View Full Version : pen set- teak from Nick E.

Stephen Hibbs
05-27-2006, 11:32 PM
Nick, you only asked for pictures in return for this beautiful wood, so here are the first (and thus far) only pens I've made with your teak. It's a pen/pencil set, finished with glossy poly, though pretty half-assedly I must admit. I've been selling these at school, and demand is greater than my capacity to make these, so I've been rushing the finishing process.

Also, on the off-chance Dennis Peacock is reading this, i'd like to thank him once again for the wood he sent, the locust is amazing with the gold of the pens.


Ken Fitzgerald
05-27-2006, 11:34 PM
Nice pens Stephen!

Corey Hallagan
05-27-2006, 11:39 PM
Nice job Stephen! They look great!


John Miliunas
05-28-2006, 12:27 AM
Stephen, nice job on the pens! Funny...I do the little "bulge" for a finger-grip on the ones I turn, as well! :D

BUT, I have to tell you: Do NOT rush the finishing job on these or any other articles you'll be selling, giving as gifts or even displaying! Yes, I agree that, the finishing process can often be tedious but, after putting all the time and effort into creating a piece, it's a shame to rush it at the point where you can really do something to create real impact! :) For instance, last Fall, we went on an "Artist Tour" where all types of different media artists in the area opened their shops to the public to show their wares. We visited several, including a woodworker, who's work we'd seen before. He mainly does Arts & Crafts style and his previous work had been wonderful. However, this time around, he decided to switch to a different finishing process. He also mentioned that "there aren't enough hours in the day." The design and general execution of the pieces were not nearly as nice as his previous work. The finish was downright horrible!!! :eek: It looked like he may have sanded to 180 and then used a course roller to lay poly on the pieces!!! :eek: We know the man is more capable than what he showed but, had I not known better, I wouldn't commission the fella' to build me a doghouse!!! :rolleyes:

Bottom line: The whole process is a reflection of your work! Don't succumb to the pressures of "too many orders". Tell folks up front that they may have to wait a bit longer if they want a high quality item. They will and your reputation will carry on even longer! :) Just my .02. :) :cool:

Bernie Weishapl
05-28-2006, 12:38 AM
Those are a nice pen and pencil set. Nice job on them. I agree with what John said. Do not rush your finish. I was told by a wood turner with many years turning. He said turning is 1/3 of the job. Finishing is 2/3 of the completed job. I do like Jim Ketron told me sand until I am satisfied no matter how long it takes and then finish slowly regardless of how long it takes. Just tell them you can't rush a masterpiece.

Curt Fuller
05-28-2006, 2:00 AM
Very nice pens Stephen. I like that shapely curve in them.

Nick Englesby
06-02-2006, 12:52 AM
Super looking pens! Thanks for posting the pics. It is so nice to see what craftsman can make.

Thanks again!