View Full Version : Fleabay item of interest to some.

Greg Ladd
05-23-2006, 8:33 AM
Hello all,

There is an interesting item for sale on ebay that someone in the Philadelphia area might be interested in. It looks like someone thought they might like to try woodworking and then decided otherwise.

Item #7622505108.

If I was closer to Philly it might be worth it but I already have each of these items.


Tyler Howell
05-23-2006, 9:01 AM
That is one motivated seller!!:eek:

Frank Fusco
05-23-2006, 9:29 AM
Almost worth the trip. Here's the link:

Link removed by moderator - TOS Violation (Auction links not allowed)

Alan Tolchinsky
05-23-2006, 10:02 AM
Could be sweet depending on how far up the bidding goes. I'm two hrs. away and dreaming. :)

Doyle Alley
05-23-2006, 10:57 AM
Notice that the winner has to pick it up "in his basement". That means the winner needs to be prepared for some heavy moving. Getting a beast like that down into the basement is one thing. Getting it out working against gravity is something else.

Mike Hollingsworth
05-23-2006, 11:09 AM
how bout this baby

Sam Shank
05-23-2006, 11:09 AM
There's a reserve on this item.

Rob Russell
05-23-2006, 1:19 PM
FYI folks, links to ebay auctions are prohibited per the SMC TOS. You can pretty much kiss this thread goodbye as soon as the moderators discover it.


Dev Emch
05-23-2006, 1:48 PM
FYI folks, links to ebay auctions are prohibited per the SMC TOS. You can pretty much kiss this thread goodbye as soon as the moderators discover it.


Very true but is it fair? We allow links to manufacture sites and machine dealers. Isnt this auction site just one more way of sourcing items? Grizzly is allowed to have stuff here but not ebay. I do have to ponder this at times.

Ted Jay
05-23-2006, 1:54 PM
FYI folks, links to ebay auctions are prohibited per the SMC TOS. You can pretty much kiss this thread goodbye as soon as the moderators discover it.


I don't think it violates any of these rules:
External Linking
Links to other websites are allowed in posts. In fact, they are
encouraged. However, links for the sole purpose of marketing,
generating traffic to a site, or any other commercial advertisement deemed to solicit commercial benefit are not allowed. Links to other public or private forums are not allowed. Links should be submitted as references, for the sole purpose of generating or supporting discussions on SawMill Creek.

nic obie
05-23-2006, 2:36 PM
I do have to ponder this at times.

Me too.

All I can come up with is that someone has had a problem with Ebay in the past and this is their way of getting even.

However, as owners of this forum they are entilted to do as they wish. I have no problems with that. Might makes right, and always will.


Roger Los
05-23-2006, 4:07 PM
Let's see, Philadelphia's how far from Seattle? Oh, never mind.

I posted exactly one link in my short history here (to show people what seemed to be a neat idea), and it immediately was deleted, so I simply will never post a link in my posts, which seems to be what is desired by the owners of the board, which of course is their right.

Dave Fifield
05-23-2006, 4:16 PM
I don't see any link anywhere....did it get edited out? Nothing in the TOS says you can't post a number that you can go look up yourself on eBay.

Dave F.

Matt Meiser
05-23-2006, 4:51 PM
From what I remember when the original discussion on Ebay links was that it is fine to mention Ebay, descriptions, sellers, and even item numbers.

Rob Russell
05-23-2006, 5:35 PM
Intestingly enough, while I know that we're not allowed to post specific links to ebay auctions - I don't see where it says that in the TOS.

Ken (Salisbury) - where is it specifically that it says we can't post a link to an Ebay auction, provided it's not for commercial interest?

I know this is the rule that gets enforced, just can't see it in the TOS.:confused:

John Miliunas
05-23-2006, 6:10 PM
Yowza!!! The fella has some pretty kick-butt audio gear out there, as well! :eek: :D WAY too deep for my pockets but, for the audiophile, may be a great chance to pick up some fine equipment! :)

Guys, about the eBay links thing. Please, let's not re-hash that again, for the umpteenth time! Greg started this thread following the correct protocol and the item(s) is easy enough to find. No, I don't believe there's specific language currently in the TOS, though I do think there was discussion to that extent. Personally, I wish it were inserted, so that no further controversy would exist. As our friend Tod would say, "just my .02." :) :cool:

nic obie
05-23-2006, 9:49 PM
Is it ok to post a link to craig's list?

Ken Salisbury
05-24-2006, 4:45 AM
Ken (Salisbury) - where is it specifically that it says we can't post a link to an Ebay auction, provided it's not for commercial interest?


The TOS does not say specifically that e-bay links are prohibited. However, Long ago we came to the conclusion that e-bay links would be prohibited and the TOS has not been updated to reflect that. There are many reasons why we do not allow those links. We have no way of knowing whether an e-bay link is a commercial venture or not without investigating each and everyone of them. Our staff is not large enough to do that.


"However, links for the sole purpose of marketing,
generating traffic to a site, or any other commercial advertisement deemed to solicit commercial benefit are not allowed."

It is fine for a poster to mention an article on e-bay with enough information that an interested part can do an e-bay search to find it.

We have beat this issue to death in the past- anyone interested in the details can do an advanced search of the SMC archives.

We will continue to prohibit direct links to any public auctions including e-bay.


Rob Russell
05-24-2006, 1:06 PM

I know the topic has been discussed many time before. I don't have a problemwith Ebay links being prohibited. Frankly, I think it's a good idea. Those listings are transient in nature, so 6 months from now even if the listing had something of very general interest to people, it wouldn't be there anymore.

It would be nice of the TOS were updated to specifically prohibit Ebay links for new folks that join SMC. That's the rule that gets enforced, so why not make it clear in the TOS that "them's the rules" rather than having these repetitive discussions about unposted rules?

Ken Salisbury
05-24-2006, 1:17 PM

It would be nice of the TOS were updated to specifically prohibit Ebay links for new folks that join SMC. That's the rule that gets enforced, so why not make it clear in the TOS that "them's the rules" rather than having these repetitive discussions about unposted rules?

Keith has a full plate at the moment. He will get around to it when he can.

Dev Emch
05-24-2006, 1:23 PM
Russ has an excellent point. Ebay links are by their own definition potential dangling pointers. Ephemerol by nature, these links would remain in the SMC archives and render older posts of little value. This is esp. true of photos. If someone is talking about a potential item, it may be best for the continuity of the SMC archives to copy the picutres and post them in the SMC with reference to their source. As long as you acknowlege where they came from you should be O.K.

But this issue has greater and more significant ramifications as I now understand it. Thanks Ken for bringing this matter to my own attention. I thought this was just something geared at Ebay listings, etc. but it turns out it has a much broader definition. A definition that encompasses much more than just ebay listings. For example, URL posts to the Grizzly site would be equally offensive and thus prohibited. So we will work to help you in policing these issues.
