View Full Version : Being a Turner has PERKS!!

Christopher K. Hartley
06-14-2006, 8:47 AM
Some of you may remember my post the other day "First Donation Bowl" http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=37965 Gosh, what a rewarding feeling! Permit me just a moment to tell you what happened. I arrived at the house of the elderly couple that I had received the wood from and they didn't appear to be home. Now, I had told the gentleman that I would turn him a bowl and bring it to him but quite honestly I don't think it registered with him at the time. Anyway, I decided to leave the bowl and a note on the front porch. I started back to the truck to get some paper and a pen when The gentleman pulled into the driveway. As I approached him he smiled and said, "Hi! I know you." I responded, "You sure do and I want to thank you again for the wood you gave me. As I had told you, I wanted to turn you a bowl from your tree in appreciation of your generosity and kindness to me." At that point I raised the bowl and handed it to him. His eyes got as big as silver dollars and a huge smile covered his face. "Wow!" he said, "This is beautiful! My wife is going to love this." He had numerous complimentary things to say and that was nice. However, the feeling I had when he hurried off to the house with bowl in hand to show his wife(she had been in the house all the while and I didn't know it) was worth every penny that has been sucked from my pocket into the Vortex! It is time and money well spent! Thanks for listening, I just needed to tell some folks who can truly relate.

John Timberlake
06-14-2006, 9:03 AM
Great post. Some of the most rewarding times in woodworking are when you give away something you make to someone who REALLY appreciates it. We should all try to do things like this when we get free wood.

Bernie Weishapl
06-14-2006, 10:09 AM
Chris I know what you mean about the feeling. I did that for a person that gave me some wood. It sure does feel good. I can't wait to see Fathers face when I give him the communion bowl with his name on the bottom. Nice story Chris.

Doug Thompson
06-14-2006, 12:14 PM
That reaction is something you'll remember forever. I give most woodworking projects away just for that reason. The kind words or a smile makes ME feel good... besides you get to make another one.

A log for a turning is a great deal for us.

Good story,

Bruce Shiverdecker
06-14-2006, 6:23 PM
I know that feeling, too, Chris. Ain't it GREAT!!!!!!


doug webb
06-14-2006, 6:58 PM
It is really special when that person is so completly surprised by your gift and you get the kind of true reaction you recieved.

Ernie Nyvall
06-14-2006, 8:23 PM
Good story Chris. Your description of their reaction made ME feel good.
