View Full Version : Cedar Funnel Something

Christopher K. Hartley
05-29-2006, 8:18 AM
Got a wee bit thin in one small spot (dark spot right and above center). Don't have the hart to throw it away. I do enough of that anyway.

Henry C. Gernhardt, III
05-29-2006, 8:25 AM
Still looks good to me, Christopher. Any way you could fill/stabilize the thin spot?

Christopher K. Hartley
05-29-2006, 8:37 AM
Still looks good to me, Christopher. Any way you could fill/stabilize the thin spot? Henry, please tell me how you would do that; I'm not sure I know how.:confused:

Henry C. Gernhardt, III
05-29-2006, 10:15 AM
Gads... I wish I could offer a suggestion, as I haven't yet even mounted up a piece on a faceplate. I was just thinking that the piece is so pretty as it stands that it would seem a shame to have to discard it. Perhaps someone else might have some ideas?

Rick Doyle
05-29-2006, 10:26 AM
henry, looks pretty nice to me. nice job! it would definitely be a 'keeper' for me!:)

George Conklin
05-29-2006, 12:12 PM
I don't think you'll be able to throw that one away if LOYL sees it first:) .

Rich Stewart
05-30-2006, 9:44 AM
I did one like that with cedar too. I can see light through the bottom. Feels like a piece of paper. Don't really know what to do about it though. The only thing I can think of would be to cut the bottom off completely and glue another piece of wood on it. I think I'll just chalk that one up to experience and try again on another piece. Nice looking bowl.