View Full Version : Did they send the correct Incra fence?

Rich Person
05-13-2006, 4:55 PM
Can anyone tell me how I could now if I have an extruded or machined Incra fence? I'm not sure Woodpeckers sent me the correct one.

I was assembling my new Incra TS-LS fence and noticed Woodpeckers sent the wrong instructions (TS-III). I called them and they said the TS-III instructions were pretty much the same, but I could download the correct ones from the site. This is fine, but I should have checked further. So I have the rails installed and am getting ready to attach the positioner base. The mounting packet included six screws, when the TS-LS requires eight; the screws were also too long. I checked the TS-III manual, and sure enough it is a TS-III mounting kit. So I'm kind of stuck until I get the correct set from Woodpeckers/Incra, or I go to the Borg and pick up a set of correct screws.

Since my package was obviously assembled in a mix and match type operation, I'm wondering if I have the correct fence? If I recall correctly, the TS-III fence is extruded and the TS-LS is machined. I want to make sure that they didn't slip me the wrong fence in addition to the instructions and mounting hardware.

Per Swenson
05-13-2006, 5:35 PM

I can't tell from here if they made a mistake.

But I can tell you this, Woodpeckers customer service

is one step above out standing. Give em a call on monday

and they will bend over backwards to rectify any issues.

I am speaking from experience with no affiliation, blah, blah.


Ken Garlock
05-13-2006, 7:02 PM
Well, Rich, let me give you a description of my LS fence.

The fence appears to me to be extruded as I see no machining marks and all the "T-tracks" are absolutely smooth.

The backside has two T-tracks. the top track is used to hold the fence to the positioning mechanism. The bottom is used for attaching the 'end hold-downs', one at each end. The hold-downs are used to tighten the fence to the guide rail after the correct position has be set. These are additional support for the positioner that can pretty much hold its own without them.

The top has two T-tracks and can be used as you wish.

The front has extremely small serration's, so fine that when you run your finger along it quickly, you can hear a musical tone. The fence front also has one T-track.

The total length of the fence is exactly 36 inches, plus thin black plastic end-caps.

The bolts used to attach the fence to the positioner are 1/2 inch long cap screws that requires an Allen wrench to tighten. The nut in the T-track is a plain old (stove bolt) square nut that just fits in the track.

IF you can match up to my description, you are OK. I would go back and redo the inventory to be sure you have identified all the bolts correctly. You may not believe this, but I have been known to make mistakes by installing the wrong bolt.:o ;)

My LS is going on 3 years old, so it is very possible that the Incra people have made some changes. When I got my unit, it installed with no problem at all.

Good luck.

John Wilson
05-13-2006, 8:15 PM
I just installed a TS-LS system about two months ago and my fence is exactly as described by Ken. I was missing some of the correct bolts in my install but with an email woodpecker sent the remaining hardware. This is the second system that I've owned and I must say that the response was not as quick as with the first system (missing hardware then to) but they do make things right. I think that there is a QC problem in the packaging department in Texas because missing and incorrect hardware seems to be an on-going problem. You'll love the TS-LS system though when you get everything set up.

Rich Person
05-14-2006, 10:20 PM
I still can't really tell, but I guess it doesn't really matter. I just remember a while back reading that one advantage to the LS system was the machined face on the fence. Mine looks the same on all four side, and looks strait, but looks extruded, not machined.

I'll contact Woodpeckers on Monday to get the missing parts. Unfortunately I also have other business as I ordered a leg set (blue) for the extension table, but is doesn't work with the 30" top on my SawStop, so I guess that is going back. It would have been nice if they would have caught that when I ordered the 30" router table and the 30" custom Incra fence. Oh well.

Rich Person
05-31-2006, 11:53 PM
Update: My original fence was bowed, so I had them send me a new one. Here is a picture of the two side by side:

Notice a difference? This clearly answers my question at the beginning of this thread. The fence on the right is the original (extruded, bowed) the fence on the left is clearly machined (and is flat). I can't find anything on the Incra or Woodpeckers site that states the LS fence is supposed to be machined, but in my case it did make a big difference. Just thought I would pass this along.

Mike Goetzke
06-01-2006, 8:56 AM
WOW - even looks like a change in material ( the right one looks like some iron).

Bryan Hunt
06-01-2006, 9:08 AM
Rich, thanks for the update. I ordered a TS-LS system from Woodpeckers yesterday and now I know to check for a machined fence.


Rich Person
06-01-2006, 11:34 AM
The good news for me out of this is the replacement fence is also longer than the original, so I now have an 48" fence to go with my 30" top. Even I should be able to cut strait now.

Bryan Hunt
06-01-2006, 2:33 PM
Just noticed that you have a SawStop. I was in Woodcraft the other day with the wife and they had one sitting on the floor. She almost had to take my wallet away and wipe the drool from my face. :D
