View Full Version : Yes! I have a lathe!

Henry C. Gernhardt, III
05-24-2006, 8:09 PM
Ah, the wonders of a wife who actually desires to give a birthday gift...

I have a lathe! It's the wilton model on Amazon.

The lathe came in UPS today. The first thing I did was put it together on the kitchen table. I proceeded to mount up between centers some branch stock I cut from a tree that needed to come down in our backyard.

Oh, man... This is great...

I already had the HSS set from Harbor Freight, along with a grinder from same. I'm happy... :)

Pix to come. The wife is in France with her parents/siblings, but in the meantime, I get to mess up the kitchen with wooden spaghetti!!!!

I'm not just sliding... I'm diving into this vortex head first!!!

George Conklin
05-24-2006, 8:18 PM
Darn right, the pics are coming! And they better be quick or I'm telling the pic police;) .

Way to go, Henry. A new lathe is always a good thing!

Now... Go find that camera:)

Travis Stinson
05-24-2006, 8:23 PM
Pix to come. The wife is in France with her parents/siblings, but in the meantime, I get to mess up the kitchen with wooden spaghetti!!!!

I'm not just sliding... I'm diving into this vortex head first!!!
Henry..............YOU DA MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D :D :D

John Miliunas
05-24-2006, 8:26 PM
See there, Henry? And all this time all you figured the LOYL was good for is ..... Oh, never mind! :rolleyes: Great gloat but, you really do need to get your mitts on a camera before Tyler gets all over your hide!!! :D :cool:

Mark Cothren
05-24-2006, 8:27 PM
Way to go, Henry! Can't wait to see some pics of wood you been spinnin'!!!!!!!

Keith Burns
05-24-2006, 8:37 PM
Way COOL Henry:) :) :) A great bigCONGRATS !!!

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
05-24-2006, 8:41 PM
Whoo Hoo, jumped right in!

Congrats.............but......no pics...?:eek: ;) :D

Christopher K. Hartley
05-24-2006, 8:51 PM
GO, GO, GO, GO!!! YAH!!:eek: :eek:

Don Orr
05-24-2006, 8:56 PM
Very cool Henry! Wooden spaghetti ? At least it's high in fiber:D .
I think I hear the siren and see the flashing lights of the PIC police though.
Let me guess, your lovely wife has the camera way over in France;) . Excuses, excuses:rolleyes: .

Have fun spinnin in the kitchin!

Ken Fitzgerald
05-24-2006, 8:59 PM
GO HENRY! There ain't no holding him back now! A word of advice, if I may. Clean up that kitchen before SWMBO gets home!

Hey Andy......we got another one!

Bruce Shiverdecker
05-24-2006, 9:21 PM
Welcome, Henry, to "The Legion of the Lathe." You found that "SPECIAL" place in the zortex that surrounds and comforts you!

Petty Officer Bruce
"The Legion of the Lathe"

Barry Stratton
05-24-2006, 9:32 PM
WOW, another post about a new lathe. CONGRATS!!!!! The pics aren't showing though....:D Great glaot. Being able to turn on the kitchen table is also a SERIOUS GLOAT!!!! Too cool.

Frank Chaffee
05-24-2006, 9:36 PM
Jes’ another floundered fool.


Bernie Weishapl
05-24-2006, 11:24 PM
Great gloat Henry. Way to go.

John Hart
05-25-2006, 5:53 AM
Very cool Henry! You're going to give "barefoot and in the kitchen" new meaning! :)

tod evans
05-25-2006, 8:05 AM
Jes’ another floundered fool.


jeeze frank for an old hippie you sure are preaching the "straight" way??

congratulations henry!

Erin Raasch
05-25-2006, 8:55 AM
Ha! Spinning in the kitchen - I love it!


Christopher K. Hartley
05-25-2006, 9:01 AM
Ha! Spinning in the kitchen - I love it!

Very cool Henry! Wooden spaghetti ? At least it's high in fiber:D . ...Have fun spinnin in the kitchin!

Mmm, Mmmmm, Wooden spaghetti with DNA soup. Now, is that a meal or what?:eek:

Mike Ramsey
05-25-2006, 9:20 AM
Congratulations Henry! There is nothing wrong with turning in the

Henry C. Gernhardt, III
05-25-2006, 1:20 PM
As a matter of fact, the camera is in france... ;)

Thanks folks for all the kind words. I'll see if I can't find an el cheapo digicam that'll let me get at least some documentation.

The kitchen will be cleaned before my wife returns, if for no other reason than I actually use that room for its intended purpose fairly regularly. I'm planning on hoisting everything into the outboard shed and, until I can construct/obtain a more suitable platform, set up the lathe and grinder on an old 3'x8' folding table. I'm still needing to obtain a drill press of some sort.

In the meantime, though, I'm having a blast with it.

Tom Sherman
05-26-2006, 9:49 AM
Henry if LOYL calls and asks what conditiion her kitchen is in bet I know the answer. Congrats my friend

Henry C. Gernhardt, III
05-27-2006, 1:23 PM
They're rather nasty pics, as I used a $20 cheapo camera to take them. Once I get my camera back from the wife when she returns, I will be sure to gloat most heartily and visually.

The three objects on the table are just practice ditties I did... I'm not sure what the wood is, however if I remember correctly it had small, reddish berry-like things on it last year. It didn't leaf out this year when it was cut down in mid-March. The poor thing had to go---it was interfering both with the shed and with the fenceline.

BTW: Cleaned up the mess in the kitchen so it wouldn't be such trouble to eat. :)

Once again, sorry about the pic quality, but better ones will come after the start of June!

Chuck Harris
05-27-2006, 1:28 PM
Welcome to the Black hole! There is no return!

Have fun life will never be the same.

John Miliunas
05-27-2006, 2:13 PM
OK, Henry...We believe you now!!! :D Hey, it looks like you're having fun and, in the final analysis, that's what counts, right? Lookin' good. Now, go crank something out for the LOYL for when she gets home and surprise her! :) (That way, if she finds any shavings/chips in the kitchen, you've got your behind covered a bit!:D ) :) :cool:

Corey Hallagan
05-27-2006, 2:20 PM
Congrats Henry!! All I can think of is if I ever turned in the kitchen my wife would hurt me badly! Enjoy the lathe!


Henry C. Gernhardt, III
05-27-2006, 2:39 PM
Well, I do intend to present my wife with the spindles I've turned so far. As far as a bowl or box... All I have to rough out the blanks is a small handsaw, and although that would work, I don't have short enough screws on hand to mount the blank on a faceplate. In the meantime, however, I am having fun! As a matter of fact, I took a moment from reading the posts to turn this little thingy...

Again, please excuse the pitiful photograph. $20 cheapie digicams just don't do the job!