View Full Version : Thanks and some questions...

John Hemenway
06-06-2006, 2:37 PM
First let me thank all the posters here at SMC! What a great resource!! I especially want to thank Jim Becker for his recommendations of the Wagner HVLP gun and Target USL.

I used both products last weekend and am thrilled by the result. Not only am I thrilled but LOML is too. The only spray application I've used before is an airless sprayer to do latex house paint. I am a complete rookie when it comes to spraying! After a few minutes reading the instructions (it only takes a few to read -- they are kind of skimpy!), I was up and going. I practiced with some water to get the feel of the adjustments then switched to the Target USL. The product dries so fast I could spray one side of a door then flip it over onto wood rails and the 'wet' side doesn't stick or have any marks from the wood rails. Last weekend was windy and it is 'cottonwood' season. Looks like snow in the summer :). I noticed some of the cotton fluff landing on the money side of the door I had just sprayed. This would have been the end of an oil-based finish. No problem. Just carefully pick the 'cotton' off. It didn't stick!!

I'm using a PC pancake compressor. It's a little underpowered and cuts in after a minute of spraying. If I pause for 10 seconds or so it can catch up. Not the best but I don't want to spend lots of $$ on a new compressor (yet ;) ).

OK, now my questions...
The 'manual' describes cleaning as just running clean solvent thru the gun several times. Is this what you do? Is this enough cleaning?. Do you have to break the gun down after cleaning it this way several times?

Thanks for reading this far...

Bob Reda
06-06-2006, 3:25 PM

I guess the correct reply would be to take it apart and clean it after every use. With me, it depends on what I am spraying. If its water based, I run water through it and let it go at that, break it down after every couple uses and clean it real good, usually with lacquer thinner. If its oil base I clean it after every use. That's my story and I'm sticking to it:D

David Eisenhauer
06-06-2006, 6:03 PM
I break my gun and pressure cup down and wash with soapy water, rinse with water at the end of the day. I don't tear the gun down into every minor component, just enought to ensure I don't have dried USL in the nozzle area. I pull the air cap off and clean it and the end of the nozzle in between coats. If I suspect something has dried in the gun, I pull the cap/needle/nozzle parts out and soak in acetone (recomended for WB cleanup).

Jim Becker
06-06-2006, 6:43 PM
Break it down. You need the "wrench" to do so without risking damage to the projector set. Do it every time. I normally use HOT water at the kitchen sink to clean my gun (only spray WB) with an occasional going over with lacquer thinner (outside!) to insure no gunk is collecting. Don't forget to clean the little plastic valve and remember it's a one-way contraption...it has to go back together pointed in the correct direction! (DAMHIKT!)

John Hemenway
06-07-2006, 12:44 PM
Thanks for the replies. Although this is not the response I really wanted - I would have been much happier with 'rinse and repeat works for me' :) - it's good to know the real answer!

I do have the 'wrench' and now will study the parts diagram VERY carefully before I pull it apart.

Spray ON, dude!!