View Full Version : A Message from the Ministry of Abysseration

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Andy Hoyt
05-29-2006, 9:59 PM
To all citizens and tax paying residents of the Vortex:

It has come to the attention of the staff here at MAHQ that there’s an individual who, for quite some time, has been causing a fair amount of ruckus with our fellow spinners. Normally this is an entirely acceptable practice; but in this instance the illegal alien is a devout and prolific non-spinner. As a matter if fact, we’re not even sure if the party in question has done any woodworking of any kind at all – ever!

As such it was determined at our last Department Head meeting to get this sick and depraved individual to put up or shut up. Given that sick and depraved is an apt description, and one that applies to all of us as well, we feel that assimilation can be easily achieved and worthy of our attention.

So……… Here we go again. But there’s a twist.

The last time we did this it was all done in secret (well, semi secret anyway) and while it was a lot of fun and completely successful there were many who felt sad that they weren’t approached for a donation. So, whaddya say? Let’s do it in full view so everyone, who wants to, can participate.

Ken Fitzgerald (head of Bonker Operations) joined my tenured department heads John Hart and John Miliunas; and then in a stroke of sheer brilliance we asked Tyler Howell to join us as a Special Consultant to our newly established Lathewear Department. Together, this formidable assemblage of talent has worked fastidiously over the last eleven minutes to devise what follows.

Just like last time, we hope to raise enough funds from right here in the Turning Forum of Sawmill Creek to acquire a new lathe and various accessories to get this individual assimilated and started down into the depths of the Vortex that we all know so well.

The thing is – we’re not going to tell you the identity of the object of our attention. You’ll have to rely on our Boy Scout’s honor and trust that we have “chosen wisely”. It is our intent to let speculation run rampant, wild, and public. So have it. My guess is that the odds makers in Las Vegas will be taking wagers shortly.

Keith Outten has blessed this crusade, but has asked that:
we keep it to the Turning Forum
that we forgo the loud “signature games” from last winter
that we avoid referring to this as a bombing run or any variant of that sort
that we keep it to just this thread.Them’s the rules and I agree with them.

Here’s how it works.

To participate, send your donation via PayPal to me at ahoythere@adelphia.net. Or, you can send cash or check (payable to me) to 35 Pines Road, Benton Falls, Maine 04901-3623. When your donation is received I’ll shoot you an acknowledgement that it arrived. But I will never divulge to anyone who did or did not participate, or in what amount. This way, everyone is a donor. This goes for you lurkers out there – we want to hear from you too!

The goal is to let the fund drive run for a couple of weeks and then arrange for delivery towards the end of June. Naturally, we won’t know what we’ll be purchasing until we see what kind of response we get.

That’s it for now. My hope is that my department heads will chime in shortly to support what I’ve said and add their own two cent’s worth.

One last word. This is not charity. This is fun.

Thanks, Andy

Jim Ketron
05-29-2006, 10:34 PM
Sounds Like fun again:D
Count me in!

Ken Fitzgerald
05-29-2006, 10:44 PM
It is our intention to keep everyone in suspense by keeping the recipient unnamed until he or she has been abysserated! But take my word on THIS....This individual deserves everything they are going to get and more! And.......I will insure they'll get more!..........even if it's just bonker #2!:eek: :rolleyes: :D One way to stop the harrassment is to get them into the vortex! Once in the vortex you see the error of your ways and make ammendments! Ask Me How I Know This!:D :)

Tyler Howell
05-29-2006, 10:50 PM
I did not-have-turning-relations-with-that-machine.:o
I was forced against my will:eek: .
You just want to hook another poor flat head on spin crack!:mad:
But it is kinda fun to watch them squirm:rolleyes: :D
Go for for it, spike another one:D :D.

Travis Stinson
05-29-2006, 11:05 PM
Oooo yea, I'm in!:D

Bernie Weishapl
05-29-2006, 11:21 PM
You betcha I am in. :D :p :eek:

John Miliunas
05-29-2006, 11:47 PM
You know, as much fun as it is to see the reaction(s) on the part of the recipient, it's darn-near as much fun watching the others squirm, for fear of the Abyss!!! :D

The last "raid" was pretty much "under the radar", but yet, very successful. Let's do this one up right, guys & gals!!! :D

We're very, very hopeful that the folks not included in the last go-around will pitch in and make this an even to be remembered! Remember, we are all a community here and sharing is what makes SMC so very special! I'd like to thank you, in advance, for your support and donations! :) :cool:

Barry Stratton
05-30-2006, 1:09 AM
What you did to "poor" Ken pushed me from lurker to member and convinced me to buy a lathe - so I'm in!

Mike Wenzloff
05-30-2006, 1:30 AM
Interesting idea.


Dick Parr
05-30-2006, 1:34 AM
Count Me In:D :rolleyes:

John Hart
05-30-2006, 6:55 AM
Yup...count me in too!!:D Oh...I'm already in.:o 'Course...just for the record, I'm going to keep an eye on that Hoyt guy....Mr. "Send me all the money".;) I hear he has a compulsive attraction to large quantities of ice cream.:p

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
05-30-2006, 7:23 AM
OK, I'm in too.

This place has kept me entertained and has caused me to sell one of my much loved motorcycles to upgrade the habit.....

This will be fun to watch :D

BTW, I would ask that you guys go over to the other forums and announce this there as well as here, I do not wish for the turners to be accused of being exclusionary in any way.


John Miliunas
05-30-2006, 7:57 AM
BTW, I would ask that you guys go over to the other forums and announce this there as well as here, I do not wish for the turners to be accused of being exclusionary in any way.


Stu, great idea but, I'll leave it up to our CEO to make that decision. Reason being, we caught a fair amount of slack the last time when a "bombing" post appeared on the General forum. Most recently, yours truly was chastised for "cross posting" when I made the announcement for the turning blank exchange on the other forums, just as a courtesy. :o Lastly, our benevolent sponsor and CEO of SMC has requested we restrict this effort to the Turner's Forum. :) Besides, the members on the rest of the forums aren't nearly as whacked as we are over here and wouldn't understand. :D (Little subliminal challenge there!!!) So, I think this drive will most probably be limited to "our home"! :D :cool:

Ned Bulken
05-30-2006, 8:10 AM
Do read posts in the turning forum yaknow.... ;) I'm in (or will be in a few days, look in your mailbox andy)

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
05-30-2006, 8:14 AM
Stu, great idea but, I'll leave it up to our CEO to make that decision. Reason being, we caught a fair amount of slack the last time when a "bombing" post appeared on the General forum. Most recently, yours truly was chastised for "cross posting" when I made the announcement for the turning blank exchange on the other forums, just as a courtesy. :o Lastly, our benevolent sponsor and CEO of SMC has requested we restrict this effort to the Turner's Forum. :) Besides, the members on the rest of the forums aren't nearly as whacked as we are over here and wouldn't understand. :D (Little subliminal challenge there!!!) So, I think this drive will most probably be limited to "our home"! :D :cool:

OK John, but just let the record reflect that I requested a cross posting.

After the crap I took over at the Neander forum for suggesting a "Neander Only" give away was not a very "SMC Like" way to do things, I'm just in CYA mode.


John Miliunas
05-30-2006, 8:40 AM
OK John, but just let the record reflect that I requested a cross posting.

After the crap I took over at the Neander forum for suggesting a "Neander Only" give away was not a very "SMC Like" way to do things, I'm just in CYA mode.


Yup, point taken and I saw that, as well, so I certainly can appreciate where you're coming from! :) So, for the CYA thing: Your request has been made and heard; I think that just the request of our gracious SMC host will suffice in answering that request. :) There. Now we both have practiced safe and responsible CYA practices!!! :D :cool:

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
05-30-2006, 8:46 AM
Yup, point taken and I saw that, as well, so I certainly can appreciate where you're coming from! :) So, for the CYA thing: Your request has been made and heard; I think that just the request of our gracious SMC host will suffice in answering that request. :) There. Now we both have practiced safe and responsible CYA practices!!! :D :cool:

Copacetic!! :D

Steve Clardy
05-30-2006, 8:50 AM
I turn. I'm not a spinhead:eek: ;)
I'm not in this forum much.

Count me in again:D

Michael Stafford
05-30-2006, 10:15 AM
Abysserated....can you say that in public??? Can you do that in public??? I used to do it in college I think....

I'm in....Heaven help the poor victim but I have no sympathy for him, her, it...:p :D

Lee DeRaud
05-30-2006, 10:54 AM
Lemme get this straight: we're going to drop another bomb, er, lathe on somebody...
and Tyler is not only not the droppee, he's one of the droppers?!?

Something is seriously wrong with this picture. :eek:

John Hart
05-30-2006, 11:01 AM
Lemme get this straight.....

Probably not a good idea to try and get things straight in the Turners Forum. It's a disaster waiting to happen.;) :D

Andy Hoyt
05-30-2006, 11:04 AM
Lemme get this straight: we're going to drop another bomb, er, lathe on somebody...
and Tyler is not only not the droppee, he's one of the droppers?!?

Something is seriously wrong with this picture. :eek:

Lee/Luke/Leo - trust the force

Keith Burns
05-30-2006, 11:04 AM
Lemme get this straight: we're going to drop another bomb, er, lathe on somebody...
and Tyler is not only not the droppee, he's one of the droppers?!?

