View Full Version : Anyone near Lubbock Texas

Douglas Robinson
06-10-2006, 10:50 PM
Someone on ebay is selling a lot of good stuff. It is pick up only in Lubbock Texas. I am interested in one item but live nowhere near there. If anyone here lives near there, I would be interested in some assistance. I would pay to have it shipped to me in NC.

Just thought I'd ask.


Eddie Howard
06-11-2006, 2:52 PM

I live in San Angelo, about 200 miles away from Lubbock, what are you bidding on and I might be able to help you. I too am bidding on couple of items.

I received notice that the bandsaw was dropped from the auction -- several folks on the other forum were predicted that would happen it seems the fella has a bad history with the forum and some of those folks -- even noticed seller was permanetly banded as of this AM.


Deirdre Saoirse Moen
06-11-2006, 6:29 PM
The seller in question pulled an April Fools' stunt on WoodNet after claiming to have picked up a whole shop of tools for $50. It was later figured out that some came from other web sites.

Some of those same items were part of his list of eBay auctions, 7 of which he ended early because they didn't meet his price (in violation of eBay's seller's agreement).

Some of the people on WN asked him to post a pick of the day's news in front of the items for sale, but later that pic was exposed as a fraud, too. After name-calling ensued, the seller was banned from WoodNet.

But now he wants people to send him part of the $ prior to pickup as "earnest money." Hrm, I don't THINK so.

Oh, and his one positive feedback? That was from himself.

Allen Bookout
06-11-2006, 6:50 PM
Well Douglas, sounds like that Eddie and Deirdre saved you from some real jerk in Lubbock. That story just dumbfounds me. I cannot believe that there are people like that. I hope that he does not end up over here at Sawmill Creek.

I have been watching this thread out of interest because I went to college in Lubbock. After hearing about this guy I am almost embarrassed to admit it.

Deirdre Saoirse Moen
06-11-2006, 7:03 PM
Well Douglas, sounds like that Eddie and Deirdre saved you from some real jerk in Lubbock. That story just dumbfounds me. I cannot believe that there are people like that. I hope that he does not end up over here at Sawmill Creek.

I have been watching this thread out of interest because I went to college in Lubbock. After hearing about this guy I am almost embarrassed to admit it.

You know, there are crazy people everywhere (I don't know that the seller is crazy, but some of the actions sure make it look that way).

When I lived in upstate NY, I briefly had a "mainstreamed" downstairs neighbor who really did belong in a mental institution. One night she called 911 and claimed that someone had stolen her skin.

Douglas Robinson
06-11-2006, 8:02 PM
I was really interested in the LN planes, japanese chisels and saws. It doesn't seem worth the risk. Drat. While this sort of thing is discouraging, at least we haqve this forum to help one another out.


Martin Shupe
06-11-2006, 8:44 PM

I have read most of the thread on the other board, except I missed the part where he got banned.

I think what Deirdre and Eddie says is correct. You are better off to leave this one alone.

I was considering bidding on the hand tools at the beginning, but the more I read, the more I believed there was a significant risk. Of course, now the price is well over my head.

I would love to find out if the eventual winner got what he bid on.

The seller pulled several auctions, some he cited "item no longer available", which I guess is ebay legal, but sound suspicious. A couple others he said there was an "error in the listing". Hmm, wonder why he couldn't find the errors until the last day...

At any rate, I'll sit on the sidelines and see how it plays out. If I had won anything, money would have only exchanged after I inspected the goods, especially on a "pickup only". I hope no one is dumb enough to send the guy "earnest money". I think that would be a mistake.

Eddie Howard
06-11-2006, 10:28 PM

Did you bid or win :o anything? I have the winning bid on the G0453 planner. We'll see if I have really won. Sent my email about 30 mins ago and no response yet. If I can help you -- be happy to.

AKA - Judge Eddie Howard

Kelly C. Hanna
06-11-2006, 10:54 PM
Deposits on good sold on ebay are pretty much standard practice. Anything big ticket is required as such [like a car]. I sometimes do that on my tool sales on ebay. It is NOT normally a warning sign of any kind. That said I don't know the history of this seller, so no comment there.

