View Full Version : The Marcou S15/BU Smoother - Reviewed

Derek Cohen
05-31-2006, 2:59 AM
Dear friends

Below is a link to the latest handplane review, the Marcou S15/BU Smoother, the handwork of Philip Marcou from New Zealand.


This is a high-end smoother, with looks, performance and price to match.

<center> <div><img src="http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a262/Derek50/Philips%20plane%20pics/Smaller1.jpg" border="0" alt="" /> <br /></center>

What is interesting is the combination of traditional construction with up-to-the-moment design. Many special features, and a superlative performance. Here it is contrasted with the Veritas Bevel Up Smoother (BUS) and, to a lesser extent, the LN #4 1/2 Smoother.

Enjoy (lots of tool porn and construction techniques included). About 8 pages worth.

Regards from Perth


Dan Forman
05-31-2006, 4:11 AM
Derek---I have always enjoyed your reviews, and this was no exception. The one thing different about this one is that it's highly unlikely that I will ever be able to afford the main subject. :( It is, however, encouraging to know the law of diminishing returns applies to these tools, and that appearances aside, the new (rich) kid on the block won't leave my humble BUS in the dust, figuratively speaking. Thanks for the in depth look at this beautiful plane.

Gary Herrmann
05-31-2006, 8:37 AM
Another excellent review, Derek. Philip does make some beautiful planes. If I didn't already have a LV BUS, and had the disposable income, I'd be very tempted to buy one of his planes.

Alan DuBoff
05-31-2006, 1:59 PM
An excellent review would be an understatement. Job well done!

Alan Turner
05-31-2006, 3:38 PM
I wish you wouldn't do this to me. I have yet to even sign up for the 12 step program, and you are not helping.

Paul Erickson
06-04-2006, 11:46 AM
Hi Derek,

Do the Marcou, and LV use the same pitch thread in their Norris adjusters?

cheers, Paul

Derek Cohen
06-04-2006, 12:05 PM
Hi Paul

I do not know. I'm sure that Philip will see this question and respond himself.

Regards from Perth


philip marcou
06-05-2006, 7:08 AM
[quote=Paul Erickson]Hi Derek,

Do the Marcou, and LV use the same pitch thread in their Norris adjusters?

cheers, Paul

I use a 1/4inch 28tpi thread. Have not measured either the L .Valley or any Norris. Mine is a very simple one, imperial being a well made thread (as opposed to the metric).

Paul Erickson
06-05-2006, 11:44 PM
Hi Philip,

Thanks for the reply. Looks like I will have to find the LV pitch somewhere else. One of the things I have not liked about the LV planes I have used is the relative courseness of their depth adjustments, although their BU planes are much better in that regard than their BD planes. An issue, as you know, which could be rectified with finer pitch threads and or larger wheel diameter.

Lovely piece of work by the way. Something that will never be within my financial reach, but something to dream about.

cheers, Paul

Hank Knight
06-07-2006, 11:29 AM
Derek, It's nice to see your review here. Thanks for posting it. Once again, great work.


Wiktor Kuc
08-02-2006, 9:18 AM
Hello All,

I just finished a website for Philip Marcou. The address is: www.MarcouPlanes.com (http://www.MarcouPlanes.com)

Philip is working on several new plane models and I will be maintaining the site to make it current and most informative.


Wiktor Kuc
www.wkFineTools.com (http://www.wkFineTools.com)