Something is seriously wrong with this picture. :eek:

Lee, I have to agree with you totally! It does not make any sense at all:confused:
But then I have never understood much that involves Andy anyway.:D

Tyler Howell
05-30-2006, 11:08 AM
Probably not a good idea to try and get things straight in the Turners Forum. It's a disaster waiting to happen.;) :D
I got to dump .......I mean drop on Ken last time!:p
I'm into this public humiliation thing:) (giving and receiving:o )

Ken Fitzgerald
05-30-2006, 11:10 AM
I agree wholeheartedly Keith! You'd have to be in an asylum someplace for oh.......I'd say 23 years to even to begin to understand Andy!:rolleyes: .....But.......he's sure fun to hang out with!:D

Ken Fitzgerald
05-30-2006, 11:13 AM
He's making a list.........checking it twice........I knew about Hart, Hoyt, Miliunas, I figured out Evans......now there's Clardy....Howl.......keep talking folks............Mrs. Fitzgerald has been wanting to know who caused this deep hole in our budget......keep rambling.......:D

tod evans
05-30-2006, 11:25 AM
He's making a list.........checking it twice........I knew about Hart, Hoyt, Miliunas, I figured out Evans......now there's Clardy....Howl.......keep talking folks............Mrs. Fitzgerald has been wanting to know who caused this deep hole in our budget......keep rambling.......:D

hold on buckaroo.........i haven`t said a word......

Ken Fitzgerald
05-30-2006, 11:38 AM
Let's see..........I said Evans.....not Tod...........Now I know which Evans has his conscience bothering him!:rolleyes: ...........on the list.....make that tod evans.........:D

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
05-30-2006, 12:29 PM
.........But then I have never understood much that involves Andy anyway.:D

Dude, the day I understand Andy is the day I sell my lathe :eek: and take up stamp collecting or something.....Understand the Ice cream man...? Not in this lifetime :D

Steve Clardy
05-30-2006, 12:37 PM
Well. With my buddy Tyler in the mix;) , what I'm wondering now is:confused: :confused: :confused: , is this goodie thats gonna be dropped on someone as yet unnamed,-----------------------------------

Gonna be wrapped in a Pink Thong:eek: :eek: :eek: :D ;)

tod evans
05-30-2006, 12:39 PM
Let's see..........I said Evans.....not Tod...........Now I know which Evans has his conscience bothering him!:rolleyes: ...........on the list.....make that tod evans.........:D

open mouth insert foot..........

Steve Clardy
05-30-2006, 12:55 PM
open mouth insert foot..........

Sure hope you didn't step into something before doing that tod:eek: :( :D

Michael Stafford
05-30-2006, 1:12 PM
Gonna be wrapped in a Pink Thong:eek: :eek: :eek: :D ;)

Please wash it before wrapping anything in it. A slightly used pink thong could cause an Abysseration to occur.....:p :o :D

Steve Clardy
05-30-2006, 1:14 PM
Please wash it before wrapping anything in it. A slightly used pink thong could cause an Abysseration to occur.....:p :o :D

Lol. I can see this is gonna be another loooooong thread with this bunch in here:rolleyes: ;) :D

Earl Reid
05-30-2006, 1:28 PM
Count me in

Ken Fitzgerald
05-30-2006, 1:28 PM
It's turning those exotics.......Tyler calls "spin crack"!

Mike Ramsey
05-31-2006, 11:57 AM
[quote=Andy Hoyt]

we’re not even sure if the party in question has done any woodworking of any kind at all – ever!

Are you planning on sending a lathe to that
("I'm the other guy in Ohio") cat??

Ken Fitzgerald
05-31-2006, 12:34 PM
Quien sabe?:confused:

I'm sworn to secrecy!

john blanchard
05-31-2006, 1:06 PM
I`m in, i sent you an email with a few questions

Dennis Peacock
05-31-2006, 2:13 PM
open mouth insert foot..........

Oooooooooo-wwwweeeeee! That'll make for some bad smelling breathe!!!! :p :p :D

Count me in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ken Fitzgerald
05-31-2006, 2:20 PM
Oooooooooo-wwwweeeeee! That'll make for some bad smelling breathe!!!! :p :p :D

Count me in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yup! He's got mastiffs doesnt' he?

Dave Richards
05-31-2006, 2:27 PM
Alright, I can't let you guys have all the fun so I'm joining in. Tyler's still holding me back from that spinny thing but his grip is weakening. ;)

Mark Cothren
05-31-2006, 2:29 PM
Yup! He's got mastiffs doesnt' he?

Is THAT what those things I called Grizzly bears were??? :eek:

Steve Ash
05-31-2006, 2:55 PM
It was a lot of fun last time so.....I'm in.

Keith Burns
05-31-2006, 4:13 PM
Are you planning on sending a lathe to that
("I'm the other guy in Ohio") cat??

Aw, man...........................

Rob Bourgeois
05-31-2006, 4:33 PM
If the bombee isnt bald like Jim...I suggest a hat to keep the sawdust/wood noodles out of his hair...;) :p

Joe Tonich
05-31-2006, 4:54 PM
[quote=Andy Hoyt]

we’re not even sure if the party in question has done any woodworking of any kind at all – ever!

Are you planning on sending a lathe to that
("I'm the other guy in Ohio") cat??

hmmmm......ya got one made outta pipe?????

Mark Cothren
05-31-2006, 4:56 PM
hmmmm......ya got one made outta pipe?????

Aw, man...........................:D :D :D

Andy Hoyt
05-31-2006, 4:57 PM
Ummm, Joe. You do realize that it may well be you that you just referred yourself to. Parma Heights, Ohio is in Ohio, right?:eek:

Joe Tonich
05-31-2006, 5:07 PM
Ummm, Joe. You do realize that it may well be you that you just referred yourself to. Parma Heights, Ohio is in Ohio, right?:eek:

Could be...;)

Larry James
05-31-2006, 5:08 PM
Ministry of Abysseration - The thing is – we’re not going to tell you the identity of the object of our attention. You’ll have to rely on our Boy Scout’s honor and trust that we have “chosen wisely”. It is our intent to let speculation run rampant, wild, and public. So have it. My guess is that the odds makers in Las Vegas will be taking wagers shortly.

Solicitation without representation? Uh, don't you need a permit or act of Congress for that? Maybe should build a fence first.

Ken Fitzgerald
05-31-2006, 5:26 PM
Uh.....Larry you're represented....but who knows where this thing will land?.............Who knows?:confused:

Larry James
05-31-2006, 5:35 PM
Ministry of Abysseration - The thing is – we’re not going to tell you the identity of the object of our attention. You’ll have to rely on our Boy Scout’s honor and trust that we have “chosen wisely”. It is our intent to let speculation run rampant, wild, and public. So have it. My guess is that the odds makers in Las Vegas will be taking wagers shortly.

Uh.....Larry you're represented....but who knows where this thing will land?.............Who knows?

Ken, are you suggesting what lands in Las Vegas, stays in Las Vegas? Is this a clue?

Ken Fitzgerald
05-31-2006, 5:36 PM
Quien sabe?:confused:

I'll guarantee one thing! When the dust finally settles..........You'll understand why Andy and only Andy could head this up! This is so insane........they'll be talking about this for a long long time! It's all in good fun!:D

Larry James
05-31-2006, 5:46 PM
Ken - Had to Google - Quien sabe?
I think the shadow knows, but I'll lurk for a while .

John Miliunas
05-31-2006, 10:50 PM
I think the shadow knows, but I'll lurk for a while .

Hah!!! Not even the Shadow knows!!! :eek: :D :cool:

Larry Klaaren
06-01-2006, 4:10 PM
If I understand Mr. Hoyt and the power of the abyss correctly, this thread should be entitled "Ministry of Abyssimilation."

Just a thought.

Jim Ketron
06-01-2006, 4:58 PM
[quote=Andy Hoyt]

we’re not even sure if the party in question has done any woodworking of any kind at all – ever!

Are you planning on sending a lathe to that
("I'm the other guy in Ohio") cat??

Mike I could have went all week without you mentioning that Guy!

Ned Bulken
06-01-2006, 7:06 PM
rules, hmmmm sounds like loads of fun still anyway. andy, expect that letter next week, as I just saw the LOML didn't get it in the mail yet. :(

Steve Ash
06-02-2006, 7:17 AM
Tyler's still holding me back from that spinny thing but his grip is weakening. ;)

Got another one boys....reel him on in!

John Miliunas
06-02-2006, 8:03 AM
Got another one boys....reel him on in!

Steve, as I see it, if anyone spends more than a week or two checking out this particular forum, they're toast!!! :eek: :D :cool:

Steve Ash
06-02-2006, 8:19 AM
Steve, as I see it, if anyone spends more than a week or two checking out this particular forum, they're toast!!! :eek: :D :cool:

Maybe we should send some peanut butter and jelly to Tyler cause he's been toast for a LONG time.

Andy Hoyt
06-02-2006, 8:27 AM
Sorry, Steve.

Word on the street is that Tyler's more of a marmalade and fluffernutter kind of guy.

Steve Ash
06-02-2006, 8:32 AM
Word on the street is that Tyler's more of a marmalade and fluffernutter kind of guy.

That's a shame, you never know what a person's addiction is....maybe he can get some help at a withdrawal clinic somewhere.

Andy Hoyt
06-02-2006, 8:37 AM
That's a shame, you never know what a person's addiction is....maybe he can get some help at a withdrawal clinic somewhere.

