View Full Version : Creeker Visit - Glenn Clabo

John Hart
06-15-2006, 8:37 PM
Well....I haven't been around much. Spending most of my time getting ready to move and designing all the stuff that needs to be done to the new house and all the stuff that needs to be done to the old house....BUT...today, I took the day off. Glenn Clabo was visiting Cleveland and dropped in to say hello. We took a drive out to the new property (which we don't own quite yet) and walked around and yakked. Our visit was really just the time it took to make the trip but I really enjoyed the time we spent. Glenn is an interesting guy. Definitely high on my list of visits. Nice to meet you Glenn!

Oh...by the way....on the way out to the new property, we stopped at the financial folks and I signed some papers.....By the time I got back home...I got a phone call....The Bank has accepted the package and we Close on Tuesday!!!!! Definitely a good day!!!:) :)

Here's a pic of Glenn in the new shop.

Glenn Hodges
06-15-2006, 8:41 PM
Congratulations on closing the deal and you 2 getting together.

Gary Max
06-15-2006, 8:45 PM
Congrats ---know you will sleep better tonight.

Ernie Nyvall
06-15-2006, 8:47 PM
Alright Hart family!!!! Congratulations!!!!

Sounds like a good visit with Glenn. It's always nice to meet with a fellow Creeker.


Andy Hoyt
06-15-2006, 8:49 PM
A doubly good day for you. Congrats!

Glenn was up here too; and can attest to his stature as "one of the good ones". Glad you connected.

Karl Laustrup
06-15-2006, 8:57 PM
A "Creeker" visit is always good. Glad you two got together.

Now the real fun begins John. When do expect to start moving? Just so you don't get your hopes up, I'll be out of town. ;) :D


Bernie Weishapl
06-15-2006, 10:49 PM
Creekers visits are always good John. Sounds like you and Glenn had a good time.

John congrats on the new house. Now the fun begins.

Ken Fitzgerald
06-15-2006, 11:16 PM
Congrats on both accounts John! I'd like to meet the other half of Bonker-R-US!

Glenn Clabo
06-16-2006, 8:27 AM
I can sum up yesterdays trip in one word...WOW!
I have to tell everyone that John's explaination of his new adventure may have sounded exciting and wonderful...but having now seen it...it's been a humble one. His new paradise...because it can not be called anything else..is simply awesome. It's starting point is where most of us would just sit back, enjoy and be happy to maintain. The space above his new shop space is a big as my house!!!!
As we all know by now...John could never just sit back so I had the priviledge to hear and see his plans as he took me for a tour. The smile that seems to be perminently stuck on his face is there for a reason.

John...this couldn't have happened to a better man. It clearly is deserved and I wish you all the best with your plans. Please take some time off once in a while and tell us all how things are progressing and how life in paradise is treating you.
It was a great visit!

tod evans
06-16-2006, 8:29 AM
glen where there any signs of horses invading? glad things are moving forward john! tod

Glenn Clabo
06-16-2006, 8:42 AM
I have to say that there were horses but the only time John looked a little disturbed was when I asked if he was going to make a bid on one.

Tyler Howell
06-16-2006, 8:45 AM
Love those creeker visits.
Good luck John

Keith Burns
06-16-2006, 8:46 AM
What a day that must have been ! Two great Creekers meeting....WOW !

Ken Fitzgerald
06-16-2006, 8:47 AM
That was worry alright! He's already bid but he's afraid his won't be the hightest bid and he'll let his kids down!:eek: :D

Mike Ramsey
06-16-2006, 10:22 AM
That must have been a great day for you two!
John really deserves his new paradise after
suffering in downtown Cleveland all these years!
Two great guys in my book...

Paul Douglass
06-16-2006, 10:37 AM
Congrats John on the new property and home. Must be exciting. I can't remember, lived in my current home for 25 years! Glad you had a nuce visit, what kind of lathe is that the gentleman is standing by? Odd looking for round work!