View Full Version : A Pear & a question

05-12-2006, 7:22 PM
Hi guys, a newbie to the site & I have a question.

Where in the world do you keep all you bowls? I have given away more than I can count, my mantle is full, & so is every table in my house. As you can see by one of the attached photos, I no long use my dining room table for its intended purpose.
Along with that image is a natural edge Pear I just finished.

thanks for looking



Lee DeRaud
05-12-2006, 7:35 PM
I'm saving that picture to use when Andy Hoyt asks me, "When are you going to buy a bigger lathe?":cool:

Christopher K. Hartley
05-12-2006, 7:51 PM
KC, you've got some nice stuff there.:eek: Maybe you need to have a show. Welcome to the CreeK!

RL Johnson
05-12-2006, 7:54 PM
Each year there is a drive by the food bank to raise money. The turners in my club donate their bowls to the empty bowls(sign of hunger) effort along with the potters in the area. It is a good cause and help the local area. You may wish to find something similiar in your area.

Travis Stinson
05-12-2006, 8:26 PM
Welcome aboard KC. That's some very nice work.:cool:

David Fried
05-12-2006, 8:29 PM
I haven't filled the mantle yet but I visited a local turner who had some nice floor-to-ceiling shelving displaying his work in his living room. He was able to nicely display a fair number of pieces.

Corey Hallagan
05-12-2006, 8:36 PM
Welcome and wow, that is a bunch. I don't turn bowls but I am turning other things that will soon start to stack up! Keep your favorites and gift the rest!


05-12-2006, 8:44 PM
Well Sir I think you have a very terrible infestation of turnings!

I dont think there is a spray for it either! :)

I love that pear natural very nice.great work!


Curt Fuller
05-12-2006, 8:55 PM
Hey KC, that's a nice collection of work. I have sort of an opposite problem in that I have a hard time wanting to give away or sell things I've made. I do give quite a few things to my family, kids in particular, I guess because I know where it is that way. In fact they have a distinct eye roll type look they get when I get out one of my latest creations and you can read the "oh no, what's the goofy old geezer going to give us this time" in their eyes.

David Klug
05-12-2006, 10:16 PM
I don't know KC but I think I would have a yard sale.


Mark Cothren
05-12-2006, 11:03 PM
Welcome KC! That's very nice work you have there - quite a variety!!!

Ken Fitzgerald
05-12-2006, 11:09 PM
Welcome to the Creek KC! Nice collection!

Rich Stewart
05-13-2006, 1:33 AM
If you decide to try to sell some of it I will give you this advise. Stay away from flea markets. Look for craft sales. I took some of my early stuff that was taking up space to a flea market last week end. Although the stuff wasn't great I felt it was worth more that what people at the flea market wanted to pay. They want to get everything for 50 cents. I was set up next to a lady who did silk flower arrangements and she told me that she had been to craft sales where the two or three guys she had run into who turned wood had done very well. She does lots of craft sales and says turned wood items are fairly rare. Nice stuff you got there, BTW.

Henry C. Gernhardt, III
05-13-2006, 3:16 AM

That's a pretty looking bunch of work there---I especially like the item which looks like a parquet platter.

I agree with the craft sale idea. Although I've never been to one, I know that's where I'd start were I trying to sell my work (which won't be for quite some time, I'm sure), and if I had as many nice looking peices as you, I would be selling a few. I think my wife would insist.

Good luck!

Vaughn McMillan
05-13-2006, 4:57 AM
KC, looks like you've got the disease real bad. We're talking chronic turneritis here. :eek: Coming here for turning advice is like going to Vegas to get help for your gambling habit.

That's a very impressive bunch of bowls you've got. Very nice work, and quite the way to introduce yourself to the gang here. As David mentioned, looks like it might be time for some tall shelves to show off all your goodies.

- Vaughn

John Hart
05-13-2006, 6:48 AM
Welcome KC!!!! Looks like the vortex has had you for quite a while. :) Nice looking collection! I sorta have the same problem. Everything I've made has either been given away or I've kept it.....on every horizontal surface in the house. I might sell something some day.....maybe.:o

05-13-2006, 7:13 AM
.....on every horizontal surface in the house. I might sell something some day.....maybe.:o

Boy, is this ever the truth....

Glenn Hodges
05-13-2006, 4:28 PM
KC get yourself one of those 10 X12 ft. metal buildings and put some shelves in it like I did. I call it my bowl store. The word will get around you sell bowls. Carry a portfolio with you and show your work to anyone remotly interested, in other words always sell yourself. Try an arts and craft show, they are fun and can be profitable, but do no sell your work to cheap because you will devalue your work and your friends work. To get an idea about prices go to some of the internet sites, and visit art and craft shows. Make or buy some business cards, use them...also take these hints with a grain of salt or try some of them. I only mean to be helpful.

Ken Salisbury
05-14-2006, 2:49 PM
In order to be a boni fide member of Sawmill Creek the Terms of Service (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/terms.php) require you to use a real first and last name. Please PM Jackie Outten (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/private.php?do=newpm&u=6) with that information and she will update your registration to reflect your real name.


Kurt Forbes
05-15-2006, 12:08 PM
It is good to have a favorite charity with a silent auction.
Most of the stuff I turn goes to the silent auction I hold every year for travel expenses for The club I sponsor at school (The Technology Students Association). They usually need several thousand every year for travel expenses, so I can get rid of my excess stoppers pens and bowls that way.

Andy Hoyt
05-15-2006, 1:19 PM
I'm saving that picture to use when Andy Hoyt asks me, "When are you going to buy a bigger lathe?":cool: Hey Lee! When are you going to buy a bigger lathe?:cool:

Lee DeRaud
05-15-2006, 3:08 PM
Hey Lee! When are you going to buy a bigger lathe?:cool:Scroll up to post #1. :p

Before I buy a bigger lathe, I'd have to buy a bigger house. :eek:

Andy Hoyt
05-15-2006, 5:08 PM
Scroll up to post #1. :p

Before I buy a bigger lathe, I'd have to buy a bigger house. :eek: Nah - just more tables and mantles.

Bruce Shiverdecker
05-15-2006, 6:38 PM
KC....................Definitely time to SELL....................SELL.....................S ell some of those Wonderful pieces!!!! That way, you can get more TOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't forget to price them at what they are worth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Meaning, of course, please Don't under price your Talents!