Oh yeah! The "Mayo" Clinic is nearby and they do have a special Turning Wing - funded by the good folks at Oneway

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
06-02-2006, 9:17 AM
Just curious, but will be get a running total?


Ken Fitzgerald
06-02-2006, 9:33 AM
Andy......We can only guess which "clinic" at the "Mayo Clinic" you escaped from.........:eek: :rolleyes: :D

Bart Leetch
06-02-2006, 9:35 AM
Oh yeah! The "Mayo" Clinic is nearby and they do have a special Turning Wing - funded by the good folks at Oneway

Is that the place where they chain them to the lathe & put the turning tool in their hands & by the time they leave they have already ordered a Oneway lathe & Sorby Tools?:eek: :eek: :eek: :D

John Hart
06-02-2006, 9:38 AM
Andy......We can only guess which "clinic" at the "Mayo Clinic" you escaped from.........:eek: :rolleyes: :D

Escaped???!! More like Evicted!:p :D

Andy Hoyt
06-02-2006, 9:42 AM
Escaped???!! More like Evicted!:p :D

Nope. Patient Zero!

Steve Ash
06-02-2006, 9:52 AM
Is that the place where they chain them to the lathe & put the turning tool in their hands & by the time they leave they have already ordered a Oneway lathe & Sorby Tools?:eek: :eek: :eek: :D

Sounds like brainwashing to me....(can you really wash a brain?):confused:

Andy Hoyt
06-02-2006, 9:54 AM
Just curious, but will be get a running total?


Stu - Let's just say that the flow is steady, but the volume could be better.

Andy Hoyt
06-02-2006, 2:08 PM
If I understand Mr. Hoyt and the power of the abyss correctly, this thread should be entitled "Ministry of Abyssimilation."

Just a thought. Larry - The guys down in marketing couldn't pronounce Abyssimilation; but if you can say it three times fast I will consider it.

Larry Klaaren
06-02-2006, 2:42 PM
Larry - The guys down in marketing couldn't pronounce Abyssimilation; but if you can say it three times fast I will consider it.

Go ahead and consider. If you'll come over you can see or hear for yourself. And . . . Butter Brickle will be fine.


Andy Hoyt
06-03-2006, 10:53 PM
Have gotten a couple of PMs prodding me for a status check. So here 'tis.

To be truthful, the total amount received to date has not been as much as I'd hoped for by this point in time. We're just shy of the halfway mark toward the minimum amount needed to make this thing fly as high as it did last winter.

Every little bit will help - a couple of bucks here and a couple of bucks there do add up. So ... if there's room for your spirit to soar a bit higher, please join in on this worthy event.

Feel free to call or shoot a message my way (or toward one of my co-conspirators) if you have questions.


Barry Stratton
06-04-2006, 2:09 PM
Okay, I'll "trust" the guy from the NE corner.........dove into the new tool fund and PAYPALed you a tad more..... It IS Sunday after all.


John Miliunas
06-04-2006, 3:21 PM
Every little bit will help - a couple of bucks here and a couple of bucks there do add up. So ... if there's room for your spirit to soar a bit higher, please join in on this worthy event.


OK, here's just another example of the "spirit" here at the Creek: Our buddy Lee DeRaud, out on the left coast, recently offered to set me up with a couple templates for making those neat triangle bowls. I insisted on covering his costs. He insisted NOT!!! Instead, he just told me to throw a few bucks on his behalf for "The Cause"!!! :D So, PayPal on Lee's behalf, as well as a bit on my own comin' at 'ya, Andy! :) I figure enough folks have brought a whole lot to me out here and this is just a very small way of bringing some of that forward! Thanks for bringing this together, Andy! :) (Say, where did that wonderful carved sculpture of you go???:confused: :D ):cool:

Andy Hoyt
06-04-2006, 4:20 PM
Jeez! Barry double dips and the Miliunas/DeRaud Tag Team makes it happen.

You guys are tops.

Dave Richards
06-04-2006, 5:57 PM
Oh yeah! The "Mayo" Clinic is nearby and they do have a special Turning Wing - funded by the good folks at Oneway

Yeah, the Mayo brothers (Will and Charlie) can do great things but I'm not so sure they can help Tyler. He might be too far gone even for them. :D I will ask them though when I get in to work tomorrow. ;)

Ernie Nyvall
06-04-2006, 8:32 PM
(can you really wash a brain?):confused:

Yes, you can. I've know a few people who have had a colonic.:eek:

I'm in with this deal.


Frank Chaffee
06-04-2006, 9:43 PM
Awesomely intriguing surprise heavily downwards swirling load delivery plot you have concocted here oh Master of Many Faces (sometimes one… sometimes two…) Andy Hoyt, count me in.

The bombing of Ken was so exciting and productive that I cannot wait to see who the next victim, err ah, chosen one may be.


Ken Fitzgerald
06-04-2006, 10:55 PM
Ernie......were you referring to Frank?..................... (colonic)

John Hart
06-05-2006, 6:40 AM
I've been all tied up so it took me a while to get around to doing that Paypal thing...I'm Officially In now :) ....I know that this is totally cool.;) Where can I get one of those Colonic things?:confused: In fact, I think I need a matching pair.:o

john blanchard
06-05-2006, 11:06 AM
Mine is on the way, give it a week at least.

Andy Hoyt
06-05-2006, 11:42 PM
While the funds continue to arrive, it's time to consider what to purchase.

Not sure what lathe we'll end up acquiring, but it will be a mini. And since my knowledge base on these is minimal, I thought we could all benefit from a discussion about the pros and cons of variable speed (as on a Jet VS Mini) versus a pulley system with a handful of fixed speeds as on most other minis. Is the VS worth it?

I've spent time searching old threads but since the Rikon is still relatively new the comparisons are upside down. And yes, all brands are worthy of our consideration, so don't hesitate to comment on PSI, Delta, or whatever.

I'm especially interested in hearing from you folks who have turned on both styles, but naturally all comments are eagerly solicited.


Ken Fitzgerald
06-05-2006, 11:58 PM
Andy............I've only turned on the Jet VS Mini. I can tell you that I have only changed the belt once to try a different speed and then took it back down to the lowest range and vary the speed with the speed contol. I can tell you from experience. What ever we get, 500 rpm is about as high a low speed you would really want. You ought to see the spring in the diving board with a off balanced piece of wood spinning even at 500 rpm!

Dennis Peacock
06-06-2006, 12:52 AM
Like John, I'm officially IN now.....let's get on with the program. :D

Barry Stratton
06-06-2006, 2:48 AM
I've got a whopping 3 months turning experience, all on a Jet mini VS and really like it. That said, I just got my Woodcraft Catalog in the mail - the cover special is a Jet Mini (nonVS) WITH a Nova Midi Chuck for $270. I spent short of $400 for the lathe alone. This special would be my recommendation based on just enough knowledge to be really danferous and stu-pid.

John Miliunas
06-11-2006, 6:17 PM
Hey gang, yes, this is a completely shameless "bump"!!! :D I've just received word from the MAHQ that our goal is getting close but, not quite there, yet! Our CFO/Chairman has indicated that we still have a few outstanding "IOU's" he's waiting on, with hopes that the "check is in the mail". :) (I can't help but wonder how long that particular statement has actually been around???:confused: :rolleyes: )

Anyhow, for those who have already gifted the cause with a donation, a big THANKS!!! For those who have your gift "in process", THANKS in advance! And finally, for you folks who may have considered in joining in on this effort but, have not yet done so, hey, it's not too late!!! :) Like I've said before, this is a super way to "bring it forward". I'll hazard to say that we've ALL benefited from one another is some way, shape or form and, your chance to share in some of those benefits is here. Participation in this effort will not earn you special SMC "brownie points", nor will lack of participation put you on some type of "black list". But, at least for me, seeing the joy and pleasure bestowed on someone with a spinny-related gift, gives me those "warm & fuzzy" feelings, you know?!:D If you're still with me, thanks for taking the time to read this and giving it your consideration, one way or the other!:) :cool:

Chris Barton
06-11-2006, 6:38 PM
While the funds continue to arrive, it's time to consider what to purchase.

Not sure what lathe we'll end up acquiring, but it will be a mini. And since my knowledge base on these is minimal, I thought we could all benefit from a discussion about the pros and cons of variable speed (as on a Jet VS Mini) versus a pulley system with a handful of fixed speeds as on most other minis. Is the VS worth it?

I've spent time searching old threads but since the Rikon is still relatively new the comparisons are upside down. And yes, all brands are worthy of our consideration, so don't hesitate to comment on PSI, Delta, or whatever.

I'm especially interested in hearing from you folks who have turned on both styles, but naturally all comments are eagerly solicited.


Oneway 1224?

Lee DeRaud
06-11-2006, 7:26 PM
Oneway 1224?Well, it's sorta the right color...:D :cool:

Steve Ash
06-12-2006, 7:39 AM
...does Oliver make a mini?...:D Just kidding.

Since I am so new at this and don't know the merits of each, I'm not able to give much input other than I'm just happy to help out in whatever you all decide.

....now if you want to talk about go fast goodies for a big block Chevy, I might be of some help.....

David Duke
06-12-2006, 3:44 PM
Geez...........a guy cant even go on vacation for a couple of weeks without the spin heads going crazy again :eek: :eek: :eek: :D !!

Well count me in anyway (can't let the crazies have all the fun ;) ;) ). Don't do the PayPal thing and I hate to say it but the checks in the mail.

