View Full Version : Trying to find turning stock

Steve Hayes
06-05-2006, 11:46 AM
I live in a suburb of D/FW and I have one heck of a time trying to find turning stock. It seems you guys wake up and the wood fairy has left a pile on your front porch. I think Andy has a pile of something else left on his porch in a flaming bag. But anyway, I have asked about trees that have been cut down for "progress" and they say no, stay off the property. I have a feeling it's due to liability issues. I have a Husky that is ready to cut some wood but no takers. What gives?

Daniel Heine
06-05-2006, 12:23 PM

I have purchased a few oeices on ebay recently, and the price was not too bad. The shipping is what hurts, though. If you know someone who works for the village, they may be able to help you find trees scheduled for removal. The roots get into the water and sewer systems around here in the Chicago area, anbd our village will cut them down for us. Finally, if yoiu have a hardwood source locally, buy some flat stock, and glue some blanks together, you can make some nice patterns that way.

Just my $0.02 woth, hope it helps.

Dan Heine

Mark Cothren
06-05-2006, 12:41 PM
I'm assuming it's just your location. Around here a man with a chainsaw can find wood on the ground to cut just about 7 days a week... lots of new housing development going on and every time a storm blows through there are usually trees down.

Steve Hayes
06-05-2006, 12:49 PM
There's a new housing development about 1/4 mile from the house and all that was on the property was mesquite. From 2" in diameter to 12" all piled up and asked if I could remove some for them and was promptly told "no, we will prosecute if you trespass". I have had one person say they would let me but because of insurance reasons he couldn't. I keep watching on trash day when the trimmings are out. I have one guy on my street that has just taken down two huge oak trees. I can't move the cause there two big. I would need at least a 24" cs.

Jeff Horton
06-05-2006, 1:45 PM
Try to find out where they haul the wood too. Might be able to get it there?

Call the tree services in your area and ask them what they do with the wood.

Put an ad on the Craiglist.

Join Freecycle and advertise there you want wood and will cut and HELP cleanup.

It will happen. Just last week I went out on a job and there were several decent sized black cherries down in the guys backyard. Asked about them he gave me all I wanted, just less for him to clean up. I came back that afternoon with a chainsaw and my trailer. Just get the word out your looking and don't give up.

Bernie Weishapl
06-05-2006, 1:59 PM
Steve I get a lot of wood from our tree trimming service. Albeit common stuff it is still wood to turn.

Doug Thompson
06-05-2006, 3:48 PM
Finding wood is like the weather sometimes it's dry and the next day it's raining. City dumps, free fire wood and wood chips locations are the best for me. Next is tree services... if they give you wood make something for them from that wood.

When you do find some take more that what you'll need.

Good luck,

Joe Pelonio
06-05-2006, 4:03 PM
Any turners in the Redmond WA area, I have some fairly fresh cherry and some 12 year old Madrona that I was going to give to my step father for firewood. I don't know if it's anything you'd want for turning but if so PM me soon, he's coming over this weekend.

Glenn Hodges
06-05-2006, 5:54 PM
Sorry to hear about your problem. Sometimes you are the bug and sometime the windshield. Sometimes all the people you run into are SOB's, but keep trying there are a lot of nice people out there that have the wood you want. I get a lot of free wood at the barbershop in the smalltown I live in because I take a bowl with me each time I go. I have even sold bowls at the barbershop. I tell everyone that if somone gives me a tree I want I will make them a bowl from it, and after seeing one of my bowls the word gets out. You might have to make some offers like that to get some wood. A lot of the people in the country in Texas hate mesquite which I love to turn. It might pay you to get out there with some pictures and a bowl and ride and do some talking, good luck.

Kurt Rosenzweig
06-05-2006, 6:12 PM
Send me a PM with your address and I'll send you a blank from NJ!:D

Terry Quiram
06-05-2006, 6:25 PM

I am on friendly terms with 2 tree service guys. The first thing I did was to give each a pen. One got an additional bowl and the other got some mushrooms. Both have invited me to visit their pile anytime and take as much of whatever I found. My most recent find was 6 Cherry blanks measuring 7 x 13 x 20 and some awesome Curly Ash. Whats the worst that can happen, they will tell you no.


Steve Clardy
06-05-2006, 6:51 PM
I live in a suburb of D/FW and I have one heck of a time trying to find turning stock. It seems you guys wake up and the wood fairy has left a pile on your front porch. I think Andy has a pile of something else left on his porch in a flaming bag. But anyway, I have asked about trees that have been cut down for "progress" and they say no, stay off the property. I have a feeling it's due to liability issues. I have a Husky that is ready to cut some wood but no takers. What gives?

Sure hope Andy's not out on the porch trying to stomp that flaming bag out.:eek: ;) :D

John Shuk
06-05-2006, 8:18 PM
Look in the phone book for an arborist