View Full Version : rikon lathe

byron constantine
05-29-2006, 11:34 PM
Anyone have this lathe? I like the extra 2" swing but i don't know the
lathe as a whole. Some info on this would be helpful.

Thanks, Byron

Ken Fitzgerald
05-29-2006, 11:40 PM
Byron............several members here have that lathe and have been satisfied with it. IIRC there was an issue with a loose set screw but I sure several members will respond about their experience.

Corey Hallagan
05-29-2006, 11:42 PM
It's a fairly new lathe but lots of guys are using them and seem to like them. There was some problems with the first run which has been quite some time ago now but these problems have been fixed from what I have read. If you do a search on this forum or read the links at the bottom of this thread you will see some answers to this same question.


Jim Davenport
05-30-2006, 5:42 AM
Do a search on Rikon lathe, and you'll find a lot of Info. That's what I did prior to getting mine.
I've had mine for a few months now, and love it. I've had no problems with it. Seems to be very well made. My Friend that works at the Woodcraft store says that they haven't had any bad experiences with them, and they sell a lot of them.
For its size mine has enough power. I've turned 10" bowls on it with no problems. Some day. I'll get an extension for it, but I like turning bowls, and the 16" length is fine so far.
I'd say get the Rikon, and you'll be happy.;)

byron constantine
05-30-2006, 4:51 PM
Woodcraft here in Ft Worth Tx sent all there stock back because of some
kind of problem and said that they were not ordering any more till they
sell all the jet minis in stock. They are the only dealer of this lathe, so
where does one get one?

Mark Pruitt
05-30-2006, 5:02 PM
Woodcraft here in Ft Worth Tx sent all there stock back because of some
kind of problem and said that they were not ordering any more till they
sell all the jet minis in stock. They are the only dealer of this lathe, so
where does one get one?


I've ordered online from Woodcraft several times with no problems at all.

Chris Barton
05-30-2006, 5:02 PM
Woodcraft here in Ft Worth Tx sent all there stock back because of some
kind of problem and said that they were not ordering any more till they
sell all the jet minis in stock. They are the only dealer of this lathe, so
where does one get one?
