View Full Version : Jumbo Jaws

Bernie Weishapl
06-12-2006, 11:40 AM
I am looking at the Jumbo jaws for a Oneway chuck. How well do these hold bowls especially with straight side or lip that is curved into the bowl? I thought about getting the smaller set for my apprectice chuck but wanted to see how others like them before I make the investment.

Don Orr
06-12-2006, 12:29 PM
Hey Bernie, I finally found a set of Cole jaws-basically the same as Jumbos-for a SuperNova chuck and I like them so far. I have been using jam chucks or dead-heads for a long time but fitting them for each piece is tedious. The Cole jaws are easy to use and changing the button positions is reasonably fast . One problem is the limited size range. They can't be used on natural edge bowls either. If someone does use them on NE bowls, please let me know. Rim profile of the bowl needs to be taken into account as well. The jaws can hold in either contraction or expansion, but they are not designed for heavy cutting. They are really just for LIGHT finishing cuts to clean up the foot of the bowl. I also put some masking tape around the black rubber buttons so they would not leave marks on the bowl.
Overall I like them. I leave them mounted on the extra SN chuck all the time.
Have fun and be safe.

Keith Burns
06-12-2006, 1:53 PM
Bernie, like Don said they work great for their intended purpose but they do have their limitations. I've found that the vacuum chuck is more versatile as it can be used on most anything.

Lee DeRaud
06-12-2006, 2:37 PM
For bowls that turn in at the opening but aren't strong enough to grip from the inside in expansion mode, you can McGuyver your own buttons using screws, nylon standoffs, and tapered rubber furniture feet from the hardware store.

Jim Sample
06-12-2006, 2:45 PM
I agree with Kieth that they have a place and also limitations. Last summer in KC at the AAW symposium, I ordered a set from Oneway for my Talon. After watching David Lancaste'rs demo where he vacuum chucked a large bowl, I went back, canceled my order and ordered the Oneway Vacuum spindle adapter and gauge kit. I bought a pump from Surplus in Lincoln, Ne. and made my vac. chucks from MDF glue ups. It fits any size, natural edge, or whatever.

I totally agree with Kieth, vacuums are the way to go.

Jim Sample :)