse.

Good on the bleed. I had a problem with it on a inlay scroll work.

Henry C. Gernhardt, III
06-16-2006, 4:45 PM
Welcome to the Creek, Jeff! Those are some very nice looking oil lamps, and that press looks very well made and very useful.

Now if only I could keep my kitchen as clean as yours... :)

Corey Hallagan
06-16-2006, 5:02 PM
Excellent work Jeff and welcome to the Creek!


Ernie Nyvall
06-17-2006, 4:44 PM
I have been called worse.

I doubt THAT.:D :D Sorry Don... I couldn't resist.:p

Welcome Jeff. Thanks for the press idea and your lamps look great.


Christopher K. Hartley
06-18-2006, 3:17 PM
Jeff, I'm a little late on this but Welcome to the Vortex! Thanks for sharing the press idea and Pic. By the way, GREAT looking lamps!:)