View Full Version : Peltor PelTunes Headset Radio?

Joe Pack
09-06-2003, 7:47 PM
Sometimes I sits on my lawnmower and thinks, and sometimes I just sits on my lawnmower. And sometimes I wants to sits on my lawnmower and listen to the radio

I have tried the cheaper foam rubber earphone radios, but can't hear a thing when motors drown out the radio, and they are so directional that I have to do my "rubber neck chicken" routine to make the station come in. So, with my $15 off a $50 Rockler coupon, I'm thinking about a Peltor PelTunes headset AM/FM radio set. Do any of you have experience with this set? Does it perform well? Is it directionally sensitive? Would you buy it again?

Lloyd Brown
09-06-2003, 7:55 PM
Sometimes I sits on my lawnmower and thinks, and sometimes I just sits on my lawnmower. And sometimes I wants to sits on my lawnmower and listen to the radio

I have tried the cheaper foam rubber earphone radios, but can't hear a thing when motors drown out the radio, and they are so directional that I have to do my "rubber neck chicken" routine to make the station come in. So, with my $15 off a $50 Rockler coupon, I'm thinking about a Peltor PelTunes headset AM/FM radio set. Do any of you have experience with this set? Does it perform well? Is it directionally sensitive? Would you buy it again?
I bought them about a month ago, and use them when I mow the lawn. they make the job much more enjoyable.
I didn't find them usefull in my shop though. The metal shell must cause them to loose alot of the reception, so I stik with normal radio there. But outside, they are great :D

Chad Pater
09-06-2003, 8:24 PM
I have a diferent brand so I can't speak to it's specific proformance....but I love mine for lawn mowing and field work on cab-less tractors(I farm for a living). I don't use mine in the shop either.
One note on them, if you wear them for a prolong time it can get very humid inside the headset(ear sweat), but that is the trade off for saving your hearing ;)

Ron Meadows
09-06-2003, 8:26 PM
I've had my Peltor WorkTunes for over a year and absolutely love 'em. I use them cutting the grass, working in the shop, and on those occassions when we're traveling and my 2 year old decides to cry for a couple hours. Work great!!!

Couldn't imagine life without them,


Angelo Schembari
09-06-2003, 9:02 PM
Mowing the lawn, Using a chainsaw, ther'te great. I also use them when I'm using the router inside and they pick up fine.

Jim Young
09-06-2003, 9:23 PM
I'm not sure if my set is the same as you are asking about, mine is yellow and has AM/FM. I bought them last year for mowing and weed eating. I use them all the time and they have even made it into the shop for the times I do a lot of machining. Sometimes when I'm done with the grass I just sit there to finish a song or two (get funny looks from my wife on those occasions. I have thought about betting another set just for the shop, that way I can listen to the music a lot louder when everyone is asleep. They don't get loud enough for my taste but I would still buy them again.

Eldon Berg
09-07-2003, 12:56 PM
I have had a set for over a year. Still doesn't make lawnmowering pleasant but no such a chore, plus I no longer get head aches while weed eating.

First set wouldn't stay on the station after a couple months or so, sent it back and got a new one which has worked great. Seems to be real easy on batteries too.

I do use it in the shop (wood frame) and gives that added ear protection that I need but would many times forget until I was done with the cut etc.. since there is a reason to where it all the time.


Tony Falotico
09-07-2003, 5:03 PM
Hey Joe, Don't know what you plan on spending but several Birthdays back LOML bought me a set of 900 MHz wireless headphones from radio shack. It comes with a transmitter that you plug into your player (radio, CD whatever) and the headset. I was amazed with the quality of sound. My house is 350 ft from the road, and I have walked out to the mailbox and back with NO loss of quality. Just a suggestion.. They run about $100. I use them in the shop all time.

BTW, it is still hard to hear when on the lawn-mower.

Jim, you can crank the volume with no distortion on the wireless, enough to damage your eardrums!

Keith Outten
09-07-2003, 9:29 PM

I have a large commercial mower and cut about 10 acres a week these days. I often visit a couple of the lawn care forums and the Peltor WorkTunes are very popular with the pros. Peltors are the most widely used headset of all the major brands.

I have a set of Koss commercial headphones..no radio. The Koss headphones will almost totally eliminate the sound of a 25hp Kohler. I use an MP3 player connected to my Koss headphones and although they work great I have a problem with the headphones rubbing my safety glasses at my temples. Without glasses they are comfortable for hours but at ten mph safety glasses are a must. Head-on collisions with bugs will put your eye out.

Anyone have a resolution to the foul between glasses and headphones?