I do grow very tired of hearing stuff like this about sellers on ebay. There are many more buyer croook on that site than many of you realize. We have sold on ebay now since 1999 and have run into many a skunk.

PS....ending an auction early like he did usually indicates a local sale. While not 'legal' by ebay standards, most any seller will do it that way. Ebay is quite strict on it's rules and it's getting out of hand on the charges they hit you with, especially via paypal. They only give you so manby reasons you can pull an auction and none are usually the real reason so sellers choose whatever they want. You should be able to ad lib for a reason so you can tell the truth. Ebay's policy deters people from doing that, you have to choose one of their stock answers.

Douglas Robinson
06-11-2006, 11:19 PM
Eddie: Let me know how it goes. I would have loved to have won the planes et al. but decided against the risk as I could get there to inspect the items personally.

I have a feedback rating of 86 on ebay (100% positive). I like it. I have never had a bad buyer. I have had two items I bought fail to arrive. Both sellers refunded me $. I had one guy sell me counterfeit mercahndise. I reported him to ebay. Sorry, but I am an intellectual property attorney and cannot let that just go.

Eddie, are you a judge?

P.S. I am going to watch the feedback for the seller, just out of curiosity.


Deirdre Saoirse Moen
06-12-2006, 12:41 AM

The seller SAID on WoodNet that he was going to end certain auctions early (he ended 7 of 18 early) if they didn't meet his price. He had no reserve, thus this is reserve price avoidance on eBay and can get one's eBay account yanked. He did this even AFTER the people on WoodNet happened to tell him what the eBay policy was and where he could look it up.

It's not sellers generally I don't trust, it was just this particular one, given the stunts he'd pulled before (see my first post in this thread).

I note that the hand tool auction plus two others (total around $5k) were won by someone who registered for eBay just to bid on these items.... Since he'd bid on his own auctions before, could be another case of that. Who knows.

Martin Shupe
06-12-2006, 12:49 AM

Did you bid or win :o anything? I have the winning bid on the G0453 planner. We'll see if I have really won. Sent my email about 30 mins ago and no response yet. If I can help you -- be happy to.

AKA - Judge Eddie Howard


Let us know how you make out. There are a lot of curious folks out there wondering what the real story is on this guy. If he plays any games, you might just let it drop that you are a judge.:D

Dan Forman
06-12-2006, 5:54 AM
Deposits on good sold on ebay are pretty much standard practice. Anything big ticket is required as such [like a car]. I sometimes do that on my tool sales on ebay. It is NOT normally a warning sign of any kind. That said I don't know the history of this seller, so no comment there.

I do grow very tired of hearing stuff like this about sellers on ebay. There are many more buyer croook on that site than many of you realize. We have sold on ebay now since 1999 and have run into many a skunk.

PS....ending an auction early like he did usually indicates a local sale. While not 'legal' by ebay standards, most any seller will do it that way. Ebay is quite strict on it's rules and it's getting out of hand on the charges they hit you with, especially via paypal. They only give you so manby reasons you can pull an auction and none are usually the real reason so sellers choose whatever they want. You should be able to ad lib for a reason so you can tell the truth. Ebay's policy deters people from doing that, you have to choose one of their stock answers.

Kelly---Nearly all of my eBay experiences have been positive, but belive me, if you had been able to read this seller's thread, I don't think you would have felt very safe sending this fellow a deposit. The thread has been expunged from the WoodNet forum, so no point in going there to look. The views expressed in this thread are no reflection on the typical eBay seller.


Eddie Howard
06-12-2006, 9:29 AM
yes, Doug I am a Judge -- Justice of the Peace -- I will let you know about this transaction -- My fears were quelled just a little as I got a good sounding email from seller. In one post on the other forum the seller said he didn't expect to have people pay with out inspection -- I'm holding him to that -- I will go to Lubbock area on Friday to inspect and hopefully pick up the planner. My hopes are that this seller just made some inappropriate decisions with the folks on the other forum and then when nearly castrated over those mistakes became defensive and it escalated from there. We shall see -- I have learned from my time sitting on the bench (nearly 12yrs) -- that a lot of people who come before me are not bad people but those who because of bad choices are having problems -- its when you see them over and over again that you learn they have a defect in character. I will reserve this judgment in this particular situation until Saturday morning.