Ned Bulken
06-12-2006, 4:08 PM
oops :o found a suspicious envelope on the kitchen pile o stuff, er, table. The check WILL be in the mail tonight.

Tom Sherman
06-12-2006, 6:19 PM
It has taken me a while to figure out the paypal thingee but I am in.

Mark Cothren
06-13-2006, 4:12 PM
It's gettin' close to launch time... has everyone that intends to kick in done so? You will be SICK if you don't get in on this one... this one is gonna be GREAT!

The last word I got is that the account was still a wee bit short. Just a small donation from several more folks will help make this one happen. Nobody has to give a large amount - and whatever amount you give will be large.

I've never claimed to be clairvoyant, but I seem to be receiving a signal that tells me Dennis Peacock will match dollar for dollar every donation that is made from this point forward... Dennis, did I read that signal correctly? :D :D :D I'm just kiddin' all y'all (for all you left-coast yankees in California who don't speak Barefoot Arkanese, that is plural of y'all, which means you all)....;)

Dennis Peacock
06-13-2006, 6:06 PM
I've never claimed to be clairvoyant, but I seem to be receiving a signal that tells me Dennis Peacock will match dollar for dollar every donation that is made from this point forward... Dennis, did I read that signal correctly? :D :D :D I'm just kiddin' all y'all (for all you left-coast yankees in California who don't speak Barefoot Arkanese, that is plural of y'all, which means you all)....;)

Well...as long as you allow me access to your money, I'll be glad to match it dollar fer dollar. :p :p :D

BTW, do we have enough to make this happen yet???? Inquiring minds wanna know. :confused: :rolleyes:

Ed Breen
06-13-2006, 7:13 PM
I've just sent a paypal! Sorry to be this late but I've been in limbo and then jury duty.
An Okie's head is just shaking and cluck cluckin.
Ed:) :)

Lee DeRaud
06-13-2006, 8:53 PM
...but I've been in limbo and then jury duty.Isn't that redundant?

Reminds me of Blake Clark's bit:
"I'm from Georgia and I'm a Vietnam vet...
it's kinda like being punished twice for the same crime."

Ned Bulken
06-14-2006, 7:21 AM
Isn't that redundant?

I had a friend who had a small electrical engineering firm. His company was called Card Associates Research & Development. His last name is Card, and therefore when handing out his business card, it was his Card CARD card. :D

Ed Breen
06-14-2006, 11:49 AM
I could have said I'm a Yankee in a place where they say "You Talk Funny!":cool:

Mark Rios
06-14-2006, 12:00 PM
I've never claimed to be clairvoyant, but I seem to be receiving a signal that tells me Dennis Peacock will match dollar for dollar every donation that is made from this point forward... Dennis, did I read that signal correctly? :D :D :D I'm just kiddin' all y'all (for all you left-coast yankees in California who don't speak Barefoot Arkanese, that is plural of y'all, which means you all)....;)

Thanks for the translation Mark. Out here in California we only, like, speak good, proper, like, English, fer shur.

:D :D :D

Henry C. Gernhardt, III
06-14-2006, 3:04 PM
Isn't English a wonderful language? In the region of West Virginia in which I grew up, here are some words:

You: singular second person pronoun.
Y'all: plural second person pronoun.
Haeeallduun? (Hah ee all DOO n): Conjunctiform word, used as a simple greeting when adressing a group.
Haeeduun? (Hah ee DOO n): Conjunctiform word, used as a simple greeting when adressing one person.

Of course, one of my favorites here in the Bluegrass is the proper method of pronouncing Louisville: Loo'v'l (LOO v'l). :)

Andy Hoyt
06-14-2006, 9:04 PM
Okay folks. It's time to kick this up a notch.

As of this moment we are at 80% of the target goal. This is probably good enough to launch this thing, but in the spirit of trying to do the best possible thing for our Abyssee; I am taking a cue from Mark Cothren.

I had intended on making my own donation at the end of the drive in an amount not yet determined. Instead, I'm gonna let "all y'all" do it for me.

This is official and I am sober.

I will match - dollar for dollar - all donations received via PayPal between the time of this post and 9 PM East Coast Time (of the SMC Time Zone Variant) on Friday June 16, 2006. That's two days. 48 hours. (47 and 4/4 if you're from Arkysaw). Make the best use of the time alloted.

This is still official and I'm still sober.

Git 'er done!

Dave Richards
06-14-2006, 9:45 PM
So maybe next week we'll be hollerin, "Duck!"

This ought to be interesting. It's sure to be fun.

John Miliunas
06-14-2006, 10:42 PM
NOBODY double-dog dares me and gets away with it!!! :mad: It ain't much but, I figured I'd add a bit more to my previous hit, just to keep you honest!!! :D :cool:

Ken Fitzgerald
06-14-2006, 11:56 PM
If I get a chance to get in your pocket....Hey.....You got into mine!:D

Dennis Peacock
06-15-2006, 12:29 AM
That's two days. 48 hours. (47 and 4/4 if you're from Arkysaw).
Git 'er done!

Hey Andy....where'd you get that Arkysaw clock frum????? It's at least akurate enuff to keep ya honest. ;)

Ed Breen
06-15-2006, 1:56 PM
Okay Andy,
I took off a sock and there was still a bit left from earlier.
Ed:) :confused:

Tom Sherman
06-15-2006, 6:18 PM
Ok count me in too. Mine's on the way. Getting kinda anxious to see who's it gonna bee.

Andy Hoyt
06-15-2006, 8:20 PM
Looks like my dual double dog down dare dohickey is working.

Keep this up for another day folks, and we'll be in great shape.

So great that we might even be able to buy a lathe that's got a motor and everything!

John Miliunas
06-15-2006, 8:40 PM
Looks like my dual double dog down dare dohickey is working.

Keep this up for another day folks, and we'll be in great shape.

So great that we might even be able to buy a lathe that's got a motor and everything!

Motor???? :confused: Huh????:confused: I thought we decided on getting that one with the treddle "power"!!! :D :cool:

Steve Ash
06-15-2006, 9:25 PM
Alright, since Andy is being so generous I'm gonna get off my wallet and kick in again. :D :cool:

Ken Fitzgerald
06-16-2006, 11:28 AM
I joined Steve and others and dug a little deeper! Just couldn't pass up a chance to get into Andy's wallet!:rolleyes: :D

Mark Cothren
06-16-2006, 11:34 AM
I'll double-dip... can't miss out on a chance to cost Andy some money...:D

John Miliunas
06-16-2006, 11:38 AM
Ohhhh....This should be good, 'cuz Andy is away from his 'puter most of the day today. He may be in for a shock when he returns later!!! :D Keep it up, guys!!! :D :cool:

Glenn Clabo
06-16-2006, 12:33 PM
You may be sober my friend...but the gray matter didn't connect with the green matter (or maybe I mean banker lady?). Dare me will ya!!!!

Tom Sherman
06-16-2006, 1:52 PM
before this is over Andy may have to go back to his double image avatar. Symbolizing how hast his wallet is changing hands.:D

Ned Bulken
06-16-2006, 2:52 PM
before this is over Andy may have to go back to his double image avatar. Symbolizing how hast his wallet is changing hands.:D

hrmmm, the george jetson handing over his wallet to jane clip comes to mind....:)

Andy Hoyt
06-16-2006, 9:31 PM
Oh man. Did I have a good day or what!

All morning in the woods hunting snipes and burls.

All afternoon in Lancaster's shop roughing cherry bowls.

Covered with the mixed aroma of exhaust, bar oil, wet cherry, and sweat.

MMMMmmmmm, goood!

So good, in fact, that I've chosen to honor my 3,000th post with an extension of my double dog dare.

Yup that's right. You heard it here.

New expiration date is Sunday June 18 at 9 PM East Coast Time (of the SMC/Belushi Variant). Another 47 and 4/4 hours.

Do it to me! I double dog dare ya.

John Miliunas
06-16-2006, 10:53 PM
Dang it, Drew, you just never quit, do 'ya??? :D Hey, but where's the pictures of your little adventure??? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?????:confused: :mad: :cool:

Andy Hoyt
06-17-2006, 10:58 PM
As you might imagine, I've been engaged in a massive amount of Private Messaging during this drive. I thoroughly respect the notion of privacy, but I'm sharing this one with everyone because I'm especially pleased by it. The name of my correspondee has been changed for obvious reasons.

Peavey - I just received your $20 donation in the mail for our lathe drive.

Thanks, bro. This means a lot!

And while not stipulated in the "double dog dare rules" I've decided to match your 20 with another twenty.

Things will be moving soon!

Thanks, Andy Hoyt
My pleasure Andy, even though I'm basicly a flatlander I really enjoy visiting the turners forum because of the feeling of it being such a close-knit community.......As far as matching my contribution that's your call, but don't over do it because I'm sure there will probably be another "victim" before too long, if I know you guys.

Ken Fitzgerald
06-17-2006, 11:33 PM
I'm telling you.....I know from experience......they don't get much better than Creekers! Even when they "bomb" you .......you almost feel grateful!:rolleyes: :D

Lee DeRaud
06-18-2006, 12:29 AM
I'm telling you.....I know from experience......they don't get much better than Creekers! Even when they "bomb" you .......you almost feel grateful!:rolleyes: :DYou tried to sneak it past, but I saw that "almost". :D :p

So...how much have you spent since you got your "free" lathe? :eek:

Ken Fitzgerald
06-18-2006, 1:15 AM
Why do you think I joined the "double dippers" once Andy made that offer? I'm just trying to get some revenge!

