View Full Version : And now, for my next trick...

Henry C. Gernhardt, III
06-07-2006, 2:59 PM
Although this piece wasn't the one that flew off on me, it did have a lot of trouble staying true on the faceplate. I remounted it using #7 x 1 5/8" galvanized wood screws. This seemed to do the trick! The wood is the dunno wood (which I'm starting to think is cherry, if only because of the smell coming off of the large piece when I got all those wonderful wet curlies). First pic is on the lathe, ready to be parted off. Second pic is after the first coat of sanding sealer, still wet.

Christopher K. Hartley
06-07-2006, 3:10 PM
Nice Job Henry! Cherry or not it is pretty wood.:)

Bernie Weishapl
06-07-2006, 3:33 PM
Beautiful job Henry. Sounds like the faceplate did the trick for you. Nice work and pretty wood.

Michael Stafford
06-07-2006, 3:56 PM
Bite the bullet Henry and buy a chuck. You will be a much happier camper and the UFO's will be substantially reduced....Right now it is just flying wood you are seeing but if you aren't careful you'll be seeing stars.....:p :eek: :eek:

John Timberlake
06-07-2006, 4:33 PM
Like the piece, but we need more pictures. Have you tried turning the inside and then using a jam chuck in the tail stock to support it while doing everything else. I agree that a chuck would make your life easier.

Scott Donley
06-07-2006, 4:43 PM
Nice work Henry, sure like that donno wood. Good luck on getting the chuck, I need to do the same myself but way to confused on what to get and already spent way too much. You have been doing an outstanding job:D but watch out for the vortex :D

Tom Sherman
06-07-2006, 4:58 PM
That 'dunno wood' sure makes a nice goblet. Way to go.

Corey Hallagan
06-07-2006, 8:48 PM
Looks good! Looks like some ambrosia going on.


Ernie Nyvall
06-07-2006, 10:24 PM
Looks like you made it Henry, and did a fine job. Nice goblet.


Henry C. Gernhardt, III
06-08-2006, 3:16 AM
Thanks, everyone, for the words of encouragement!

Big Mike: I'm looking at the bullet now, deciding how best to bite it. I will be getting a chuck soon---I just have to scratch the cash together.

John: I don't use a jam chuck, but do stuff the cup with paper towels and bring the tailstock into position (as shown on the Robert Sorby video on the Woodcraft site). As for more pics: what views should I be posting?

Thanks again, all!