View Full Version : Possible Phase III Steal and Swap Draw Poll (Jim Dunn Steal)

Christopher K. Hartley
05-16-2006, 7:58 PM
Question is How many would like a "QUICK" down and dirty draw to have 4 chances to steal and swap? It would work like this:

1. I would ask a non participant to pick 4 numbers between 1 and 21 and ask them to not reveal them.

2. Everyone who wanted to, would submit a number between 1 and 21

3. The first four people to guess one of the numbers that our Holder had pulled would gain a free steal and swap. If no one guessed, no steal and swap would happen. If only 1, 2, or 3 guessed then only those guessing would steal and swap.

4. After this we would mail our wood and start spinning.

This is in your hands. it will take 11 votes to gain this phase of the event.:confused: Only participants please!

Jeff Horton
05-16-2006, 8:24 PM
I voted no because we have all had out chance at that. Who ever ended up the sasafrass for example thinks they have it. Now to let someone steal it from them wouldn't be fair. At least I don't think it would.

I would have liked to have had that piece of wood. If I did have it now and it was taken, I wouldn't be mad but I wouldn't like it.

Don't change the rules midstream! That's my opinion FWIW.

Christopher K. Hartley
05-16-2006, 8:31 PM
I voted no because we have all had out chance at that. Who ever ended up the sasafrass for example thinks they have it. Now to let someone steal it from them wouldn't be fair. At least I don't think it would.

I would have liked to have had that piece of wood. If I did have it now and it was taken, I wouldn't be mad but I wouldn't like it.

Don't change the rules midstream! That's my opinion FWIW.

Dead wood would remain dead. Not a rule change just an add-on. Thanks for your input.

Christopher K. Hartley
05-17-2006, 6:38 AM
We won't drag this out, the trend is 100% no at this point so NO it is! By the rules there is one steal left for the first person who drew. Even though he had a steal when stolen from he has the choice comming. So, Jim Dunn If you wish you have a steal. should you steal then the person you steal from gets your current draw wood. Please let us know your choice.

Tyler Howell
05-17-2006, 4:34 PM
What:confused: :confused:
That must be that Spin Crack talk:confused: