View Full Version : 2006 Contributor?

Randy Denby
06-02-2006, 11:28 AM
I see under alot of names "2006 contributor". What is this in reference too? Is it, so many posts to get this status, is it a membership fee, or maybe a contribution to help pay for the site? If so, I would like to contribute. How or who do I contact? I've been a member since Badger pond went belly up, just havent checked in very often until recently. I'll be around alot more .....not a threat bTW:p just like here. Thanks! Randy

Jim Becker
06-02-2006, 11:33 AM
There is a link at the top of the forum titled "Donate"... ;) Donating to SMC is totally voluntary, but it will help keep the community strong for years to come. Individual donations should be small and painless, too...$5-10 is more than enough.