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View Full Version : Bloody Record 044 handle?

Paul Erickson
05-26-2006, 8:55 AM
I just picked up a Record 044 which I need to plane the grooves for drawer bottoms, and unfortunately the chrome is flacking off in some strategic places drawing blood. I am tempted to just wirewheel all the chrome off the handle, but that might be a bit extreme. I also thought that if I can smooth the offending edges, and then paint the handle with a few coats of lacquer like they do with brass musical instruments that might provide enough surface stability to keep the razors from coming out and biting me...
Anyone else encounter this, and what was your solution?
Thanks in advance.
cheers, Paul

Mike Wenzloff
05-26-2006, 9:02 AM
Hi Paul,

Left to myself, I would probably just wire wheel the chrome off. If it really mattered to me, I would have it replated after my own removal of the old chrome.

The problem with feathering out the chrome to rid one of the ragged edge of the old plating is it will further weaken it and it would eventually flake again, at least this would happen.

Take care, Mike

Ed Harrison
05-26-2006, 12:07 PM
I've got one of these with about 98 % of the chrome. I can't imagine it drawing blood, but thanks for the heads up for when it starts flaking off. What bothers me more with mine is my middle finger hitting the protruding back end of the cutter. My index finger is extended, like pointing, so no prob with that.

Ah well, no rose without its thorns. Great little plane otherwise.

harry strasil
05-26-2006, 2:46 PM
I might be nickel instead of chrome.

philip marcou
05-28-2006, 7:30 AM
I just picked up a Record 044 which I need to plane the grooves for drawer bottoms, and unfortunately the chrome is flacking off in some strategic places drawing blood. I am tempted to just wirewheel all the chrome off the handle, but that might be a bit extreme. I also thought that if I can smooth the offending edges, and then paint the handle with a few coats of lacquer like they do with brass musical instruments that might provide enough surface stability to keep the razors from coming out and biting me...
Anyone else encounter this, and what was your solution?
Thanks in advance.
cheers, Paul
Paul, it will be nickel plated. You could remove the plating with a wire wheel brush. If it were mine I would have it re-nickel plated, as they are quite nice planes-but I am only semi-sane.