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W.C. Turner
09-12-2003, 2:35 AM
Where can I find the lowest prices on WoodTurning videos?


Kevin Gerstenecker
09-12-2003, 8:53 AM
I would check out Ebay. There are sometimes many Auctions for various Woodworking Videos. I know I saw the Del Stubbs Video on Turning last night on Ebay. The bids started at $4.99, and there were no bids at the time. PM me and I will give you the address of a seller on Ebay that specializes in Woodworking books and videos. You can buy direct from him, or go the auction route.......either way, he has great prices. You may want to check out the Library's in you area as well, it may surprise you what they have. ;)

Jim Becker
09-12-2003, 9:40 AM
Where can I find the lowest prices on WoodTurning videos?


The lowest price is generally borrowing from your local AAW (http://www.woodturner.org) chapter's librarian! You can get a discount on the Taunton videos by buying direct and registering at their site...the discount applies to both books and videos as well as their occasional compilation CDROMs.