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View Full Version : Strike 2 for the week

David Mueller
05-20-2006, 12:44 AM
Well, while waiting for UPS to come and pick-up my damaged Lee Valley legs, I'd thought I'd try and install a zero clearance I bought on sale from Grizzly for my G5959z saw. I'll let you look at the picture and see if you can guess the problem. A little mental quiz if you are up to it. Hint, bottoms up. :eek:


Donald Van Slambrook
05-20-2006, 1:00 AM
It looks like the table needs to be moved left in order to center the blade in the slot...and to enable a zero clearance insert that isn't way off center too....or maybe I don't know anything about that saw.

Larry Cooke
05-20-2006, 1:18 AM
It looks like the wrong insert to me. Of course it could be the pic...


Jack Ferrell
05-20-2006, 2:15 AM
Looks like the levelers are on the up side instead of down. Blade was brought up while insert was installed wrong side down?

Howard Rosenberg
05-20-2006, 9:37 AM
JUst Send it back - you shouldn't have to modify an insert.

My 2C.


Jeff Horton
05-20-2006, 9:47 AM
Hey were woodworkers. Send that one back. Grab some plywood and make your own and pocket the money. :) Thats what I do.

David Mueller
05-20-2006, 10:37 AM
more hints? The saw blade is in it's proper place. The insert has never been installed on the saw. All slots etc. came precut. It's the proper insert by label and oh well, I'll fess up, it looks like they cut it upside down and exchanged left for right with their template. I sent this pic to tech support to see their thoughts before I return. I was buying some other stuff and saw this on sale and thought I'll try one. I'll make others but if this one works out it will be my master template. The std cast iron plate is notched on the left for the blade and not continous all the way around.

IF you didn't notice, you'll see the start of my Shark Guard splitter and cover. Lee is working his tail off to get me setup. Since this is a 12" saw everything has to be stretched. Maybe he can call it the mega mouth Shark guard. Lee's one stand up guy, but we all know that.

David Mueller
05-20-2006, 3:11 PM
Problem solved, email from Grizzly.

"We appreciate your interest in our products. There was an error in
the 2006 catalog. The H0629 Zero Clearance Insert does not fit the
G5959Z Table Saw. We can set up a return to get the item back for
a refund. Please email to advise and include a copy of this email
with your reply. I do apologize for any inconvenience this may

I wish I had last years catalog to check if the PN was the same then. It's not only the catalog but the label on the part and the instructions that are wrong.

Richard Wolf
05-20-2006, 3:17 PM
The 2005 cat. also lists the H0629 as the insert for the G5959Z saw.


David Mueller
05-20-2006, 5:14 PM
Thanks Richard, I thought that # looked familiar.

glenn bradley
05-20-2006, 8:16 PM
Easy fix. Install your dado blade and set for 1/4". Install insert, raise dado BUT, not far enough to go through the ZCI. Remove dado, install favorite blade which should now have sufficient clearance, raise favorite blade and enjoy!

Don Selke
05-20-2006, 9:16 PM
Excellent idea Glen: I do that whenever I make a new insert for my table saw. It works great for me.

David Mueller
05-20-2006, 9:41 PM
Easy fix. Install your dado blade and set for 1/4". Install insert, raise dado BUT, not far enough to go through the ZCI. Remove dado, install favorite blade which should now have sufficient clearance, raise favorite blade and enjoy!

I hear ya but I'd rather return and not pay for something thats not ment for the saw. I'd planned on making some others anyway for different blade heights. I'll just use the money I get back on their insert to buy wood to make my own. It was just a lark purchase anyway.