View Full Version : Is this my "old iron" pen lathe.........??

Roy Wall
06-15-2006, 12:16 AM
This lathe is my late uncles' - A Herberts Machinery #410 - circa mid 1930's. It's been down in the basement in storage for over 10 years. (You turners talk in code:D - I sense a "force" within; it is by this force I was compelled to lug this little jewel outside and clean it up.)

Anywho........here are some shots. I could probably use a new set of turning tools:eek: .....and a motor (as it won't power up)..

But seriously, let me know your thoughts. I've got two tool rests soaking in the "evap-o-rust" for the eveing. The bearings make a little noise by hand turning.....so are they replaceable?

I know my uncle would get a kick out of me using the lathe......:)

Raymond Overman
06-15-2006, 12:20 AM
I just upgraded my lathe to a circa 1954 Delta Rockwell that works like a champ. I don't see why you couldn't get started on that lathe. The only question is does it have a live center in the tailstock? Is it least a morse taper on that end so you can put a live center in it. If not, you're going to be limited since you'll start a fire with the friction you generate.

Roy Wall
06-15-2006, 12:20 AM
Here's more info and a few more pics:

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Corey Hallagan
06-15-2006, 12:21 AM
Hi Roy, that is cool. I sure hope you can get it up and running and do some spinny stuff. I know I havent' been able to leave mine alone to do much of anything else since I got it!


Raymond Overman
06-15-2006, 12:27 AM
Looks like you're in business there Roy. #1 morse taper live centers are available if yours isn't a live center. What's the TPI on the headstock or does it have threads at all? I can't quite tell from the picture.

Roy Wall
06-15-2006, 12:36 AM

Looks like 6 tpi.......

Here are some close ups!!!!!!!!!!