View Full Version : Hunt County Fair TAT 2006

Art Hendrix
06-09-2006, 11:10 PM
Hi Y'all,

The Hunt Co. Fair in Greenville, Texas, runs June 9-17 this year. The Hunt County Woodturners are again making Freedom Pens every day, set up at our usual spot outside the Creative Arts Building. We are there weekdays 4-10 p.m. and weekends noon-10 p.m. Today was our first day. We have 53 pens turned so far, and that was only for the first shift (3 hours).

We received a couple nice donations recently to enable us to purchase more pen kits. We are hoping to turn 400 pens during the 10-day run of the fair. Today we received a lot of attention and explained the FPP to several folks who stopped by our tent, even though it was about 100 degrees all afternoon. We may even have a new member for our club.

If any of you turners in the NE Texas area can come help turn pens, we will be glad to have you. This is a very worthwhile project. Our club supports the FPP project and we will keep turning pens until we run out of kits!

Art Hendrix

Jackie Outten
06-12-2006, 6:52 AM

I apologize for the delay in responding to this post. I am finishing up exams at the high school and have been swamped with tests to grade. My last day at school will be Thursday so I should be able to stay on top of things regarding Freedom Pens much better.

We very much appreciate the support of the Hunt County Woodturners and their dedication to the Freedom Pens Project. You guys always do an amazing job for us and we love to hear how the turnathon is going at the Hunt County Fair. Please keep us posted and send our thanks to everyone involved.


Art Hendrix
06-14-2006, 3:22 PM

The pen count at the Hunt County Fair TAT as of last night (Tuesday night) was 361! We still have 4 more days to go.

Now we are scrambling for more pen kits! Hunt County Woodturners members are looking in their shops for miscellanious kits, and we have ordered 200 more but they won't be here until about Friday.

This just shows us that there is still a lot of interest in the Freedom Pen Project!

Pics and final count will be Sunday or Monday.

Art Hendrix

Jackie Outten
06-14-2006, 7:38 PM

You guys are doing a fantastic job as usual. I believe you may beat your record.


Art Hendrix
07-15-2006, 10:12 PM
We think we have all the pens turned in from the Fair TAT. We have exactly 500 pens to mail you Monday, Jackie! We have a couple members on vacation who may have a few, but for now it's 500.

We enjoyed working again for this great cause. You wouldn't believe the positive comments we got while we were set up at the fair. And we had a couple visitors at our monthly meeting this week who saw us at the fair and wanted to start turning again. Our group loves to teach new turners, so it's a win-win situation.

Jackie, we thank you and Keith for all your work on the FPP. Our club plans to continue turning pens all year, so you will be hearing from us again.

Art Hendrix
Hunt County Woodturners

Jackie Outten
07-16-2006, 6:54 AM

You guys had an extremely successful turnathon. Keith and I thank you and Margie for all your hard work and dedication. Please send our thanks to all the Hunt County Woodturners and others who participated in this event. We look forward to receiving the pens.