Tyler Howell
06-18-2006, 8:23 AM
Don't have PP but I guess I can pump the till one more time

Ned Bulken
06-18-2006, 11:04 AM
Hey abysseraters.... I would say 'we' but since I'm a flatworker it really isn't appropriate. I had a thought, what about getting a care package with some turning stock prepared and then coordinate with Andy on when and where to send it in lieu of, or in addition to any funding donation?

Steve Clardy
06-18-2006, 11:22 AM
So how's the lathe kitty diong?
Need more funds?

Andy Hoyt
06-18-2006, 11:42 AM
So how's the lathe kitty doing?
Need more funds? We're in great shape, Steve. So great in fact that the "movement" of our purchasing effort will begin its cross country move next Thursday.

But, since we all know how deep into your pocketbook the Abyss goes (and the past three and a half days have doubly - yet happily - reinforced that notion to me) I see no reason to shut this down just yet. The more we can amass for our friend, the better off she (or he) will be.

But Ned brings up a good point. If money is in short supply, but excess tools, acessories, or turning stock are not; I'm sure those would be most welcome donations too. But don't send them to me. Wait until our Abyssee is identified and then shoot the stuff his/her/its way.

Tom Sherman
06-18-2006, 11:53 AM
This is soo cool, this is first time since I've been at the Creek that I've been able to be a part of one of these and I think it is just awsome. No better way to shove some poor unsuspecting sole over the edge, their life will never be the same.:D

Steve Clardy
06-18-2006, 1:08 PM
We're in great shape, Steve. So great in fact that the "movement" of our purchasing effort will begin its cross country move next Thursday.

But, since we all know how deep into your pocketbook the Abyss goes (and the past three and a half days have doubly - yet happily - reinforced that notion to me) I see no reason to shut this down just yet. The more we can amass for our friend, the better off she (or he) will be.

But Ned brings up a good point. If money is in short supply, but excess tools, acessories, or turning stock are not; I'm sure those would be most welcome donations too. But don't send them to me. Wait until our Abyssee is identified and then shoot the stuff his/her/its way.

PM sent Andy

Frank Chaffee
06-19-2006, 8:20 PM
Only after much deliberation have I decided to support this scurrilous plot that will cause yet another sole to lose traction on firm level ground and helplessly begin the long descent into the swirling abyss of turners.

Fitz, whom you formerly “bombed”, is still a very fine fellow, and has been turning increasing nice pieces. Quite a number of other Creekers who have not been shoved over the edge, but have nonetheless recently succumbed to the eternal inbreath (yes, read “suck”), of the void, are likewise developing quite nicely as turners.

I must confess to appreciating turnings, especially vessels (tho Ken’s bonker has admirable qualities from its contra sexual position), and I am grateful that I can see new and exciting works produced by seasoned and novice Creekers alike without having to actually descend that slope myself.

So Andy, and I’m sure this sounds selfish, I am willing to allow (ok, to help), another fall that I may remain on solid ground.

That you matched my modest donation even tho I didn’t punch it through pay-pal until ten minutes after the deadline you set-up, may cause me to retract some of the bad things I’ve said about you, depending on the outcome of this “fun”…we’ll see.

Of the arched but solidly planted feet.

Steve Ash
06-19-2006, 10:47 PM
The name of my correspondee has been changed for obvious reasons.

Well I am gonna rule out Larry Merlau because there isn't a mispeld wurd ennywherz in thet post.

Andy Hoyt
06-20-2006, 5:20 PM
I think it's rather amazing that this thread has lasted this long without a single picture posted in it.

Anyone want to see a shot of what the principle component of the abysserables looks like?

Dave Richards
06-20-2006, 5:22 PM
I think it's rather amazing that this thread has lasted this long without a single picture posted in it.

Anyone want to see a shot of what the principle component of the abysserables looks like?

Would it be alright if I didn't answer that question?

Steve Clardy
06-20-2006, 5:29 PM
I think it's rather amazing that this thread has lasted this long without a single picture posted in it.

Anyone want to see a shot of what the principle component of the abysserables looks like?

Bring er on Andy

Ned Bulken
06-20-2006, 7:02 PM
I think it's rather amazing that this thread has lasted this long without a single picture posted in it.

Anyone want to see a shot of what the principle component of the abysserables looks like?

I Do I DoI DoI Do!:D:cool::D

Andy Hoyt
06-20-2006, 9:49 PM
Well. I'd like to post a picture, but since I'm nowhere near the abysserables at the moment I'm unable to accomodate this. But that is about to change.

Tomorrow morning at 1400 Zulu I'm jumping into the Exploder and will assume a general heading of 253° magnetic and will hold that for roughly 623 nautical miles. Upon arrival, the acquisition of numerous abysserables will commence, and I will ensure that an appropriate photographic image is made.

I will then assume a general heading of 209° magnetic and hold this course for 239 nautical miles arriving at Station Parrpoint at roughly 2300 Zulu midafternoon Friday.

And once there, I'll finally be in a position to post said pics. Yikes two and a half days with no SMC. Gonna have the shakes bad!

I suppose it's time to tell all y'all just what will happen then. Well. we've lined up a whole slew of creekers who have volunteered to get this stuff to it's destination via our own version of the Pony Express. Creeker to Creeker to Creeker. All the way to.............................?

Mark Rios
06-20-2006, 11:35 PM
Okay...I've figured it out. This is something that I'm very good at. I used to enter contests for map reading and even map making. I have always been very, very good at this kind of searching. Even winning some competitions.

I followed all of Andy's clues, very painstakingly I might add, and came up with the exact area that Andy is going to. Within roughly 10 miles anyway. I can assure you that I've researched this VERY carefully and accurately.

Are we supposed to post our findings?

Ken Fitzgerald
06-20-2006, 11:41 PM
Mark if you just show up to Dick Parr's cookout......You'll get more than one prize......good food, drink and Creeker company!:)

Mark Rios
06-20-2006, 11:46 PM
Well, I can't stand it any longer. The exact location is:

Qaqortoq municipality, in Kitaa County, Greenland

What do I win?


Ken Fitzgerald
06-20-2006, 11:49 PM
Either Andy'd better check his directions or Mark needs a new compass!

Mark Rios
06-20-2006, 11:54 PM

Just messing around. :D :D :D

Ned Bulken
06-21-2006, 7:06 AM
I 'got' somewhere near columbus Ohio, but that was a quick scan of directions...

John Miliunas
06-21-2006, 6:31 PM
Well. I just happened to get a call from our CFO and he was just arriving in Hartford, CN!!! :D :D :D

Oh yeah, he also said to tell Dave Fried that he gave him the Irish Salute as he passed through Storrs, CN!!! :eek: :D :cool:

Forrest Price
06-21-2006, 6:38 PM
Boy, this is worse than the "Who Shot JR" mystery! I keep running in to check and see what's happened...........:eek::eek:

Keith Burns
06-21-2006, 6:56 PM
Boy, this is worse than the "Who Shot JR" mystery! I keep running in to check and see what's happened...........:eek::eek:

You ain't seen nutin' yet:eek:

Ken Fitzgerald
06-21-2006, 9:04 PM
He just called me from PA....if I remember correctly........

Mark Rios
06-21-2006, 9:39 PM
Is he going the long way to Greenland just to throw us off?


Keith Burns
06-22-2006, 9:44 AM
Well, I just recieved a message from our most great leader. Said all was on track and that he was passing thru North Dakota on his way to.........:D .

Dave Richards
06-22-2006, 9:54 AM
He's going to burn up all the donations in gas! :D

Ken Fitzgerald
06-22-2006, 10:23 AM
Based on the fact that IIRC he told me he was in PA last night about 5:00 pm Pacific.....Now Keith is reporting him in North Dakota.....I don't think the donations will even pay for his speeding ticket!:eek: :D

Keith Burns
06-22-2006, 10:30 AM
Ken, we all know that Andy is great at "flying under the radar" so they gotta catch him first:D

Steve Clardy
06-22-2006, 10:33 AM
North Dakota:confused: :confused: :confused:

Heck, I thought I seen Andy fly down the road by the house here in Missouri early this morning in His exploder.:eek:
If it was Andy, He sure is lost this time.:eek:
We got the last electric pole on earth over here:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :D :confused: , our only way to know we are home.:D

Karl Laustrup
06-22-2006, 10:54 AM
I don't think he made it to ND in the exploder.

It woulda explodered* before he got out of OH, especially at the speed he'd have to be traveling to make ND in this short a time period.

*Please press #2 for Wisconsinish.


Tom Sherman
06-22-2006, 2:15 PM
Who ever is closest quick break out the Ice Cream poor ol Andy is going to need sustanence after all that fast driving and manuvering.:D

Forrest Price
06-22-2006, 5:50 PM
AAAACKKK......Still no word yet???!! How am I going to survive this?!

Well, whichever one of you is the lucky dog...Here's a HUGE congratulations for you!!

Will be checking back often!!!

Henry C. Gernhardt, III
06-22-2006, 6:30 PM
Coulda sworn I saw someone who looked a bit like Andy's one-headed avatar at the symposium today...

