View Full Version : Box Drying. Anybody used it?

Christopher K. Hartley
05-30-2006, 1:08 PM
Found this article earlier and began to wonder... :confused: http://gulfcoastwoodturners.org/RESOURCES/Articles.html
Go to the article entitled: Drying Wood to Get Round Bowls. There are four links.

Lee DeRaud
05-30-2006, 4:07 PM
Haven't used it, but I seem to recall seeing an article where somebody used an old freezer as the box...was that here?

Steve Hayes
05-31-2006, 9:35 AM
Someone had created a kiln out of a fridge. Some light bulbs were the heat source I think.

Jeff Horton
05-31-2006, 1:48 PM
Someone had created a kiln out of a fridge. Some light bulbs were the heat source I think.

Yup. I have seen that too but don't remember where.

Anthony Yakonick
05-31-2006, 11:19 PM
I have one, 100wt bulb on a dimmer with holes in the top and bottom for airflow. Not much in it now, but I can dry a few hundred oil lamp blanks ao a few dozen bowl blanks if stacked right. I'm not in a hurry to dry wood (dna, soap,etc) but a few weeks air drying and a few weeks in the kiln does it for me.