View Full Version : Feels Like Neck Is Broke

W.C. Turner
06-14-2006, 4:31 AM
Hi all,

I'm up writing this now because I can't sleep. Or I should say, I could sleep, but, I can't find a position to lay that my neck don't hurt. Here's the story. My neck has been hurting the last couple of days for no apparent reason. But, at my age, a reasonalble explanation is not necessary. Anyway, today, SWMBO, says, maybe it's because you're doing more turning . I first said, No Way, but, the more I thought about it, I think maybe she's right, as bad as I hate to admit it. That's got to be what has caused this.

As I think about it, I believe I have seriously strained the ligaments in my neck. Very sore, from the base of the neck, all the way up into the skull. I was trying to finish a piece, & you know how you try to keep from tearing the end grain, or accidently hitting the piece with the tip of the gouge, or something else dumb, but, I surely wasn't aware that I had tensed up my neck muscles to this extent.

I can barely lift my head, can't turn head side to side, as in driving to look for traffic. Aside from having your lower back go out, this is the worse thing that can happen to you, I believe. When your back goes out you aren't able to do anything, and this falls pretty much into that category.

I was just wondering if anybody else has had their neck get sore like this from turning, and what did you do for it, short of suicide?

Thanks in advance!


Gary Max
06-14-2006, 5:35 AM
Two aspirin --- take the day off --- go fishing.
Greatest way to relieve stress/ tension known to mankind.

Andy Hoyt
06-14-2006, 7:53 AM
I was having neck and back pains for a while too; and discovered the cause to be a combination of bending and twisting to do hollow forms and that the lathe was too low.

My solution was to raise the lathe several inches and finally to get a new machine so I could do hollow forms outboard.

Worked like a champ.

Raymond Overman
06-14-2006, 7:55 AM
I was just wondering if anybody else has had their neck get sore like this from turning, and what did you do for it, short of suicide?

Whiskey, and lots of it, seems to help.

Sorry to hear you're in pain. Take it easy for a while and give those muscles a rest. I'm sure you'll be back in no time.

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
06-14-2006, 8:20 AM
Two aspirin --- take the day off --- go fishing.
Greatest way to relieve stress/ tension known to mankind.

Mind if I disagree with that........... ;) :rolleyes: :D

I found that the height of the lathe really made a diff for me. Mine was set like the books say............for spindles, which was too low, I ended up going about 4" higher, which helped greatly.

The DVR is higher again, so I'll be taking that all into consideration when I get it all set up.

Hope you neck feels better soon.


Jeff Singleton
06-14-2006, 10:19 AM
W.C., That same problem in your neck happens to me about once a year. You described to perfectly. It's hard to move your head in any direction and it's as stiff as a board. Mine neck has always took about 4 days to subside. Aleve works pretty good, Johnnie Walker Black helps also. The only good thing about it is that with a really sore neck I forget about the two disc in my lower back that have been trying to check out since I was 26 (arthritis). I have raised my 16" jointer 5" and my 18" planer 9 1/2" and my 16" RAS 4". By raising those machines my back feels a lot better and it is a lot more comfortable while using those machines.

Jeff Singleton

Jim Becker
06-14-2006, 2:05 PM
I was having neck and back pains for a while too; and discovered the cause to be a combination of bending and twisting to do hollow forms and that the lathe was too low.

My solution was to raise the lathe several inches and finally to get a new machine so I could do hollow forms outboard.

Worked like a champ.

Excellent advice. Very excellent advice.

John Miliunas
06-14-2006, 2:24 PM
I've had a pain in my neck for going on 26 years now! :eek: Wasn't too bad before that, but then, we got married and ........"Ahhhh....Dear. Dear!!! Put down that frying pa.........:eek: :eek: :eek:

(Oh, come on. Somebody had to do it!!!:D ):) :cool:

Lee DeRaud
06-14-2006, 2:41 PM
Am I the only one who saw the title of this thread and assumed it was started by Ken Fitzgerald? :eek: :D :cool:

W.C. Turner
06-14-2006, 2:52 PM
I've had a pain in my neck for going on 26 years now! :eek: Wasn't too bad before that, but then, we got married and ........"Ahhhh....Dear. Dear!!! Put down that frying pa.........:eek: :eek: :eek:

(Oh, come on. Somebody had to do it!!!:D ):) :cool:

32 years for me, and, ya know, I think that's what started it. But, not only is it pain in my neck, but, the pain, you mention, also travels down my back about a foot, just below the belt. You know where I mean!

Trying to keep my sense of humor about this!

John Miliunas
06-14-2006, 3:03 PM
32 years for me, and, ya know, I think that's what started it. But, not only is it pain in my neck, but, the pain, you mention, also travels down my back about a foot, just below the belt. You know where I mean!

Trying to keep my sense of humor about this!

Ahhhh, yes...Familiar with that particular feeling, as well!!! :eek:

Seriously, I don't know how you feel about chiropractors but, when I had a pretty bad back injury years ago, that was my salvation! I was lucky, in as much as, I found a good outfit to go to. Quite intense pain and a lot of visits, at first, but things progressively got better. I hate any type of pain meds, as they tend to just mask the problem and you could hurt yourself even worse without knowing it! :( Regardless, if you don't decide to go down that path, Ibuprofen, rest and maybe even switching off between hot and cold packs might help. (A cold 6-pack may not hurt, either!:D ) Good luck! :) :cool:

W.C. Turner
06-14-2006, 8:46 PM
Ahhhh, yes...Familiar with that particular feeling, as well!!! :eek:

Seriously, I don't know how you feel about chiropractors but, when I had a pretty bad back injury years ago, that was my salvation! I was lucky, in as much as, I found a good outfit to go to. Quite intense pain and a lot of visits, at first, but things progressively got better. I hate any type of pain meds, as they tend to just mask the problem and you could hurt yourself even worse without knowing it! :( Regardless, if you don't decide to go down that path, Ibuprofen, rest and maybe even switching off between hot and cold packs might help. (A cold 6-pack may not hurt, either!:D ) Good luck! :) :cool:

Pretty much agree with all the above.

What changed my mind about chiropractors, a number of years ago, was when, I went into his office, I was almost on all fours, and when I came out I was walking upright, like a human bean.

I hate any type of pain! I have a very low tolerence for it, as I discovered when I had Rotator cuff surgery, several years ago. I sure wouldn't do that again!

Cold 6-pack, you say. Un-Huh, Un-HuH, I like it, Un-Huh, Un-HuH. But, that's mostly from memory.

Ken Fitzgerald
06-15-2006, 12:05 AM
Am I the only one who saw the title of this thread and assumed it was started by Ken Fitzgerald? :eek: :D :cool:

Yeah.........DeRaud........and you are usually the cause!:eek: :D

W.C.........I can sympathize with your back and neck pain. Broke my back 6 years ago. I'm not the same man I once was. But.......I can still turn....I do get some neck pain when I'm at it too long, but I eventually recover. Good luck with your recovery!

W.C. Turner
06-15-2006, 1:09 AM
THANKS to all.

Glenn Hodges
06-15-2006, 7:01 AM
Sorry to hear about your pain. Usually a day of fishing and thinking will help. Print out the advice written here for the thinking, and if you are inclined to drink, a six pack might be taken for medicinal purposes also.