View Full Version : Tree Picture

Richard Allen
09-10-2003, 2:25 PM
How many look at this picture


and visualize how you would cut a bowl or two out of the log?


chris toomey
09-10-2003, 4:42 PM
i don't see too many bowls...maybe a wardrobe and a few dressers....

Jim Becker
09-10-2003, 5:39 PM
What truck? That being said, I'm a little worried about that fellow next to the big turning blank... :D

Steven Mendes
09-10-2003, 6:05 PM
That will leave a mark.

Kevin Gerstenecker
09-10-2003, 6:36 PM
I'm kinda wondering how you explain that to the Insurance Adjustor? Nothing more frustrating than felling a tree where you DIDN'T want it to go! The Guy in the truck bed appears to be having a great time.........must be either nuts, or it wasn't his truck! :D

Brad Schafer
09-10-2003, 7:34 PM
heh. inferior vehicle. Ford junk. a Chevy coulda handled it, no problem. :D


Jason Roehl
09-10-2003, 7:59 PM
heh. inferior vehicle. Ford junk. a Chevy coulda handled it, no problem. :D


RIIIIIIIIGHT...methinks it was more like a Chevy driver behind the chainsaw. :D After all, Chevy puts those two hooks on the front of their trucks for a reason---one so a Dodge can pull them out, and one so a Ford can pull them out. :D :D

As for the tree/truck situation, I say, "When life gives you lemons, make lemon bowls." Or something like that.

David Rose
09-10-2003, 8:00 PM
What kind of mark? :rolleyes: I suspect even a Chevy would have received paint damage.

I doubt the guy owns the truck. I'll bet it's the tree that is his.

I'm like Chris. I don't see no bowls. But I see lots of feet of FLAT lumber! :D


Keith Melick
09-10-2003, 8:57 PM
What a way to load a tree trunk into your truck. All you have to do is cut off the overhang,

Brad Schafer
09-10-2003, 9:17 PM
... After all, Chevy puts those two hooks on the front of their trucks for a reason---one so a Dodge can pull them out, and one so a Ford can pull them out. :D :D

that's what i get for talking smack. :D

b (owns 2 Fords)