View Full Version : Hope Yall Been Having Fun.....

Mike Ramsey
05-12-2006, 9:14 AM
The last time I got to do any turning was Wed the 4th :( , came
down with a summer cold and got into my chest, so I had to
stay away from my lathe until I felt better.....sure has been
HARD on me! Yesterday I came home from work feeling great
and couldn't wait to get to the shop to make something round!
When I walked into the house my wife looks at me and says...
looks like you are feeling better & I said Yep & she said where
are you going......& I said I'm going to the shop...& then she
said...did you notice the knee high grass as you walked up
the side walk? Didn't do me any good at all to throw that
fit, after I got up from the floor from kicking & screaming I
went & mowed the grass :mad: . To much going on today
and tomorrow so maybe late Sunday I will get to spin something..:( .

Steve Hayes
05-12-2006, 9:36 AM
Tell your wife that the shavings you make on the lathe are for the lawn. It will help it stay green, then give her the Visa and say "Honey, you need to go to the mall and have a shopping spree!!!"

Daniel Heine
05-12-2006, 9:48 AM

I know the feeling. My wife thinks I'm nuts, but I love it in July/August here in Chicago when it's hot and dry, and the grass turns brown and stops growing, because then I don't have to mow it!!!!

I cam ehome MOnday night from work with plans to work on my new lathe. I wasn't in the house 2 minutes, and my wofe announced, "Don't even think of going out in that garage tonight, were re-arranging the family room" OOOOGGGGGHHHH.

They just don't understand!!!

Happy Turning,
Dan heine

Rich Stewart
05-12-2006, 10:19 AM
Tell 'em you're hungry and in the mood for LOVE. They will SEND you to the workshop.

Christopher K. Hartley
05-12-2006, 11:08 AM
Tell 'em you're hungry and in the mood for LOVE. They will SEND you to the workshop.

Now here's a man that knows how to "Manage Up"! Mike, here's to a great spinny weekend!

Mike Ramsey
05-12-2006, 11:21 AM
Tell 'em you're hungry and in the mood for LOVE. They will SEND you to the workshop.

I tried that!! She said.....go mow the grass! Tomorrow morning
is my monthly turners meeting so I will get to associate with fellow
turners at least for a couple of hours. I had planned on sneaking
some lathe time in on our presidents 2436 Oneway but....again
she announced she would be dropping me off & picking me up
because she needs to do some shopping for my son's senior
prom. Divorce is eminent!

Bernie Weishapl
05-12-2006, 11:23 AM
Ain't that the pits Mike. Well hopefully you will get some turning this weekend.

Keith Burns
05-12-2006, 4:06 PM
Mike, I know exactly what you mean and it is the pits ! But like the old saying, can't live with them, can't live without them, so what ya going to do???