View Full Version : Corel... Prepare for service bureau

Shaddy Dedmore
05-23-2006, 3:45 AM
Looks like if you want to supply a CDR and copy all the fonts used, you can use this feature, click on File ==> Prepare for service bureau and follow the wizard.

I have Version x3, not sure if it's new or not, i just saw someone mention this elsewhere. I'm always getting files where I don't have the right font, this will copy your font into some directory for you where it's easier to send all at once.

Note, make sure the fonts are transferable, as some aren't supposed to be freely distributed.

Of course, you can just convert the fonts to curves, but then it's not editable.


Brent Vander Weil
05-23-2006, 11:29 AM
CorelDraw 12 has the feature also... I just started Corel about a week ago so I didn't even know what it was for... Learned something new :-) Thanks :-)

Michael McDuffie
05-23-2006, 11:42 AM
If you click open options on the file save dialog box, you'll see a check box for "embed fonts using TrueDoc". I can't find a reference to TrueDoc in help so I'm not sure what it means.