Frank Chaffee
06-22-2006, 7:55 PM
AAAACKKK......Still no word yet???!! How am I going to survive this?!
Will be checking back often!!!
Consider who is at the helm (actually “wheel”), of the Explorer.

I suggest that Andy may have a dream or otherwise inspired vision of the subtle body recipient of his Abbysseral load, but I doubt he himself knows exactly where it is destined to land.

Please remember all, Do not kill the messenger!


Steve Clardy
06-22-2006, 8:22 PM
Well I guess I'm gonna miss all the huba buba good stuff when Andy finally lands wherever He's supposed to.:( :(
I gotta load cabinets in the morning, whiz through town for a new set of tires on the trailer, then on to St. Louis for the weekend and install all these kitchen cabinets. [ And get paid:D ]

Maybe motel 8 will have internet there so I can checkin here.:)

Mark Rios
06-22-2006, 8:32 PM
Well I guess I'm gonna miss all the huba buba good stuff when Andy finally lands wherever He's supposed to.:( :(
I gotta load cabinets in the morning, whiz through town for a new set of tires on the trailer, then on to St. Louis for the weekend and install all these kitchen cabinets. [ And get paid:D ]

Maybe motel 8 will have internet there so I can checkin here.:)

Or at least you might find a HotSpot for your laptop if you've got a WiFi card. Starbucks is, of coourse, wireless. Around these parts, Northern Cal, all the Burger King Joints have free WiFi access. Maybe the local library might have a WiFi network as well.

Ken Fitzgerald
06-22-2006, 8:33 PM
You've got plenty of time Steve! The abyseration is just starting it's trip across the country!

Steve Clardy
06-22-2006, 8:38 PM
Or at least you might find a HotSpot for your laptop if you've got a WiFi card. Starbucks is, of coourse, wireless. Around these parts, Northern Cal, all the Burger King Joints have free WiFi access. Maybe the local library might have a WiFi network as well.

No laptop:(

Karl Laustrup
06-23-2006, 6:44 AM
According to Andy's plan, he should be arriving today around 2300 Zulu, whatever time that is. :confused: What would I want to know the time in Africa for anyway. ;) :D

Wherever the Exploder lands, here's hoping someone will have a big bowl of some flavor of ice cream. :) I'm sure Andy'll be parched from his journey and need sustinance for the journey home.

This is Karl............in the Dells.............looking around............WONDERING and IN A DAZE AS USUAL


Keith Burns
06-23-2006, 8:50 AM
All I can say is, AW, MAN.................................:D Excitement is fast approaching......

Rob Bourgeois
06-23-2006, 9:00 AM
T Minus .....hours....( or maybe days):p :cool:

Ken Fitzgerald
06-23-2006, 10:30 AM
Maybe longer.....this could be a slow abbyseration!:D

Dave Richards
06-23-2006, 11:27 AM
He'd better get here soon. The ice cream I dished up for him last night is starting to melt. :D

Keith Burns
06-23-2006, 12:12 PM
He'd better get here soon. The ice cream I dished up for him last night is starting to melt. :D

I couldn't wait any longer...............I ate his ice cream:eek:

Ned Bulken
06-23-2006, 12:51 PM
if he stops in on his way home, I'll meet with a huge sundae from the 'ice cream factory' near here.

Mark Pruitt
06-23-2006, 3:52 PM
I knew I bought an extra carton of ice cream for a reason....just didn't know why until now.

Tom Sherman
06-24-2006, 5:08 AM
Mark only one carton, Andy's gonna be really parched.:rolleyes:

Forrest Price
06-24-2006, 6:32 PM
:mad:OK...It's been waaayyy too quiet here! UPDATES! We need UPDATES!!:D:D Where in the world IS Carmen Sandiego?!

Lee DeRaud
06-24-2006, 6:39 PM
Where in the world IS Carmen Sandiego?!Hiding behind Waldo, probably.

Andy Hoyt
06-24-2006, 8:34 PM
:mad:OK...It's been waaayyy too quiet here! UPDATES! We need UPDATES!!:D:D Where in the world IS Carmen Sandiego?! Okay! That one caused some Moxie to splurt Dick Parr's keyboard!

Hey folks! Dateline Knoxville, Tennessee. I think it's Saturday.

Back on Wednesday I drove through Frackville, PA and Smackdab, Maryland and ultimately arrived at Woodcraft's Mothership Store in Parkersburg, West Virginia on Thursday. I was graciously met by Fred and Betty who helped me pick out all the abysserables for our victim including the lathe. And check this out. The lathe was donated in full by Woodcraft and everything else I acquired was heavily discounted.

Woodcraft does it right. Very right! My grateful thanks to Lori, Sharon, and Bob at Woodcraft Magazine and Darlene and Liz at Woodcraft Marketing who made this possible.

I've been promised that the photographs that were professionally shot will be sent to me so I can post them here. In the meantime, this shot from today will have to suffice.


I'll fill in the blanks later but right now I need another Moxie.

Ken Fitzgerald
06-24-2006, 8:46 PM
It's nice to see at least one Yankee in the photo! :eek: :D Of course, by now, he's been Southernized by their hospitality!

Now......everybody take a real close look at that photo!.........There's a box there that's nearly the twin to one that showed up on my back door............Where's it's final destination?........Who get's to sign for it?......

Ken Fitzgerald
06-24-2006, 8:48 PM
Joe..........Is that a growth coming out of the top of your head with 5 ears on it?:D

Ken Fitzgerald
06-24-2006, 8:56 PM
BTW.........to everybody in that photo.............Just color me GREEN with envy! All that talent and comraderie in one room.............Just color me Green!

Bernie Weishapl
06-24-2006, 10:57 PM
Hey Andy don't look nothing like his avatar. :eek: :confused: What gives? :eek: :D :D

Hey Andy that is great of Woodcraft. Looks like a lot of fun and like Ken I am green with envy.

John Miliunas
06-24-2006, 11:20 PM
Ahhhhh....So there really is a lathe, huh??? :D I'd say, "My hat's off to Woodcraft!" but, I just don't wear hats!!! :rolleyes: So, kudo's to the folks at WC and also to you, Andy, who's covering some serious miles in this effort! :) Looks like you've come to hang out with a motley lookin' crew there, as well! Have fun guys and, may you have a save trip back home, Drew!!! :) :cool:

Frank Chaffee
06-24-2006, 11:38 PM
Well gang,
Having just arrived home from this Creeker gathering,
at John Miliunas’ house, and being unable to relax my face from a broad smile, I can well imagine how great the all of you feel!

Creeker visits are terrific!

Karl Laustrup
06-24-2006, 11:47 PM
I've got to add my whole hearted thanks to Woodcraft for their generosity. :)

Andy, obviously the Exploder made it to Knoxville. I do hope the Exploder has enough left to make it back to Maine. :confused:

Looks like you are meeting a lot of nice people also. :D :D


Tom Sherman
06-25-2006, 9:46 AM
TRULY AWSOME!! The Woodcraft folks are truly AWsome many thanks to them. And of course to Andy and all of the Creekers that made this possible. Can't wait to see who is the Lucky victim I'm sure he/she will be sincerely swept off their feet.

Andy Hoyt
06-25-2006, 12:16 PM
It's just after noon down here in the Volunteer State and I'm about to begin my voyage home. Having driven through Missouri, Greenland, and North Dakota to get here, I think I'll try out Florida, Suriname, and Arizona on my way home.

So now what? Well, there are ten Creekers in that photo representing Mississippi, Arkansas, Ohio, Tennessee, Maine, North Carolina, and Virginia. The abysserables are headed home with one of them, but who?

Time will tell.


Karl Laustrup
06-25-2006, 1:40 PM
Safe journey to all.

May the wind be at your back, gently pushing you home. :)


Frank Chaffee
06-25-2006, 1:51 PM
You are something else, and this time I mean that in a good way.

Really!;) :)


John Miliunas
06-25-2006, 1:54 PM
Safe journey to all.

May the wind be at your back, gently pushing you home. :)


Or, in Andy's case, gail force winds propelling him at near the speed of sound, back to his beloved Oneway!!! :D :cool:

George Conklin
06-25-2006, 2:20 PM
It's just after noon down here in the Volunteer State and I'm about to begin my voyage home. Having driven through Missouri, Greenland, and North Dakota to get here, I think I'll try out Florida, Suriname, and Arizona on my way home.

So now what? Well, there are ten Creekers in that photo representing Mississippi, Arkansas, Ohio, Tennessee, Maine, North Carolina, and Virginia. The abysserables are headed home with one of them, but who?

Time will tell.


Stop on over!!! Lets hope you don't spontaniously combust when you step out of the air conditioned exploder:D.

Note to self: Buy off white colored spray paint to cover mustard. Maybe Andy won't notice.;)

Ken Fitzgerald
06-25-2006, 3:40 PM
Just got off the phone with the Minister...........He hopes to be in Razorback AZ in 5-6 hours.

Forrest Price
06-25-2006, 4:10 PM
Dear GOD, you mean it's not over yet??!!:eek::eek: I was trying to figure out which one of those people were the proud new owner! Looked to me like the kid down front with the big grin and the faceshield on!

Oh geez...it continues!

I'm not ever going to get anything done if I have to keep running in here to check on the progress!!

OK, Forrest...step away from the computer...go back to the shop and continue cleanup..go on...go on..you can do it..g

Don Baer
06-25-2006, 4:42 PM
Just got off the phone with the Minister...........He hopes to be in Razorback AZ in 5-6 hours.

