View Full Version : 31" Bessey K Body clamps on sale...

Greg Koch
06-09-2006, 4:09 AM
FYI if you need some...$23.93, save 60%


Brian Hale
06-09-2006, 4:11 AM
Here we go again! :D

Brian :)

Steve Ash
06-09-2006, 7:26 AM
Well that is my usual luck, I just bought 4 of them a couple of days ago at a price a couple of dollars higher than what they are at now.

Byron Trantham
06-09-2006, 7:27 AM
I'll take four, thank you very much!:D

John Gregory
06-09-2006, 12:11 PM
Will the madness ever end??????:eek:

I just bought this (http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=46225), with the 20% and on sale I got it for $159.99, we have a paver job and some tile work coming up at our house. My shop is full and I am filling up all the other spaces too.

Matt Guyrd
06-09-2006, 12:29 PM
Greg...thanks for the heads-up. I promptly placed an order.

How did you come about this deal, were you searching for Bessey clamps on Amazon, get an email from them, have a top secret Amazon Tool Maniac link you peruse?? Is it profile related? Do tell.

Thanks again!

glenn bradley
06-09-2006, 1:08 PM
I just happen to have 2 slots open in my Bessy rack waiting for 24 inchers to go on sale. I guess these will have to do. Thanks! I've been waiting for a sale.

Dave Boxmeyer
06-09-2006, 1:08 PM
Greg...thanks for the heads-up. I promptly placed an order.

How did you come about this deal, were you searching for Bessey clamps on Amazon, get an email from them, have a top secret Amazon Tool Maniac link you peruse?? Is it profile related? Do tell.

Thanks again!

I'm not Greg, but I've spent more time than I care to admit shopping for tools on Amazon. Here are few tips I can pass along:

1. Start with their tools category page, they list most of their ongoing sales here. At times, you can "stack" multiple coupons or sale codes (even those that have recently expired) to get an even better than advertised deal. Here's the link for this page: http://www.amazon.com/gp/browse.html/104-4753750-3847169?node=228013

2. Watch the "top sellers" page for the tools category on Amazon. If something is going at a really good price, it oftens jumps into the top seller status pretty quickly. You'll notice that the Bessey clamps are in the list. Here's a link for the "top sellers" list: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/new-for-you/top-sellers/-/hi/all/ref=sv_hi_1/104-4753750-3847169?%5Fencoding=UTF8

3. There is a website that actually tracks Amazon prices and updates a list of recent items that have had price drops (you can sort by % dropped, $ dropped or sales rank.) Also, you can link to this page from Amazon and it will give you a report on the Amazon product page you linked from. This is a great way to see the price history (30 day) on something you are considering purchasing. The web author gets a commision from Amazon for linking from his page, but it's a real valuable resource and the referral is well earned (IMO). Here's the link to the Amazon Price Watch page: http://www.frozenwarrior.com/~pricewatch/top_drop.php?type=1&sort=price&duration=24&deal=0

4. If you have a particular item you are interested in purchasing, put the item in your Amazon shopping cart. Once it's in your shopping cart, move it to the "save for later" category. Amazon will notify you of any price changes on items in your cart everytime you visit your account. This is a real handy way to keep track of items on your wishlist.

5. Once you've actually purchased something, put it in your shopping cart again. Keep an eye on it for the next 30 days. If the price drops below your purchase price, send Amazon an email or give them a call and they will refund you the difference. They don't advertise this policy much, but it is a total no hassle interaction if you bring the price difference to their attention. FYI Amazon's customer service numer is: 800-201-7575

Hope you find all that useful! :)

Roger Everett
06-09-2006, 1:34 PM
Just when I had enough money saved up to make the down payment on granny's tummy tuck and hair transplant, someone comes along and temps me this way. Oh! lordy how cruel some people can be. She did want to look good in her new bikni in the pool at the home.

Brian Hale
06-09-2006, 1:39 PM
OK, just ordered 4 more.....

Brian :)

Mark Gordon
06-09-2006, 1:59 PM
Thanks for the great shopping links. However, I like to monitir price as percent off, and I'm having problems using frozenwarrior.com to sort by percent off.

Any hints?


Greg Koch
06-09-2006, 2:29 PM

Dave has the "program" down pat. Great tips, some that I didn't even realize.

Mine has mainly been checking out all the "sale" areas and specific things I'm interested in. Thanks, Dave.

Ben Roman
06-09-2006, 2:36 PM
I bought 4 of them.. Good to have around I suppose !


Scott Coffelt
06-09-2006, 2:47 PM
Sadly I missed the 60" ones going for $25 yesterday..... oh well, never owned so never lost.

Matt Guyrd
06-09-2006, 3:03 PM
Dave...great info! Thanks for sharing!

Man...60" K Body clamps for $25 yesterday? Dang it! I can use those more than the 31". With Dave's shared knowledge, maybe the 60" will come around again soon.

Greg...thanks again for posting the sale.


Larry Cooke
06-09-2006, 3:09 PM
Sadly I missed the 60" ones going for $25 yesterday..... oh well, never owned so never lost.Oh, you had to go and tell me about this one too! :mad:

I must resist, must resist, resist I must. Boy are these sales tempting.

