View Full Version : I almost fell over!

Julio Navarro
05-12-2006, 3:36 PM
I needed a sheet of steel to make a transition for my cyclone so I went to trhe place where I got the sheet metal for the cyclone initialy. Its a kitchen vent equipment manufacturer and installer not far from where I work. Its a small shop run by a the nicest guy, aptly named 'Buddy'

He gives me all the scrap steel he would other wise throw out. I looked around for a scrap peice of about 4'x4' 24-28 gau but found none so I asked him if he would sell me a spare peice. He sold it to me for 15 bucks!!! 48x48 28ga. The borgs sell a 24x36 24 for $30 some!

But thats not what almost knocked me over...

He took me to the back where he keeps his material and on a table in a dusty grimmy corner was a table abouty 24x48 pilled high with Baldor, Lesson and Dayton motors!!! Almost brand new!

He takes them off of the hoods and fans and blowers he repalces and just THROWS THEM OUT!!! He cant re install them cos they are used so he chucks them,...needless to say I will talk to him to buy them or at least the best looking ones.

Atleast 30 1 to 5 hp motors, I saw perhaps 5 Baldor and 2 Lessons.

They are all 3 phase but definately salvagable.

I cant waite till Monday. If I can scrape up maybe 500 bucks I'll see if he will sell me the lot.

He also offered me a "small" 4' break he no longer uses...this is when I had the heart attack. Or was it after he told me I was welcome to come and use his spot welder if I ever needed to weld anything...I forget, the whole visit is still blurry!

Todd Davidson
05-12-2006, 3:51 PM
Right on Julio! Gotta love that good Karma! I recently met a local fella when I went with a buddy to pick up a rototiller the fella was selling. This fella had a portable mill and kiln on his property so I made a great new connection. Good luck with the motors!

In peace, Todd

Allen Bookout
05-12-2006, 3:59 PM
It must be great to know a guy named "Buddy". I am going to start looking around for one. Allen

05-13-2006, 12:45 AM
One of the reasons used 3 phase motors are so cheap is that there is a very limited market for them. Companies that use 3 phase can't be bothered to save a few bucks on used and hobby guys who buy used generally can't use 3 phase.

Fred. Mc.

Brian Lindenlaub
05-13-2006, 2:17 AM
One thing to watch for with fan and blower motors . . . some of them are designed to be installed in the airstream of the fan. They use the moving air for cooling. They will run hot in other applications (although I have been using an evaporative cooler motor on a grinder for several years, and it's held up OK so far).
