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Raymond Overman
05-19-2006, 12:19 AM
Well, maybe. It's more like presented in an advert. I donated one of my pieces to the Friends of the Library in Mecklenburg County (Charlotte, NC) and they've been using it in their adverts for an event that is going on tomorrow night.

My wife and I are attending a reception where one of my pieces will be auctioned in a silent auction along with some other items. I'm looking forward to seeing the result.

Here's a copy (http://www.plcmc.org/inthenews/cio2006_05.pdf) of the newsletter from this month. a picture of the piece is right on the front and on the first page. I'm sure you'll recognize it as one of the pieces I've posted here. I'll have to find out how the newsletter was distributed since I don't live in Mecklenburg and didn't get one.

Barry Stratton
05-19-2006, 2:22 AM
CONGRATS Raymond, that is GREAT!!!

Jim Dunn
05-19-2006, 7:23 AM
Not only are you published but they referred to you as an artist. Gonna have to get one of those beret's and sipp coffee with you pinky up:eek::eek::D Great looking work.:)

Raymond Overman
05-19-2006, 7:35 AM
Not only are you published but they referred to you as an artist. Gonna have to get one of those beret's and sipp coffee with you pinky up:eek::eek::D Great looking work.:)

I was thinking more along the lines of growing my hair into a wild, unkempt bush, dressing in all black, wait tables during the day, and move into a loft in the city while leaving all the corporate world behind and adopting liberal views of everything that suits my purpose while ignoring those that don't. I can also stop drinking PBR and start having a glass of cabernet instead. Cool people like Andy Hoyt (or is that supposed to be Andy Warhol?) will want to hang out with me immediately. :cool:

Michael Stafford
05-19-2006, 7:39 AM
Cool people like Andy Hoyt (or is that supposed to be Andy Warhol?) will want to hang out with me immediately. :cool:

Ahem, Mama told me you are known by the company you keep.......:eek: :p :D

Christopher K. Hartley
05-19-2006, 7:39 AM
Congrats Raymond, we're proud of you! Great PR.

Andy Hoyt
05-19-2006, 7:43 AM
Pabst Blue Ribbon beats a cab any day of the week.

I'm not cool - but I do drink Schlitz, Reingold, Anchor Steam and Prinz Brau

Warhol stole all my ideas.

Mark Cothren
05-19-2006, 7:49 AM
Congrats Raymond! Good luck in the silent auction - hope it brings lots of cashola for the library.

Travis Stinson
05-19-2006, 8:27 AM
That's cool Raymond.:cool: Good luck with the auction. I donated a piece to the Relay for Life auction, that was a lot of fun to witness.

Ken Fitzgerald
05-19-2006, 8:29 AM
Congrats Raymond! Neat PR...........As far as hanging with Andy?.........I don't know.........:confused: And Andy........can you still buy Schlitz?.........I haven't seen it in years......

Corey Hallagan
05-19-2006, 8:46 AM
Congrats Raymound!! Nice job.


Raymond Overman
05-19-2006, 10:56 AM
Pabst Blue Ribbon beats a cab any day of the week.

I'm not cool - but I do drink Schlitz, Reingold, Anchor Steam and Prinz Brau

From what I've heard around the Artsy circles that I'm now a member of apparently, Schlitz is the new chardonnay. Tells you a little about the arts in our area huh?

You're right about the PBR when it comes to a long hot day of chainsaw work or turning. It definitely beats a cab.

Dennis Peacock
05-19-2006, 11:04 AM
Congrats Raymond!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You did Good.!:D

John Miliunas
05-19-2006, 2:29 PM
Way cool, Raymond! Of course, for those of us following the work you do, this comes as little of a surprise! :D Great job and I'm sure it will bring a handsome bid and one lucky winner will go off with a wonderful piece of art! :) And speaking thereof, I assume we must now start to refer to your shop as a "studio", correct? :confused: :D :cool:

Andy Hoyt
05-19-2006, 2:37 PM
Come to think of it, you're right Ken. Seem to recall that Schlitz went taps up a while or three ago. Same for Prinz Brau and Reingold. Sadly Schaefer is gone as well.

When Anchor Steam goes - so do I.

Bernie Weishapl
05-19-2006, 10:46 PM
Congrat Raymond. That is great. Nice PR.

Raymond Overman
05-19-2006, 11:32 PM
Well, I most likely can't get away with just slinking off in the corner. Someone will want an update.

Unfortunately, this evenings reception for Friends of the Library wasn't very productive. Out of 400 invitations and two or three ads in local publications, about 25 people showed up this evening and none of them were interested in my piece.

The auction consisted of about 15 items ranging from hats signed by Nascar drivers and tours of an Nascar engine building shop to hand knitted baby quilts, one piece of pottery, a nice bottle of wine and some manicure/pedicure gift certificates.

They had a book sale with $1 and $2 books which the 25 people who showed up scavanged through madly, picked up boxes of books, paid, and then mingled around the horsederver platters with slight glances at the silent auction pieces.

My understanding is that they will continue the auction through tomorrow when they are going to have a BBQ/Bakesale and continue the book sale. This wasn't the original plan but with the low response tonight I think they are going to extend it.

Needless to say I'm a little disheartned at the response. Maybe it will have better luck tomorrow.