View Full Version : Garden Furniture (photos)

Roger Los
05-18-2006, 11:57 PM
I rashly promised my mother and my mother-in-law, who both live in the same town and are great friends, a wheeled garden bench for mother's day. I found a plan in an English book on garden furniture and the all-butt-joint construction certainly suits my front porch workspace. However, because standard pieces of lumber come in "odd" sizes in England, I had to do some fiddling with the design once I actually started building.

I spent about twelve hours building the two benches...two hours on the chop saw, three hours with a jig saw (32 boards needed curves cut, from simple to relatively complex, for me), and about five hours assembling...though the second bench took half the time that the first one did.

One irritating thing is that I used their material list and simply doubled it. I either made a huge mistake or they allowed for a staggering amount of waste, I have enough left over to build a third!

Here's the raw materials for one bench, cut to size and shaped:


And here's a single bench:


And of course, here's the set, one per mom:


I think they cost about $150 apiece to build out of western red cedar. If I was less pressed for time at the moment I would have done a smarter job ensuring all the screwheads aligned, along with pre-drilling all the screw holes, but I just used stainless deck screws directly...not too many splits, thankfully.

Helen Gee
05-19-2006, 1:16 AM
that is way cool with the wheels. How does it feel when you are pushing it along grass and concrete? I'd be worried about it hitting a bump and maybe breaking after some time?

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
05-19-2006, 1:51 AM
Those look really great, I'm sure they will be thrilled!

Did you finish them?

Nice looking yard as well!


Roger Los
05-19-2006, 2:12 AM
Helen, the wheels actually feel pretty durable. They're 8" wheels and there is a half inch of clearance under the front legs, though that could certainly be increased as the axle is 3 3/4" off the ground. I wheeled them around a bit and I think they'd last awhile. However, I think smooth lawns, gravel drives and patios are their natural habitat, you wouldn't want to try and wheel them over really rough ground.

I did not use any glue but a waterproof glue used on this design along with the screws would probably never see it fall apart, all of the screw joints are long-grain to long-grain.

Edited to add: Stu, I did not finish them. Both recipients have very strong ideas on what looks good in their gardens. I'm hoping that my mother won't paint them with a solid color, but that's her call.

Ken Garlock
05-19-2006, 10:31 AM
Very nice job, Roger. I like the center table, something I would never have thought of.:cool:

Mark Patoka
05-19-2006, 11:37 AM
Very nice looking. I see some backyard lawn chair racing in your future. Great event at family gatherings!

Nissim Avrahami
05-19-2006, 5:14 PM
Great looking, irregular design and very nice work.

I would make a hole for the parasol, in the armrest between the seats.


Roger Los
05-19-2006, 7:42 PM
Nissim, actually, that's a great idea. I'll mention it!

I delivered them today, the moms were suitably thrilled. And it was fun making a gift rather than buying one.

Per Swenson
05-19-2006, 7:58 PM

Those are so cool.

Alas, I could never make them.

I would spend the rest of my days doing

wheel barrow/ rickshaw duty.

"Good morning Per, feeling fit today?"
"Would you be so kind as to give us a roll to the Rotary meeting?"

I really do like those though.
