View Full Version : Ever have one of those days?

Christopher K. Hartley
05-30-2006, 8:11 PM
This was my greeting as I walked into the shop tonight::( :confused: :(

Bernie Weishapl
05-30-2006, 8:14 PM
Boy I would like to know what happened on that one. I know what you mean Christopher. Can't win sometimes.

Ken Fitzgerald
05-30-2006, 8:16 PM
Order a new one and thank your child for being honest! Takes a child with some depth of character to own up to an accident! Talk with them about being careful in your shop and then thank them for being honest! Be proud Dad!

George Conklin
05-30-2006, 8:18 PM
It's good to know that you have a son or daughter that is conscious enough to leave you a note like that instead of pretending it never happened:mad: . I think you're blessed:) .

George Conklin
05-30-2006, 8:19 PM
And, I too, would like to know how that happened?

Michael Stafford
05-30-2006, 8:20 PM
Chris, I will second George's sentiment.... Go give that child a hug and tell him that the faceplate is replaceable and he is not.....

Obviously a cast iron face plate dropped on a concrete floor.....:(

Christopher K. Hartley
05-30-2006, 8:21 PM
Order a new one and thank your child for being honest! Takes a child with some depth of character to own up to an accident! Talk with them about being careful in your shop and then thank them for being honest! Be proud Dad!

Good advice Ken, Thanks and let me add thanks all of you!

Steve Clardy
05-30-2006, 8:24 PM
Yep. I got 4 boys. Been there, done that.

Chris Barton
05-30-2006, 8:27 PM
Wow! I have never seen a faceplate break. Maybe it was defective and your son saved you from a piece of it hitting you...

Lee DeRaud
05-30-2006, 8:34 PM
Obviously a cast iron face plate dropped on a concrete floor.....:(Or possibly being screwed into some really hard wood that wasn't flat on that face: looks like the break started at a screw hole.
Either way, certainly wouldn't expect it to break.:eek:

Ken Fitzgerald
05-30-2006, 9:38 PM
Guys...........I've dropped cast iron on to concrete and seen it break! It can be extremely brittle and prone to same!

David Fried
05-30-2006, 9:49 PM
Ditto all the above.

I usually start with "Are you OK?".

Cody Colston
05-30-2006, 11:24 PM
Look at it as an opportunity to get a quality faceplate (or two) from Oneway. ;)

And then hug your kid for 1. Being interested in woodworking 2. Being Honest 3. Facilitating your Oneway purchase :cool:

Doug Thompson
05-31-2006, 1:05 AM
Wow! I have never seen a faceplate break. Maybe it was defective and your son saved you from a piece of it hitting you...

I agree 100% with Chris... faceplates should not break. I do hope you tell your child that and thank him for being honest. Buy a new faceplate and write a note and say " Do you want to be the first one to try it out"

Cool kid... you raised him well.

Dave Fifield
05-31-2006, 2:26 AM
What they said...be very happy that your child is interested in woodworking and is honest! :)

I had a similar incident a couple years back. One of my boys knocked my plunge router off the bench accidently while I was at work. He was working on a secret gift project using hand tools. He left me an "Oops, sorry" note and offered to work off the repair cost doing car washes etc. He didn't have to.

Dave F.

Barry Stratton
05-31-2006, 2:38 AM
While a bummer to come home too, it could have been a lot worse! did you ask what happened to the $500 pice of Amboyna burl you had attached to that face plate?:D :D

Seriously, sounds like a great kid you've got there!

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
05-31-2006, 2:55 AM
Yep, what everyone else said, good kid, and a good job on raising him!!


Vaughn McMillan
05-31-2006, 4:50 AM
Ditto what all have said about raising your son right. It's a good reflection of you. He was probably as torn up about breaking it as you were in finding it broken.

I still remember the trepidation I had the day I had to call my mom (at work) and tell her I'd broken her iron...fighting with my sister, it got bumped and fell on the floor. (I was about ten years old.) It paid off though -- being honest with her probably saved me from getting the belt when Dad came home. :eek: ;)

- Vaughn

Jim Becker
05-31-2006, 4:48 PM
Yup...you're lucky.

And you needed a smaller faceplate, anyway! (3" is fine for almost anything outside of "very large" pieces)