View Full Version : EEK! I broke my new lathe!

Tim Solley
06-12-2006, 10:51 AM
But thank Lordy I was able to fix it.

After I bought my new (to me) lathe a couple weeks ago from Curtis Seebeck, I just had it sitting in the front of my shop. I had used it there a few times. Well this weekend I decided it was time to rearrange my shop and make a permanent home for my new toy. Since it weighs several hundred pounds, I thought the easiest thing to do would be to put one end on a mechanics creeper and use a hand truck on the other end to wheel it across the shop. All was fine until I tried to maneuver it up a little step in the back of the shop. Things got a little tipsy, the lathe was top-heavy, it started to go over, I tried to grab it, it was too heavy, and I had to just let it go. It crashed into my drill press, it went down like a domino, and took out the water softener.

Well I managed to get the drill press and lathe back upright again and assessed the damage. The drill press was fine. The water softener survived. On the lathe I broke the handle on the tailstock and bent the motor housing all to hell. The motor wouldn't run. I had to take it apart and beat it all back into shape with a hammer. I was able to use CA glue to put the handle back together. I finally got everything back together and managed to make two new slimline pens (my second and third ever).

So in case you don't know this already....lathes are top heavy :eek:! Oh, and I'm not proud of it, but I think I may have screamed like a little girl when it happened :o.


Bernie Weishapl
06-12-2006, 11:24 AM
Don't you just hate it Tim when the best laid plans go south. Murphy is always standing around the corner waiting to pounce. Glad to see you got it back together and running. Where's the pic's Tim?

Christopher K. Hartley
06-12-2006, 11:43 AM
As much as I hate to hear about this, I'm just glad we arn't hearing about you being broken somewhere.:)

Andy Hoyt
06-12-2006, 11:49 AM
..... Oh, and I'm not proud of it, but I think I may have screamed like a little girl when it happened :o. Tim

Since audio files can't be uploaded to SMC and we have no audiophiles to police the improper (or lack of) posting of same (as well as being outside the purview of the pic police) I guess you're safe. It therefore defaults to actually have happened.

I can only hope that you were up on your tippy toes with arms aflutter!

Tim Solley
06-12-2006, 12:12 PM
Okay, this is the second picture related infraction I've committed in recent weeks. I'll go out to the shop tonight and take pictures of the damage, and the bowl and pens Curtis and I made and those I made on my own. I guess I should include some pictures of my newly reorganized shop too.


Dennis Peacock
06-12-2006, 12:21 PM
So in case you don't know this already....lathes are top heavy :eek:! Oh, and I'm not proud of it, but I think I may have screamed like a little girl when it happened :o.



I'm very sorry to hear about your accident with the lathe. It's ok to scream like a little girl when that happens. After all, I almost dropped my PM 3520 while unloading it off the back of the trailer. It started falling and I shoved a shoulder into it to catch it and get it back up right. I learned that day that I'm not the man I used to be when catching 710 pounds on one shoulder. I grunted like a bull elephant that day....and I've had minor back issues since then. Be careful....and get help next time. I know I sure did.

Wes Bischel
06-12-2006, 1:15 PM
As much as I hate to hear about this, I'm just glad we arn't hearing about you being broken somewhere.:)



Keith Burns
06-12-2006, 1:32 PM
Okay, this is the second picture related infraction I've committed in recent weeks. I'll go out to the shop tonight and take pictures of the damage, and the bowl and pens Curtis and I made and those I made on my own. I guess I should include some pictures of my newly reorganized shop too.


Got that right Tim, second infraction !!!!


Frank Fusco
06-12-2006, 2:27 PM
Glad you have a big hammer to fix things with. :D
Doesn't this belong on the Neanderthal forum? :rolleyes:

Corey Hallagan
06-12-2006, 8:30 PM
Tim glad you were not hurt and you were able to put things back together!


Ernie Nyvall
06-12-2006, 10:59 PM
It started falling and I shoved a shoulder into it ...

Well... do what I did and try using both shoulders... your head gets in the way.:eek: :confused: :o :eek: :rolleyes:

Glad your okay Tim and that there wasn't too much pain.
