View Full Version : A Bowl Kit -- A Story and Photos (Long)

Ken Salisbury
09-08-2003, 5:21 PM
First "The Story"<p>While at the Central States BBQ 3 of the attendees (names withheld to protect the innocent :D) were turning a small bowl on Terry's lathe. After much work and consultation between the parties some superlatives came from the far corner of the shop " @#%*^":mad:. Of course I was sitting in Terry's recliner nursing a Bud Light on the other side of the shop. I yelled "what happened?". "It blew up" was the response. "Let me see it" I responded. One of the guilty parties brought over what was more than a few pieces to show me. I said "why don't ya fix it". Naturally the response was "ya can't fix that".

Now first of all, the word "can't" is not included in my vocabulary when it comes to woodworking. So I asked them to retrieve the rest of the pieces from the pile of shavings so the bowl could be resurected.

Naturtally they all thought I was already drunk (yet it was early in the day). I did a little repair on some of it before I left Terry's with a lot of chuckles about it being a "bowl kit".

I had a little spare time this afternoon so I decided to get this monkey off of my back. I reassemble the many pieces and finished the bowl which turned out 6" x 2 ¼" with 1/8" thick walls. It turned out nice with 7 worm holes and a little distress look.

Please do not ask what kind of wood it is -- I have no idea. I believe it is some of the stuff Lee Patz brought with -- maybehe can tell us.

So this bowl has both "character" and a "story". Maybe I can submit it to the "Wooden Bowl Hall of Fame"
Next: "The Photos"

Brad Schafer
09-08-2003, 6:24 PM
you guys just can't let it rest, can ya? must ... control ... urge to buy ... lathe ... :D

wonderful work,


Jim Becker
09-08-2003, 6:50 PM
'Nice Save"....and a great bowl, besides. The true sign of a craftsman is his/her ability to turn adversity into advantage. The true sign of a successful glue company is their ability to supply woodworkers with enough product... :rolleyes: :D

Tom Sweeney
09-08-2003, 10:02 PM
You will be assimilated :p

you guys just can't let it rest, can ya? must ... control ... urge to buy ... lathe ... :D

wonderful work,


Terry Hatfield
09-08-2003, 10:03 PM
Good Job Grandpa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The bowl is from a piece of cherry that I had in my stash. Here is Lee contemplating just exactly how to cut said piece at the bandsaw before the infamous "blow up".


Tom Sweeney
09-08-2003, 10:09 PM
Seriously cool bowl you salvaged there. :cool:

Jack Diemer
09-08-2003, 10:32 PM
Hey Ken, looks great, but will it hold water?

Todd Burch
09-09-2003, 8:38 AM
That ain't no soup bowl. Maybe you could put nuts in it for the upcoming holidays.


Phil Phelps
09-09-2003, 8:39 AM
...Just after I snapped this shot, I was talkin' to DP (Dennis Peacock) and we heard a "thump" times three or more. He says, "that bowl is about to blow". Then, blam, bowl flies everywhere. The ear of an experienced turner. Good call DP :cool:

Bob Janka
09-11-2003, 1:24 PM
'Nice Save"....and a great bowl, besides. The true sign of a craftsman is his/her ability to turn adversity into advantage. The true sign of a successful glue company is their ability to supply woodworkers with enough product... :rolleyes: :D

Hey Jim,

Does that make Ken a "glue-turner"? ;) ;)

Bob - ducking to avoid the empty Bud Light bottle thrown by Ken ;-)