View Full Version : Verawood box.........

Michael Stafford
05-26-2006, 6:14 PM
I don't like to post two boxes that are nearly identical even though I do turn somewhat similar multiples. I decided to make an exception for this box since it is a new wood for me- Verawood.

I have never turned this wood before but if I can get some more I will be turning it again. It turns and finishes like butter. Although it is hard and dense it cuts very cleanly and sands like a dream. A little oily though as it clogged the sandpaper particularly at the higher grits. One other oddity that happened while finishing this box. I use an oil varnish mixture and I apply it with a brush and wipe off the excess with paper towels. After wiping off the excess the finish would turn blue on the paper towels....very strange.

This box is 3" in both dimensions. Thanks for looking...

Rob Bourgeois
05-26-2006, 6:37 PM
Cool box and neat wood

blue?....maybe the wood has iodine in it?

Jim Ketron
05-26-2006, 7:32 PM
Nice Box Mike!
Just looking at it makes me want to put it in the Palm of my hand!

Bernie Weishapl
05-26-2006, 7:34 PM
Beautiful box Big Mike. I really like that wood. Love the form and finish. Nice job.

Michael Stafford
05-26-2006, 7:42 PM
Cool box and neat wood

blue?....maybe the wood has iodine in it?

Sounds like a possibility but what would be in the finish to react with the iodine. I thought iodine turned blue in the presence of starch...Am I disremembering my chemistry? Or would it be the starch in the paper towel? Is there starch in the paper towel?

Corey Hallagan
05-26-2006, 8:14 PM
Nice job Mike. I really like that shape. The wood is beautiful, I don't think I have ever seen it before.

Travis Stinson
05-26-2006, 8:18 PM
Lovely Mike! Those colors are really neat.:cool:

Christopher K. Hartley
05-26-2006, 9:00 PM
Very nice Michael, that is some pretty grain enhanced by your form.

Tom Sherman
05-26-2006, 9:00 PM
Very nice box BM that wood is awsome.

Keith Burns
05-26-2006, 10:03 PM
Excellent box Big Mike:) The wood is great and I really like the form:) :)

John Timberlake
05-26-2006, 10:06 PM
Nice shape and I love the wood. Never turned any.

Rob Bourgeois
05-26-2006, 10:39 PM
Sounds like a possibility but what would be in the finish to react with the iodine. I thought iodine turned blue in the presence of starch...Am I disremembering my chemistry? Or would it be the starch in the paper towel? Is there starch in the paper towel?

Yeap starch is in the paper towel....

But for all my biology training I can think of a single reason for iodine to be there. If the iodine is bound to a sugar or organic compound the solvent would extract it. Just guess Mike but if its blue black it could be iodine or some sort of iron-tannin reaction. Prettty cool what ever the reason.

Dick Parr
05-26-2006, 10:42 PM
That sure is some pretty wood Mike and a wonderful looking box. You did it again, great job.;)

Mark Cothren
05-27-2006, 12:10 AM
Mike, that's about as cool as the center seed of a cucumber... love it!

Barry Stratton
05-27-2006, 3:57 AM
Now that is pretty. Amazing wood, great shape, excellent finish, what's not to like?

John Hart
05-27-2006, 6:45 AM
Beautiful!!! Very fondlable box sir. That's kinda cool about the color on the towel.:)

Paul Douglass
05-27-2006, 10:01 AM
Wow! that is pretty wood. Where does that wood come from?
Nice box also..

John Miliunas
05-27-2006, 10:15 AM
Well done, Mike, as is your "norm"! Love the shape and that wood is truly unique! :) I'm betting it doesn't grow natively in Packerland! :rolleyes:

Hey, I was thinking; (yes, it hurt but, just a bit!:o ) With all your expertise in these boxes, what are the chances of a mini pictorial tutorial??? Lots of folks are interested in making them and I think it would be a great service to your fellow Creekers! :) Yes, I've made a few boxes way, way long time ago but, learning to do it the right way, may lend itself to spinning out a few more! I understand if you don't have the time but, if you should happen to catch a few spare moments at some point, it would really be cool! :) :cool:

Tom Sherman
05-27-2006, 2:30 PM
I'll second that John I too would like to gain some insight into the world of lidded boxes.;)

Michael Stafford
05-28-2006, 9:28 AM
First of all I am flattered by all the nice comments. I would like very much to do a tutorial and in fact have an article in the making aimed more for the printed media than the electronic one. If I can figure out how to translate it to a format that will work in the SMC article section I will get it posted there. I have written Aaron for guidance on how to do just that.

I love boxes, I guess you all knew that by now, and I would love to do my part in introducing as many people as possible to this aspect of wood turning. We shall see what can be done. Thanks again.