View Full Version : Turning Co-op

Curt Fuller
05-13-2006, 10:48 PM
I'm not sure if this is the right forum to ask this but...
Reading KC's question about what to do with all the things you've made reminded me of a proposal I was going to make at my next turning club meeting. A nearby town hosts a small farmers and artists market on saturdays during the summer months http://www.ogdencity.com/ace.farmers.html
I've thought about setting up a table of woodturnings but don't know if I'd have enough to make it worth it. But I thought of proposing a co-op of turners in our club to see if they wood be interested. Anyone who wanted could add their work and members would take a turn at manning the booth on different weekends. Has anyone ever done anything like this?

Christopher K. Hartley
05-13-2006, 10:52 PM
Curt, I think it's a great idea I wish we could do something like that here. Go for it. I'll just bet lots of folks would love to see and buy your stuff.

Bruce Shiverdecker
05-14-2006, 12:19 AM
Hey Curt. Some personal info here. Two years ago, Peoria started a new farmers market on Saturday mornings. I had a booth there, demonstrating and collecting donations for the FPP. The first year, there were 14-16 product venders and 3-4 artists. Last year an additional 10-12 artists joined us. This year they are expecting all 85 booths filled ( Mostly Artists).

The first year, people did not expect ART Quality items for sale and didn't bring much money with them, but last year, there were more customers looking for ART and they brought more money with them. I bought a booth for the year, this year, and expect it to pay for itself.

Whether or not yours will be a win is hard to say. Have artists set up there, before? If not, it could be a little slim the first year.


John Hart
05-14-2006, 7:14 AM
I've been thinking heavily about this lately Curt...and I think it would be a success. If you consider that most people have their own style...a booth with contributions from many people would bring a wonderful variety that would cause visitors to linger longer.