View Full Version : Gloat w pic-Thanks to Lars Stole!!

Jerry Olexa
06-13-2006, 4:35 PM
A few Days ago, as part of the moving process, Lars Stole offered his NYW router table in classifieds as he was incorporating his router mount into his new unisaw. Never shying away from a "gift horse":) , I called Lars and the next morning the table was in the back of my truck enroute to my WW shop about an hour away. Having 3 routers , I've always wanted a 2nd table to speed up the process, but couldn't find time to build one. So, due to Lar's generosity, I'm a lucky guy!!

The bonus of all of this is Lars is a fine guy and accomplished WWer. He's moving into his new home (3 blocks from Wrigley stadium) and therefore needs to be space efficient. I visited his shop to be but most of his stuff is in boxes . Thank you, Lars. Your table will be used with honor in my humble shop.
Attached is a shot of me standing before the router table:D :)
Sincere thank you, Lars AND welcome to this forum...

Jim Becker
06-13-2006, 5:26 PM
You look great with facial hair and a tool belt, Jerry! :D

Congrats on the new router table. Nice addition to your shop!

Alan Turner
06-13-2006, 9:28 PM
Nice flannel, Jerry. Your avatoar may need an update.

Jerry Olexa
06-13-2006, 10:36 PM
I'm actually slimmer than I look in that picture...:D :)

Ken Fitzgerald
06-13-2006, 10:40 PM
Congrats on the router table Jerry! Grow back the facial hair!:eek: :D