View Full Version : Some luck in the shops

Brett Baldwin
06-10-2006, 2:40 PM
I had some luck running around the local antique shops lately. Here are some of my finds. 40566
The top saw is an E.C. Atkins #70 according to the etching. The teeth are very badly filed into what I'm guessing was an attempt at rip configuration. I thought this would be an excellent saw to make my own mistakes in since I wouldn't make it any worse (I hope).
The chisel is a 1" Witherby that has seen plenty of use. There are substantial chips on the edge that will take a fair amount of grinding to get rid of. I'll have to take it slow to make sure not to ruin the temper but for $5, well worth the trouble.
The last saw is the one I like the most. It is a Disston, 9 tpi, just under 15" heel to toe and filed rip but that is all I know about it. I really like the size for a handy shop saw but I'm curious as to its original use. Any information on it would be appreciated. I couldn't even find a saw of that design at the Disstonian.

Dave Anderson NH
06-10-2006, 4:35 PM
Nice score Brett. My guess on the Disston was that it was originally one of their 16" panel saws and someone modified the end after bunging up the tip. Whether it is or isn't however, it's a really handy size for a quick cut at the bench. My most used saw is an 18" Disston #7 crosscut with 8tpi. Really handy for doing a single cut when I don't want to leave the bench and go into the machine room and fire up the finger eater.

Alan DuBoff
06-10-2006, 4:48 PM
Nice saw, I like the small saws and have wanted one (don't have one) for incorporating into a toolbox. I don't know if the saw was cut or not, but there are other 15" - 16" saws I've seen, even saw a bishop 15" that was definitely original in size sell at the big auction over the net.

I scored some stuff at an estate sale this morning. A 4" divider, 4" inside caliper, both starret pieces, a lufkin rule co 2" inside caliper (cutest little 'thang you ever did see;-), a 10" penn. saw corp 168 (rebadged Disston 68), some wooden handled small screwdrivers, and a craftsman corner clamp in original old box. I'll try to get a pic and post it later.