Douglas Robinson
06-14-2006, 1:34 PM
THe seller now has a second positive feedback. The winner of the Jet lathe gave him "A PLUS." Maybe he was legit.


"Going to Game 5 of the Stanley Cup Playoffs!!!!"

Kelly C. Hanna
06-14-2006, 8:36 PM
It's amazing how fast some folks dogpile ebay sellers. The whole system is geared to preotect the buyers and it's really one sided these days.

I don't know him or anything about him, but for my sake [I sell a lot on ebay], I hope he's legit.

Eddie Howard
06-16-2006, 5:44 PM

Went to Lubbock area today, Met with Mike and made our deal -- Very helpful individual and very nice person. Wish him well.

No we didn't discuss the why's and what for's just conducted our business and moved on. All the tools worried about were on premis and up and running.

Larry Cooke
06-16-2006, 6:02 PM
Went to Lubbock area today, Met with Mike and made our deal -- Very helpful individual and very nice person. Wish him well.Eddie,

Congrats! Nice looking planer there. I was wondering what the outcome would be on this deal, glad to hear it all worked out.


Martin Shupe
06-17-2006, 12:02 AM
All the tools worried about were on premis and up and running.

OK, I am a cynic, I'll admit it....

But this quote has me wondering....

Did the tools you saw on the premises include the 7 or 11 that were up for auction, but were ended early because "the item is no longer available"? When that many auctions end that way, on the last day, it makes you wonder. I know, some of them said "error in the listing", but he waited until the last day to find the error????

I don't have the links anymore, but it would be interesting to know.

Anyway, I am glad it worked out for you.

Douglas Robinson
06-17-2006, 12:32 AM
I truly am happy for you, and I hope the seller is pleased. I wish (a little) that I had made arrangements to buy the lot I wanted. However, how in the WORLD would I explain that purchase to SWMBO??? Well, I did just buy her the house she wanted in Raleigh;)


Eddie Howard
06-17-2006, 9:06 AM
OK, I am a cynic, I'll admit it....

But this quote has me wondering....

Did the tools you saw on the premises include the 7 or 11 that were up for auction, but were ended early because "the item is no longer available"? When that many auctions end that way, on the last day, it makes you wonder. I know, some of them said "error in the listing", but he waited until the last day to find the error????

I don't have the links anymore, but it would be interesting to know.

Anyway, I am glad it worked out for you.


From my memory, all the tools listed in the original auction pages were there -- He mentioned in passing that someone was to pick up the Grizzly edge sander yesterday -- but as I remember all the tools that were originally listed were there and I was supposedly the first to pick up a tool. I did not talk about the auction or the fiasco that followed. A friend of mine that went with me has a Legacy machine like the one patch has and there was about a 20 minute conversation between them as to tricks and usage of that particular machine. All the machines were hooked up to the dust collection system and it appeared all had at one time been used. Patch was very nice -- helped with the loading -- and all in all it was a good visit. On the way home my friend and I talked about the fact that Patch could (purely speculation on our part) have a problem with the noise of a wood shop in the up-scale neighborhood in which he lives. A planner even at best is noisy. I like you had some ill feelings about the discontinuing of the auction on some items -- there were a couple of other items that I was bidding on until they were removed. Can't answer the whys or what fors but if I had to guess, after only about 1 hours time with him -- I would guess it was sellers remorse -- he just didn't want to sell the stuff and those emotions came after they were in the auction. Patch does seem to be a nice guy -- would he be your friend -- I don't know -- but the truth of the matter is -- you and I don't know about either of us. Maybe I was just the lucky one -- I paid about 60% of what it would cost me to get a new one -- that was in my comfort zone -- I'm happy with what I got and wish many of you would have got what you were bidding on. Good luck to Patch and to all of you on this forum -- I truly get each day more than what I contributed to it's upkeep. -- Eddie