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View Full Version : Resawing Poplar *pics*

Paul Kunkel
02-22-2003, 3:53 PM
I spent 4 hours yesterday resawing 100 bf of 5/4 Poplar for drawer stock for a clients kitchen project and thought I'd post some pics of the process. First the resaw setup

Paul Kunkel
02-22-2003, 3:55 PM
and from the other side. make sure everything is square and draw a line down the center to follow

Paul Kunkel
02-22-2003, 3:57 PM
feed the wood at a steady smooth rate and you can get a cut that requires little sanding

Paul Kunkel
02-22-2003, 3:59 PM
next, I ran it through the sander & thickness to 1/2"

Paul Kunkel
02-22-2003, 4:02 PM
Here's the stack of 100 bf of Poplar. It needs a final pass through the sander before I dadoe the groove for the drawer bottoms. I hope you enjoyed this little slide show. Wish I could put it all in one post!

Phil Phelps
02-22-2003, 4:14 PM
You're havin' more fun than the law allows. :p Aside from the "P" breaks, how long did it take you to re-saw, only? Nice stack of lumber. :)

Paul Kunkel
02-22-2003, 4:30 PM
I dunno, maybe 1/2 that. I first feed the fire, cut the 12 footers in half, then joint an edge, feed the fire, tablesaw to minimum width, feed the fire, draw the line, and I ready to go.

Howard Barlow
02-22-2003, 4:59 PM
Hey, Paul, nice work. Did you have any problem with cupping or warping? Did you plane both sides or just the cut side?

Paul Kunkel
02-22-2003, 7:18 PM
Well, some of the 8-12" stuff cupped a little but I started out at 1 3/8" so most pieces lost saw marks at 9/16 and I had room to sand the other side flat. This wood was running near 7% so I didn't expect much movement. At $1.40 a bd ft, I can afford to lose a little!

Jim Young
02-22-2003, 7:40 PM
Paul, Out of curiosity, why did you put the fence on the outside of the bandsaw? I would think that makes it harder to work with the pieces by getting in the way.

Paul Kunkel
02-22-2003, 8:25 PM
Originally posted by Jim Young
Paul, Out of curiosity, why did you put the fence on the outside of the bandsaw? I would think that makes it harder to work with the pieces by getting in the way.
:D It was easyier to clamp there and I've got a featherboard on the other side. I find I push better with my right hand and guide with my left, so......Whatever floats your boat. I wasn't trying to say that everybody that resaws should setup that way, but as a suggestion of what works very well for me.

Ken Wright
02-22-2003, 9:04 PM
I needed to see that setup .... need to run some pecan that I've been putting off.

Lincoln Myers
02-22-2003, 10:37 PM
Great Post Thanks. I always like seeing setup and progress pics like this.

John Miliunas
02-22-2003, 10:56 PM
So I'm no pro at resawing or anything like that, but me thinks you may have a step or two to fill in before getting to where Paul is at?! (LOL) [Sorry, couldn't resist.]

Paul, nice job and nice price on the Poplar!:D

Howard Rosenberg
02-22-2003, 11:24 PM
Thanks for the informative pic-run. I plan on re-sawing some mahogany this summer & you just gave me a couple of ideas. All the best. Howard

Ken Wright
02-23-2003, 6:54 AM
Guess I'll have to post a pic of my bandsaw

John Miliunas
02-23-2003, 1:18 PM
Originally posted by Ken Wright
Guess I'll have to post a pic of my bandsaw

Ken, I'd *love* to see it! Bet it's one monstrous mo-chine! :D