Isn't Razorback in Arkansas. I never heard of an Arizona Razorback..;)

Hey anydy when you get close to Phoenix give me a call..I got ice cream, homemade too.:D

Henry C. Gernhardt, III
06-25-2006, 5:53 PM
Andy, that's just awesome. Have a safe trip home, and I look forward to see who will be receiving the goodies.

Kudos to you, Andy, for getting this going. Kudos to Woodcraft, for providing their help in order to suck another unsuspecting soul into the vortex. Kudos to the Creekers who went to Wild, Wonderful, West Virginia (my "home" state), and Kudos to everyone who contributed in this mighty effort.

Of course, as we all know, the story only begins here.

Ken Fitzgerald
06-25-2006, 5:58 PM
Isn't Razorback in Arkansas. I never heard of an Arizona Razorback..;)

Hey anydy when you get close to Phoenix give me a call..I got ice cream, homemade too.:D

Don.............he said....."Razorback Arizona......." that's what he told me!

Don Baer
06-25-2006, 7:08 PM
hmmm I'd better go out and get some more Ice cream..:rolleyes:

John Hart
06-26-2006, 6:46 AM
You are something else, and this time I mean that in a good way.

Really!;) :)


Yup...I gotta second this. Andy...You are a fine DNA configuration.;) It's just amazing and wonderful that Woodcraft Mag helped in this. They certainly sold me on their generosity.:) :)

Rob Bourgeois
06-26-2006, 7:50 AM
The only problem with Andy is he drinks this weird Maine drink (Moxie)that tastes like terpentine or something. After drinking that stuff you would have to eat a gallon of ice cream to remove the residue from your mouth.:p

Safe trip Andy...to your next "offficial" Abysseration location. IF I where you guys I would be carefull the next few days..every knock at the door could be Andy or one of his Abysseration elves.

Raymond Overman
06-26-2006, 8:17 AM
Ok, maybe I missed a flyby while I was travelling this weekend but did someone get dropped in the pit yesterday or Saturday? I had to go to a church meeting back in my home town and help get my mother hitched so I think I might have missed something. Did someone get a lathe or what? Is the recipient in that picture with all the parolees and their sons on field trip to Woodcraft? Did I understand Andy was going to knock on another door before this trip is through?

And Andy, did you come all the way to Knoxville, TN this weekend and didn't travel the other 4 or 5 hours to see me in Fort Mill, SC? I mean, what's another few hundred miles between Creekers? Fresh peach and strawberry ice cream this time of the year my friend.

Rob Bourgeois
06-26-2006, 9:10 AM
just for clarification..no one in that picture got a lathe. That lathe is in its box heading........:p

Michael Stafford
06-26-2006, 9:33 AM
This "Moxie" stuff that Andy drinks was submitted to the food lab and the report came back saying, "Sir, we regret to report that your horse has a bad case of diabetes.....":p :D

John Miliunas
06-26-2006, 10:10 AM
This "Moxie" stuff that Andy drinks was submitted to the food lab and the report came back saying, "Sir, we regret to report that your horse has a bad case of diabetes.....":p :D

OMG, Mike!!! :eek: And I just had breakfast! :eek: Think I'm feeling a bit flushed right now.... :o :D :cool:

Mark Cothren
06-26-2006, 10:21 AM
Well lemme tell ya I let that yankee from Maine talk me into taking a drink... now I know why Andy is as ugly as seven miles of muddy road... that stuff is toxic, to grossly understate it.

The thing that really concerns me is Jim Ketron actually LIKES the stuff...:eek:

Glenn Clabo
06-26-2006, 10:25 AM
Come on everyone...doesn't the Moxie slogan fit the man from Maine perfectly?

Ken Fitzgerald
06-26-2006, 10:55 AM
"Distinctively Different"..............Yeah.....that's about right!

Mark Cothren
06-26-2006, 11:08 AM
Naw - not any more... we done got him all cultured now... I don't think the look on my face was as bad as the look on Andy's face when he swallered up a mouthfull of his first taste of grits...

He looked like a bulldog chewin' on a red wasp...

Henry C. Gernhardt, III
06-26-2006, 11:21 AM
I wonder how Andy would react to (Alabama strength) sweet tea and sausage gravy? :)

Mark Pruitt
06-26-2006, 11:36 AM
I wonder how Andy would react to (Alabama strength) sweet tea and sausage gravy? :)
Alabama sweet tea.......now there's something I can tell you a lot about!!! Dang, there's a lot more "sweet" than "tea" in that stuff! :D Spent my first 44 years living in Birmingham; there's a burger chain called Milo's that specializes in sweet tea, to the point that it's sold in grocery stores as well. I have to put lots of lemon in the stuff.:rolleyes:

Ned Bulken
06-26-2006, 11:59 AM
I wonder how Andy would react to (Alabama strength) sweet tea and sausage gravy? :)

funny you should mention that, I made scratch biscuits and gravy yesterday for the family brunch. Yummmy!

Raymond Overman
06-26-2006, 12:19 PM
Naw - not any more... we done got him all cultured now... I don't think the look on my face was as bad as the look on Andy's face when he swallered up a mouthfull of his first taste of grits...

He looked like a bulldog chewin' on a red wasp...
So I don't guess he'd go for Shrimp and Grits here in SC? Heavy with the cream and tasso gravy. What a shame that those northerners don't know what they're missing and they've about messed it up in a fancy restaurant around here that you can't get a decent glass of iced tea. Whoever had the bright idea to put raspberry flavorin' in tea and not sweeting it before it's iced down should be whipped.

At least the ice cream is still sweet around here.

So where's the radar blip now?

Michael Stafford
06-26-2006, 1:12 PM
Raymond, I happened to mention the shrimp and grits recipe and Rob Bourgeois from Louisiana took great exception to that saying, "Why in the world would you want to go and mess up some shrimp?"

I went on to tell them about fried grits and they looked at me like I was from Mars or Arkansas or somewhere like that.....:p

Then I tried explaining lard to them and how you can cook anything in enough lard to make it taste good. Got that look again.....:o :D

Michael Stafford
06-26-2006, 1:15 PM
I wonder how Andy would react to (Alabama strength) sweet tea and sausage gravy? :)

Henry, tea is my specialty. I carried 2 gallons of my home brewed tea to the Knoxville Turn-a-thon. I don't drink anything but tea. I gave up coffee when I gave up cigarettes. I like my tea dark and sweet. So sweet in fact, that you can boil it down in the morning and use it for pancake syrup. Of course around here we prefer fried cornbread pancakes......

Rob Bourgeois
06-26-2006, 1:21 PM
Every one knows you put hoghead cheese in grits...not shrimp. :)

thread is drifting....

David Duke
06-26-2006, 1:23 PM
Just wanted to add my thanks to Woodcraft for their generous contribution to this project of corruption!! Although I'm a flatlander I know a good deed when I see it and everything I seen happening in this thread has been GREAT!!

Dennis Peacock
06-26-2006, 2:04 PM
Naw - not any more... we done got him all cultured now... I don't think the look on my face was as bad as the look on Andy's face when he swallered up a mouthfull of his first taste of grits...

He looked like a bulldog chewin' on a red wasp...

ROFL!!!!!!!! Way too funny and way too truthful!!!!! :D

Mark Cothren
06-26-2006, 2:06 PM
I went on to tell them about fried grits and they looked at me like I was from Mars or Arkansas or somewhere like that.....

Big Mike... let me assure you that you could never be confused/accused of being from Arkansas... as Sean Thornton said to Red Will Danaher in "Quiet Man"..........."Where I come from, we don't talk about our women folk in saloons (aka Cracker Barrel). You sort of make a habit of it."


Michael Stafford
06-26-2006, 2:51 PM
Big Mike... let me assure you that you could never be confused/accused of being from Arkansas... as Sean Thornton said to Red Will Danaher in "Quiet Man"..........."Where I come from, we don't talk about our women folk in saloons (aka Cracker Barrel). You sort of make a habit of it."


I apologize for the comments that resulted in several mouthfuls of grits being expelled at laughter speed.....

Jim Ketron
06-26-2006, 4:34 PM
I cant remember was this pic taken after he ate the grits:D

Bill Grumbine
06-26-2006, 5:16 PM
Greetings all

Andy Hoyt, aka Carmen Sandiego, was seen earlier this afternoon in eastern PA. He was acting in his official capacity as Minister of Abysseration. The only other thing I can add at this point is that the Abyss is a little deeper and a little slipperier (is that even a word?) since he has come and gone. I know all. Here is the pic to prove it happened. :D



Rob Bourgeois
06-26-2006, 5:18 PM
re jims picture:
man I am going bald... Can you photoshop some hair on me next time.:(

it looked similar...my face looked about that bad after tasting that moxie stuff...maybe thats where my hair went.

Lee DeRaud
06-26-2006, 5:20 PM
Oh. Dear. Lord.

This whole thing is starting to look like a casting call for "Deliverance: The Musical". :eek: :D :p

tod evans
06-26-2006, 5:26 PM
Greetings all

Andy Hoyt, aka Carmen Sandiego, was seen earlier this afternoon in eastern PA. He was acting in his official capacity as Minister of Abysseration. The only other thing I can add at this point is that the Abyss is a little deeper and a little slipperier (is that even a word?) since he has come and gone. I know all. Here is the pic to prove it happened. :D



are you sure ya`ll are yankees? ya look like some of the locals here in the sticks:)

Bill Grumbine
06-26-2006, 5:36 PM
are you sure ya`ll are yankees? ya look like some of the locals here in the sticks:)

Well Tod, I'm proud to say a large portion of my family fought for the Stars and Bars way back when... I've got ancestry from WV, GA, and TN.