But still I must resist.......

Okay, gave in - so much for my will power.


Dave Boxmeyer
06-09-2006, 4:36 PM
Thanks for the great shopping links. However, I like to monitir price as percent off, and I'm having problems using frozenwarrior.com to sort by percent off.

Any hints?


I'm no expert on this site since I didn't write it, but I have gotten pretty familiar so let me see what I can offer which might be helpful. First go to the home page for that price watch page I linked:

Click on the link marked "Tool & hardware price drops" - it is at the top of the list on the left hand side of the page.

At the top of the list, there are a few options for the list. Look at the section titled "order by:" and click on "percent". It should then show you the top 25 items by percent discount. You can click on various option under the "duration" section to look at the past 1 day, 2 days or last week. Finally, by clicking "on" next to the "best deal" title you can limit the list to only those products which are at their lowest price for the past 30 days.

Another tip, if you go to this site (same author):
you can enter in the product inventory number (which you gain from Amazon) and it will send you an email if the price drops. If you're looking for the 60" Besey clamps, just enter in the following number in the page I linked: B0000224B7

Finally, that same author has built a linked version of his page that you can use for finding out specifics around a particular item straight from Amazon. Here's how it works: let's say your surfing on Amazon and find a product that you are interested. Additionally, let's say that it looks like a pretty good deal to you, but you'd like to see if it's been any cheaper on Amazon over the past month or so... If you enter his link into your address bar straight from the specific product page on Amazon, it will give you the detailed pricing information for the past 30 days on that item. Here's how to set it up:
-Go to the following page: http://www.frozenwarrior.com/~pricewatch/top_drop.php?type=1&sort=price&duration=24&deal=0
-right click on the link at the very top of the page with the text "Amazon Price History"
-within the popup menu that shows after right clicking the link, select "add to favorites"
-now go to Amazon and find a product you are interested in.
-from the Amazon product page, select the link you just created.

Note that when you select "add to favorites" it will ask you if you really want to add the favorite since it "might be dangerous". It's up to you whether or not you want to add it... I did and it works fine.

Hope that helps and good luck deal hunting. share any good deals with the rest of us if you come across anything compelling!

Chris Padilla
06-09-2006, 4:57 PM
Seems there is not a good reason to ever buy Bessey's unless they are on sale!! haha

Harvey Chute
06-09-2006, 5:38 PM
I'm in for two - thank you!

Al Willits
06-09-2006, 5:39 PM
I am saving for a jointer....I am saving for a jointer....I am saving for a jointer....
Darn, this is a dangerous place to be.

Al ....who has kid in a candy storeitis and is fading fast...:)

Roger Fournier
06-09-2006, 7:32 PM
Too late, $37.99 now.

Greg Koch
06-09-2006, 7:32 PM
Just got notice my 2 have been shipped and should arrive on Monday....Gotta love the free 2 day air shipping privilege they gave me till August!

Roger Fournier
06-09-2006, 7:34 PM
Thanks for the info. I just got in under the wire. $37.99 now.

Larry Cooke
06-09-2006, 7:38 PM
Just got notice my 2 have been shipped and should arrive on Monday....Gotta love the free 2 day air shipping privilege they gave me till August!Greg,

I was a little apprehensive when they offered it to me at first, but I have to say that it has been really great getting things in two or less days for free. I'm not sure I'll keep it, but then if I keep ordering things like I have been then it may be worth the money when the trial period ends.

Thanks for the heads up on these clamps btw!


Greg Koch
06-09-2006, 7:49 PM
Ooops... They're up to $37.99 now...

Bret Olmsted
06-09-2006, 8:10 PM
Note that when you select "add to favorites" it will ask you if you really want to add the favorite since it "might be dangerous". It's up to you whether or not you want to add it... I did and it works fine.

I am the author of that, and the "might be dangerous" popup happens under Internet Explorer because the link contains a little javascript. All the link does, is takes the current webpage, appends it onto a URL for my website, and then submits it. My server then "finds" the Amazon product ID and displays the results.

It is not a "standard" bookmark/favorite and your explaination was very clear. Much more clear than mine.

Almost everything I have done on that website is because, I want to find the best deals and have been burned by buying something and then watching the price drop. It is not a good feeling and I store all the price changes. That way, I can make a rational decision based on the past price history.


Larry Cooke
06-09-2006, 8:19 PM
I am the author of thatBret,

I wanted to say thanks to you for this tool you wrote. I use it a lot and it's really handy. Still need to play with it some more but it's really a great tool.



Greg Koch
06-09-2006, 8:51 PM
Ditto! Thanks, Bret. You have shared a really nice too with all of us. Your hard work to put it together, and sharing are really appreciated.


Harvey Chute
06-16-2006, 2:35 PM
My box from Amazon arrived today, and after removing many inflated airbags, found *one* of the two Bessie's I ordered.

Amazon sent "this part of my order" and will ship the other separately once it's available.

That logic works for books but I would have been just fine waiting for both clamps in one package. They're a little more useful in pairs. :)