View Full Version : Welcome back Stu

Rich Stewart
06-13-2006, 10:00 AM
Welcome back from Austria Stu. How did it go? Everybody like the pens and stuff you took? Take any pictures? Get any good wood from Austria? And while I'm on that subject, does anyone pick up wood while on vacation and make their own souvien...sovgin...er..you know. Keepsakes. When i go off someplace I always try to pick up a piece of wood to turn when I get back. I hardly ever go anyplace but I do have a few.

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
06-13-2006, 3:58 PM
Thanks Rich

I did bring back a few sticks, of Riesling grape wood, from a very famous vineyard, I think I can make some pens out of it, might need some epoxy, but I hope I can make it work.

The trip was killer, totally consuming, most days, up at 6:30 AM, on the bus by 8 AM, and we often did not get back to the hotel until after midnight. We visited about 5 wineries a day, on average, and I took several hundred pictures, and about 50 pages of notes in total (I've not written that much by hand since high-school!).

Yes it was fun, I learned a ton, and made some new friends, but there is no way in heck it could be called a vacation, I'm still dragging my butt :D

We visited some amazing places, 900 year old churches, the ruins of Roman strongholds, wine cellars built over 400 years ago....

This is part of a church, the bottom was built by the French, the middle by the Austrians, and the top by the Russians, all a very long time ago.

An old castle on a hilltop, this was occupied by various groups for nearly 2000 years, originally a Roman stronghold, back when Christ was still a carpenter.

A "Small" keg of wine.....

Having some fun in a wine hall, boy did my head hurt the next day!

Yep it was fun, yep, I learned a lot, an yep I'd go again, but boy am I behind at work this week!


Bernie Weishapl
06-13-2006, 6:36 PM
Stu looks like you had a great time. Glad to have ya back buddy.

tod evans
06-13-2006, 7:18 PM
HEY STU, how`s the headache?

sorry couldn`t resist:) welcome back. tod

George Conklin
06-13-2006, 7:35 PM
Welcome back, Stu.

I generaly don't think of Austria for wines. Australia, Spain, Chille, New Zealand, France, South Africa or California for sure.
Are their varietals mainly for dessert wines?

Enough of this! Go turn something:D .

Curt Fuller
06-13-2006, 9:23 PM
Welcome back world traveler!

Jim Becker
06-13-2006, 9:46 PM
Despite the fact it was work, I'm truly envious of the outstanding adult beverages you undoubtedly had the opportunity to sample...welcome back!

Barry Stratton
06-13-2006, 10:18 PM
Well.......did the DVR MISS YOU????? Welcome back!

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
06-14-2006, 3:00 AM
Thanks guys!

The Austrian sweet wines are world class, Kracher makes stuff that beats the pants off the French every year, but that is only part of the story of Austrian wine. They make a great Grune Veltliner, a white, and fantastic Riesling, as well as Sauvignion Blanc and even some Chardonnay, but I knew that, what really blew me away were the reds, they make some amazing reds, Zweigelt, Saint Laurent, Blaufrankisch, and Pinot Noir. Really amazing stuff, but not a lot of it.

They produce only 0.7% of the worlds production of wine, and they keep 70% of that for their own drinking :D

But I'm sure I'm putting most of you to sleep.

I've not even had time to get down to the Dungeon since coming back, too darn busy at work, taking a week off, can make things pile up............ :(


Joe Mioux
06-14-2006, 3:16 AM
Hi Stu:

Sounds like you had a very educational trip. What are some other good wineries in Austria? Do they do much or any Cabernet Sauvignon, Zinfandel or Merlot's?


Barry Stratton
06-14-2006, 3:16 AM
They produce only 0.7% of the worlds production of wine, and they keep 70% of that for their own drinking :D

So that leaves, what.....15 cases for the rest of the world??????

Get to spinning and posting pics. Been slow around here without you:rolleyes:

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
06-14-2006, 3:46 AM
Hi Stu:

Sounds like you had a very educational trip. What are some other good wineries in Austria? Do they do much or any Cabernet Sauvignon, Zinfandel or Merlot's?


Hi Joe

About five years ago they fooled around with some Cab and some Merlot, but they have all but given up on them, they were not quite right for the climate and soils, plus in a blend they dominated to the point of being a copy of a Napa or such, which is not their goal.

Good makers?

Well there are lots of them, but for reds, there is a group of 8 or 9 makes who call them selves "Pannobile" and they all make very good to excellent reds, as well a whites.

http://www.heinrich.at/ is one of the best we tasted, but there are lots of others, I'll post a list later of the ones that export to the US.


Christopher K. Hartley
06-14-2006, 8:01 AM
Truth be told...I missed you being on here! Welcome back!:)

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
06-14-2006, 8:07 AM
Truth be told...I missed you being on here! Welcome back!:)

Thanks Chris, and I have to say, I sure missed being to get on here and post some stuff!

I'm catching up, made great strides today, so I hope to get down to the Dungeon on the weekend, I got to get the stand fixed up for the DVR, it is too wobbly now.


Mark Rios
06-14-2006, 12:17 PM
Welcome Back Stu!

Be careful when you get down into the dungeon. We're not sure what fell off your roof or what fell into the dungeon to cause the Great Japanese earthquake of '06 that was in the news a couple of days ago while you were gone. We just hope that your family and friends got out okay and are doing okay in the relief shelters that I'm sure are dotting the landscape.

:D :D :D :D :D :D

Missed ya Stu.

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
06-14-2006, 3:50 PM
Welcome Back Stu!

Be careful when you get down into the dungeon. We're not sure what fell off your roof or what fell into the dungeon to cause the Great Japanese earthquake of '06 that was in the news a couple of days ago while you were gone. We just hope that your family and friends got out okay and are doing okay in the relief shelters that I'm sure are dotting the landscape.

:D :D :D :D :D :D

Missed ya Stu.

Man, I always miss the fun turf surfing! :D