Don Baer
06-26-2006, 5:46 PM
Well I guess I can eat the homemade Ice cream. It looks like Andy's headed in the opposite direction.

tod evans
06-26-2006, 5:47 PM
Well Tod, I'm proud to say a large portion of my family fought for the Stars and Bars way back when... I've got ancestry from WV, GA, and TN.


i was just funnin` bill!

Bill Grumbine
06-26-2006, 5:52 PM
i was just funnin` bill!

I know that Tod! I was a smilin' as I was a typin'! :D

Jim Becker
06-26-2006, 6:35 PM
Geepers, if I knew Andy was passing thought I would have at least tried to find an excuse to be "near" Bill's shop...I guess I'll have to wait until next month to meet The Abysserator...

On another note...'couldn't resist....


Dennis Peacock
06-26-2006, 6:46 PM
Geepers, if I knew Andy was passing thought I would have at least tried to find an excuse to be "near" Bill's shop...I guess I'll have to wait until next month to meet The Abysserator...

Hey Jim,

make sure he brings you some of that Paint thin......errrrrrr....Moxie drink to check out and quinch your thirst!!!!! :p :D

George Conklin
06-26-2006, 7:11 PM
Greetings all

Andy Hoyt, aka Carmen Sandiego, was seen earlier this afternoon in eastern PA. He was acting in his official capacity as Minister of Abysseration. The only other thing I can add at this point is that the Abyss is a little deeper and a little slipperier (is that even a word?) since he has come and gone. I know all. Here is the pic to prove it happened. :D



Wait just a minute! Is that the new DVD? Are they ready?

George Conklin
06-26-2006, 7:14 PM
Greetings all

Andy Hoyt, aka Carmen Sandiego, was seen earlier this afternoon in eastern PA. Bill

He sure is taking the long way to get to Arizona:rolleyes: .

Michael Stafford
06-26-2006, 7:32 PM
Oh. Dear. Lord.

This whole thing is starting to look like a casting call for "Deliverance: The Musical". :eek: :D :p

Some of the boys in our group sing solo, Lee. Thank goodness it is so low you can't hear them.....Me, I have the voice of an angel...that is a true story and I'm sticking it to it.....:p :D ;)

Dennis Peacock
06-26-2006, 8:12 PM
Some of the boys in our group sing solo, Lee. Thank goodness it is so low you can't hear them.....Me, I have the voice of an angel...that is a true story and I'm sticking it to it.....:p :D ;)

LOL!!!!!! Boy have "I" heard THAT one before.......True Story!!!! :rolleyes:

Mark Cothren
06-26-2006, 8:47 PM
.....Me, I have the voice of an angel...that is a true story and I'm sticking it to it.....:p :D ;)

Yeah... a Hell's Angel - maybe...:rolleyes:

You gotta wonder about a guy who feels the need to end every story with a plea of "...and that is a true story"...........:confused:

Bill Grumbine
06-26-2006, 9:02 PM
Wait just a minute! Is that the new DVD? Are they ready?

Hi George

The answer is, "sort of". I got a short production run rushed through in time to take them to the symposium. They do not have the closed captioning that will be on the rest of them. But until that run runs out, I have some. Once they are gone, I will have to wait until the CC stuff gets done. Hopefully that won't be too much longer.


Steve Clardy
06-27-2006, 3:48 PM
It's just after noon down here in the Volunteer State and I'm about to begin my voyage home. Having driven through Missouri, Greenland, and North Dakota to get here, I think I'll try out Florida, Suriname, and Arizona on my way home.

So now what? Well, there are ten Creekers in that photo representing Mississippi, Arkansas, Ohio, Tennessee, Maine, North Carolina, and Virginia. The abysserables are headed home with one of them, but who?

Time will tell.


Missouri:confused: I thought I seen a bearded old goat whiz through here in an exploder.:eek:

Andy Hoyt
06-27-2006, 5:52 PM
So there I was merrily zipping through Michigan's Upper Penninsula listening to some really hot new tracks from Lawrence Welk on WLS (all the while thinking I was on course for Poehoenix) when I realized that I'd been reading the map upside down. About that time it began to rain - a lot. I mean great gobs of rain. Hit a monster pothole that could have doubled for Lake Champlain which jarred some responsiblity into me so I began to look for some directional guidance.

About that time the sun briefly poked through the clouds and I was instantly blinded by this dazzling array of light emanting from a large round form. It drew me in and by the time I figured out that it was Bill Grumbine soaking up some bennies in Tyler's thong it was too late to do anything but stop and say hey!

We had a nice visit, told all sorts of lies to one another, and then all too soon it was time to get back on the road. Bill gave some great advice that rivaled the Bert and I (http://www.bertandi.net/) classic "You can't get there from here"; and off into the ether I went.

Then the rain came back, I missed the turn for 209, and ultimately ended up in New Joisey. That led to the George Washington Bridge and a tidal surge washed me off the Upper Level and into the Hudson. Caught a nice downstream current, picked up a tow from a coastal packet steamer doing the down east run, and made landfall in Benton Falls in the wee hours of this morning.

And for those that are interested, I drove 1,387 miles getting to Knoxville; and 9,854 getting home.

So. Where is that thing?

Bernie Weishapl
06-27-2006, 6:11 PM
Andy you been sniffing the Butter Pecan ice cream again?:cool:

Steve Clardy
06-27-2006, 6:15 PM
He musta been sniffing something. That causes upside down map reading.:eek: :rolleyes:

Karl Laustrup
06-27-2006, 6:56 PM
And for those that are interested, I drove 1,387 miles getting to Knoxville; and 9,854 getting home.

So. Where is that thing?

That sounds about right for mileage. ;) :D

You did drop it off in Knoxville didn't you????? :eek: ;) :D :D


Steve Ash
06-27-2006, 9:33 PM
You did drop it off in Knoxville didn't you?????

Knoxville??? I thought it was going to Pennsyltuckey?

John Miliunas
06-27-2006, 9:38 PM
Knoxville??? I thought it was going to Pennsyltuckey?

Pennsyltuckey??? :confused: Heck, I'm surprised he didn't drop in on Michisconsin!!! :D :cool:

Steve Ash
06-27-2006, 9:43 PM
Michisconsin......hmm wonder what the state animal would be....a badger or a fat weasel err....I mean a wolverine.

Steve Clardy
06-27-2006, 11:15 PM
Sure didn't end up in Missouri. Heck, he was flying by so fast He didn't hardly have time to wave:( :rolleyes: :D

Ernie Nyvall
06-28-2006, 9:23 PM
Whoowee, I started my day at 0330 and did my work for the day... met Mike Ramsey at his work in Lolita, TX and he gave me some eucalyptus pieces. Thanks Mike. Made it back to Houston to be done about 1100. I took off for Carthage, TX and picked up this little bugger and supplies from Thelbert Dowdy. Thel is just a lurker here at SMC and wishes to stay anonymous so I had to cut him out of the pic, and believe me, it's for the best. He was most upset when I flashed him so I cut him and the vehicle he was driving. Anyway, I'm back home now and will hand this thing off in about an hour to another personal friend who is an over the road driver. He will take it to ahhhh let me see... hmm... somewhere out west I believe. I should look that up... oh yea, Phoenix. Anyway, Ray will have it there tomorrow evening. The timing for Ray to come through couldn't have been better, otherwise I was headed for San Antonio tonight.

Who will it be?


Mark Rios
06-28-2006, 9:27 PM
Oh...Oh...oh....the excitement is so........ummmm.......exciting... that I think I'm gonna pee my pants.

John Miliunas
06-28-2006, 10:12 PM
OK, now this thing is really starting to get good!!!! :D Thanks for your efforts, Ernie and please, be sure to thank your friends, as well! :) :cool:

Ernie Nyvall
06-28-2006, 10:23 PM
Okay, it's gone and I'm hitting the sack.


Forrest Price
06-29-2006, 12:38 AM
Allright you guys! This thing is starting to affect my golf swing!:mad: Where OH WHERE will it end...up at?! :eek:

Waaayyyy too much fun for a Wednesday night! Keep up the good work!!:D:D

Karl Laustrup
06-29-2006, 9:02 PM
Well, haven't heard anything all day. Wrecked my golf game.

I think Andy took it back to Maine with him. It's in the back of the Exploder covered with a couple dozen empty ice cream cartons. :eek: :D


Steve Ash
06-29-2006, 11:03 PM
Well, haven't heard anything all day. Wrecked my golf game.

I think Andy took it back to Maine with him. It's in the back of the Exploder covered with a couple dozen empty ice cream cartons. :eek: :D


I thought it was somewhere in Texas, or was that Kansas? It is all too difficult to try and figure out where this thing is or supposed to be.....guess I'll just watch.....and wait.

Ken Fitzgerald
06-29-2006, 11:46 PM
Hey!.............I'm on the committtee and I don't know where it's at............

Shelley Bolster
06-30-2006, 12:13 AM
Although due to my woman's intuition :p and my amazing powers of deduction, :eek: I know who it is and then of course where it will land but what I do not know is WHEN??